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Attacks in Paris

You could just as well say that it's the touchy-feely BS that the US and the rest of the West has pulled that has led to the problems. Saddam had no problems with Islamists because they knew what would happen if they made a fuss. After Mother Russia laid all her love on Chechnya it has been relatively quiet on that front. In the end they got the message. The only message that we have broadcasted to terrorists and those who sympathize with them is that we are a benign and safe enemy.

As far as hearts and minds go, always remember Machiavelli's maxim that if you must choose between being loved and being feared you should choose being feared. Niccolo knew what he was talking about.

If you hold a society collectively responsible for the actions of its individual members that society will be incentivized to check unwanted behaviors. That, incidentally, is also the very foundation of Arab culture.

I was going to add:

Unfortunately we have a choice to make here. Either give up and surrender to the the part of them that wished to harm us, or defend ourselves against them even if we end up antagonizing the rest. There are no perfect solutions here, only ugly choices.
During the Soviet era the Russian captured Arab-terrorist relatives and kill them if the Arabs made a terrorist attack.

It is said that the terrorists in Lebanon kidnapped a Soviet diplomat once and never again because, it is said, the KGB found the family of the man responsible and made an example of it.
It is said that the terrorists in Lebanon kidnapped a Soviet diplomat once and never again because, it is said, the KGB found the family of the man responsible and made an example of it.

That proves that the Arabs have a weak point = their relatives
If you hold a society collectively responsible for the actions of its individual members that society will be incentivized to check unwanted behaviors. That, incidentally, is also the very foundation of Arab culture.

If you hold a society collectively responsible for the actions of it's individual members almost every person on Earth is deeply guilty of some great wrong. It's a stupid notion. Anybody that believes that might as well state everybody has the right to kill everybody else.

In any case there is a difference between being reasonably cautious, and having the broad concepts and decisions of a group or person ruled by fear. As an individual or as a group going through every second afraid the boogeyman (one that can never truly be defeated) is going to pop up and get you is no way to go through life. It's worse when fear throughout history has shown to make people act in profoundly stupid ways, have no forethought, and be able to commit great wrongdoing just to feel a little bit safer.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
During the Soviet era the Russian captured Arab-terrorist relatives and kill them if the Arabs made a terrorist attack.

During the Soviet era your mother would have been sterilized so the world would not be affected by your shitty posts.


Pucker Up Butter Cup.
You're right. You're never going to eradicate ISIS (muslims). But we can keep them thousands of miles away from us to host the liberal western bitches who like a real man who treats them like a "real" woman. Do what you want at home. Do what i want at mine.

I kinda like her idea.
And I agree, you will never change the enmity the islamic world has for the west until we submit. Or they no longer exist.

i would so rep you if i could you sexy thing you.

Turkish soccer fans boo a minute of silence for the Paris shooting victims then break out into a chant of "allahu akbar!"

This is from a country who is a NATO ally and 98% muslim.


stay classy you pieces of shit.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
And you're still a racist asshole idiot who thinks all Arabs are muslim or all muslims are Arab.


Official Checked Star Member
i would so rep you if i could you sexy thing you.

Turkish soccer fans boo a minute of silence for the Paris shooting victims then break out into a chant of "allahu akbar!"

This is from a country who is a NATO ally and 98% muslim.


stay classy you pieces of shit.

The do-gooders should explain to us how is it possible that tens of thousands of radical muslims got into the stadium. Because those people can't possibly be "moderate muslims" right?
We held the citizens of Hiroshima and Nagasaki responsible for the actions if their government. No I am not calling for the use of nuclear weapons. But when jihadists commit acts they should have to deal with the consequences of their actions. Sometimes that means the evil-doers bare responsibility for their own.
i would so rep you if i could you sexy thing you.

Turkish soccer fans boo a minute of silence for the Paris shooting victims then break out into a chant of "allahu akbar!"

This is from a country who is a NATO ally and 98% muslim.


stay classy you pieces of shit.

This is probably why France is invoking Article 42.7 in the Lisbon Treaty in response to the attacks and not Article 5 of the NATO treaty. They do not want to involve Turkey and its ruling Islamic, and anti-Assad and pro-ISIS, party in the war and the decision process. It is also a decision that will keep the USA and it Saudi allies out of the loop while enabling France and the EU to cooperate and coordinate more closely with Russia, China and Iran.

It would be prudent for Obama and Congress to sit down and rethink their priorities.

At least two dead in operation targeting suspected Paris attacks mastermind

Seven arrests made as woman blows herself up and man is killed by grenade during raid on apartment in St-Denis, north of Paris

At least two people have been killed and seven arrested during a major seven-hour police operation targeting the alleged mastermind of last week’s terror attacks in Paris.

A woman blew herself up by detonating an explosive vest, and a man was killed by a grenade during the raid on an apartment in St-Denis, north of Paris.

François Molins, the Paris public prosecutor, said the operation was launched after phone taps and surveillance led police to believe Abdel-Hamid Aba Oud, the suspected mastermind of the bloody wave of suicide bombings and shootings that left 129 people dead and more than 350 injured on Friday, might be in the apartment.

Citing police sources, French media reported that the woman who blew herself up was Aba Oud’s cousin. Authorities said they could not yet confirm the 27-year-old Belgian extremist, who moved to Syria in 2014 to fight with Isis but is known to have returned to Europe at least once since, had been in the flat.

Seven people were arrested during the raid, launched at 4.20am by more than 100 heavily armed anti-terrorist police and Swat teams. Three men were pulled half-naked from the apartment, on an upper floor of a block in the rue de Corbillon, and two more seized later while hiding in rubble inside the building. None has so far been identified.

The landlord of the apartment, identified as Jawad Bendaoud, and a female friend, were arrested in the street nearby. He told reporters before being led away that “a friend” had “asked me to put up two of his friends for a few days … I didn’t know they were terrorists.” The woman said the two visitors arrived “two days ago”.

Two of those arrested were taken to hospital.

President François Hollande held an emergency cabinet at the Élysée Palace to monitor the raid. Addressing a gathering of France’s mayors later in the day, he said Wednesday’s shootout had confirmed France was “in a war ... what these terrorists wanted to target was what France represents”.

“That’s what was attacked on 13 November. These barbarians targeted France in its diversity. It is the youth of France that was targeted, because quite simply it represents life.”

The French interior ministry said police had searched a further 118 addresses across the country under France’s state of emergency on Tuesday night, leading to 25 arrests and the seizure of 34 weapons. A total of 414 houses have been raided and 60 people detained since Sunday, with 120 more under house arrest.

Frightened St-Denis residents said they had been woken up soon after 4am. Fatima Bourahli, 26, wore a coat over her pyjamas as she stood in the street while the raid was under way. Soldiers in camouflage with automatic weapons crouched nearby.

“My daughter is six and she’s scared and confused,” she said. “The schools here are shut today, children are staying home. People are really scared and pretty tense. The government says we’re at war.”

Djamila Khaldi, a 54-year-old cleaner, lives near the famous Basilica of St-Denis, not far from the street targeted in the raid at the heart of the town’s historic centre.

“I was up before 4am because I had to drive my daughter to the airport,” she said. “I heard the shots and I just thought there must be some kind of standoff, terrorists must be hiding here.

“What can you say? Terrorism has come to St-Denis, the mood has changed and it will stay that way. People are distrustful, looking at each other. St-Denis will be labelled for this now. It’s a real shame.”

Wednesday’s operation came after a mobile phone, found in a dustbin near the Bataclan concert hall where 89 people died, was found with a map of the music venue targeted in one of the attacks. A text message on the phone sent at 9.42pm on Friday, as the Bataclan attack began, said: “Off we go, here we go again.”

Police were still hunting Salah Abdeslam, a French national living in Belgium, whose brother, Brahim, blew himself up in the Paris attacks, and an unidentified “ninth attacker” sought since Tuesday night.

The existence of a so-called “ninth attacker” was unknown to investigators until CCTV was found on Tuesday showing three men in a car – not two as previously believed – opening fire with assault rifles on patrons at two of the bars and restaurants that were among the targets of the Paris attacks.

Police had previously said that at least eight people were directly involved in the bloodshed: seven who died in the attacks, and Salah Abdeslam, who narrowly escaped arrest during a routine police control on Saturday morning, hours after the attack, near the Belgian border.

France and the rest of Europe remained on a high state of alert. In the US, two Air France flights en route to Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris were diverted because of anonymous bomb threats. Both were searched and later cleared for departure.

In Hanover, Germany, a football friendly between the national side and Holland was cancelled 90 minutes before kick-off on Tuesday night after what the German foreign minister, Thomas de Maizière, described as “concrete evidence” of a bomb plot emerged,

Germany’s chancellor, Angela Merkel, who was due to attend the match but was flown back to Berlin when the terror threat was announced, said on Wednesday it was the right decision to cancel the game.

“These are difficult decisions,” she said, “possibly the most difficult decisions, between freedom and security. But yesterday the decision was taken in favour of security, and that’s right.”

Police and justice officials have said the carefully planned series of attacks, the deadliest in France since the second world war, were carried out by a militant cell in Belgium in close contact with Islamic State in Syria, which was quick to claim responsibility for the killings as retaliation for French air raids in Syria and Iraq over the past year.

Two suspects being held in Brussels, Mohammed Amri, 27, and Hamza Attou, 21, have admitted driving to France to pick up Salah Abdeslam and bring him home to Molenbeek, a suburb of the Belgian capital long known as a hotbed of extremism, early on Saturday.

They are being held on charges of terrorist murder and conspiracy, with Belgian media reporting that traces of ammonium nitrate, a fertiliser that can be used to make explosives, were recovered from their homes.

Prosecutors have identified five of the seven attackers who died: four Frenchmen – Omar Ismaïl Mostefai, 29, Samy Amimour, 28, and Bilal Hadfi, 20, all of whom had recently spent time in Syria – and a foreigner who was fingerprinted in Greece last month and later claimed asylum in Serbia. He was carrying a Syrian passport, possibly fake, in the name of Ahmad Almohammad.

Hollande has called for a global coalition to defeat the jihadis and launched major airstrikes on Raqqa, the de facto Isis capital in northern Syria, on three successive nights, with 10 French warplanes again attacking two Islamic State command centres on Wednesday.

The aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle left the French naval port of Toulon on Wednesday morning for the eastern Mediterranean, where its presence will triple Fracne’s air strike capacity.

Russia has also intensified its attacks on Isis targets in Syria after it confirmed an earlier Isis claim that a bomb was responsible for the downing of a passenger airliner over Sinai last month, killing 224 people.

The Syrian Observatory for Human rights said on Wednesday that the combined French and Russian bombardments had killed 33 jihadis in the past 72 hours and the families of Isis fighters were fleeing Raqqa for the city of Mosul, which they believed to be safer.

Hollande is due to meet the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, in Moscow on 26 November, two days after flying to Washington to meet the US president, Barack Obama, to strengthen the countries’ cooperation against Isis.

The Washington post and other medias are claiming that Abaoud, the mastermind of the Paris Attacks on friday is among the terrorist that were killed during the sasault. Paris prosecutor François Molin said it was too early to know the identities of the terrorist killed during the raid aand stateds he is not among those who've been arrested by police.
It grows closer and closer to the time for the western world to take off the gloves and show these 'radicals' what real war truly is.
They do not believe we have the backbone to kill them by the millions but if these things keep happening it IS what will come to pass.
Just sad really.

Paris attacks: 'Ringleader' Abdelhamid Abaaoud found dead

The suspected ringleader of the attacks in Paris, Abdelhamid Abaaoud, was among those killed in a French police raid, prosecutors say.

Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said he had received intelligence that Abaaoud had passed through Greece.

Confirming the Islamic State (IS) militant left for Syria last year, he said no EU states signalled his return.

The minister also implicated Abaaoud in four out of six attacks foiled in France since this spring.

Earlier on Thursday, the Paris prosecutor's office confirmed that Abaaoud was among those killed when anti-terror police raided a flat in the Paris suburb of Saint Denis.

His body was found riddled with bullets and shrapnel in a shattered apartment in the northern suburb.

The Belgian national, 28, was identified from his fingerprints.

Friday's gun and suicide bomb attacks in the French capital left 129 people dead and hundreds injured.

Eight people were arrested and at least two killed in the raid on the property in Saint Denis. Heavily armed police stormed the building after a tip-off that Abaaoud was in Paris.

A woman at the flat - reported in French media to be Abaaoud's cousin - died during the raid after activating a suicide vest.

The prosecutor's office said it was still unclear whether Abaaoud had blown himself up or not.

Mr Cazeneuve told reporters that a non-EU state had alerted France on Monday that Abaaoud was in Greece.

"Everyone must understand it is urgent that Europe wakes up, organises itself and defends itself against the terrorist threat," he said.

Investigators are still looking for another suspect, Salah Abdeslam, who is believed to have travelled to Belgium after the attacks on Friday night.

The BBC's Hugh Schofield in Paris says the identification of Abaaoud raises serious questions for security services.

He was high on French and Belgian wanted lists and yet managed to travel from Syria to the heart of Paris without ever leaving a trace.

Paris attacks: 'Ringleader' Abdelhamid Abaaoud found dead

The suspected ringleader of the attacks in Paris, Abdelhamid Abaaoud, was among those killed in a French police raid, prosecutors say.

Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said he had received intelligence that Abaaoud had passed through Greece.

Confirming the Islamic State (IS) militant left for Syria last year, he said no EU states signalled his return.

The minister also implicated Abaaoud in four out of six attacks foiled in France since this spring.

Earlier on Thursday, the Paris prosecutor's office confirmed that Abaaoud was among those killed when anti-terror police raided a flat in the Paris suburb of Saint Denis.

His body was found riddled with bullets and shrapnel in a shattered apartment in the northern suburb.

The Belgian national, 28, was identified from his fingerprints.

Friday's gun and suicide bomb attacks in the French capital left 129 people dead and hundreds injured.

Eight people were arrested and at least two killed in the raid on the property in Saint Denis. Heavily armed police stormed the building after a tip-off that Abaaoud was in Paris.

A woman at the flat - reported in French media to be Abaaoud's cousin - died during the raid after activating a suicide vest.

The prosecutor's office said it was still unclear whether Abaaoud had blown himself up or not.

Mr Cazeneuve told reporters that a non-EU state had alerted France on Monday that Abaaoud was in Greece.

"Everyone must understand it is urgent that Europe wakes up, organises itself and defends itself against the terrorist threat," he said.

Investigators are still looking for another suspect, Salah Abdeslam, who is believed to have travelled to Belgium after the attacks on Friday night.

The BBC's Hugh Schofield in Paris says the identification of Abaaoud raises serious questions for security services.

He was high on French and Belgian wanted lists and yet managed to travel from Syria to the heart of Paris without ever leaving a trace.


Staff member


The Washington post and other medias are claiming that Abaoud, the mastermind of the Paris Attacks on friday is among the terrorist that were killed during the sasault. Paris prosecutor François Molin said it was too early to know the identities of the terrorist killed during the raid aand stateds he is not among those who've been arrested by police.
St Denis was always a shithole town to begin with and the Seine St Denis region has been a cancer of France kinda like the region of Bouche du Rhone with Marseilles, both filled with the worst crowd, welfare cases, criminals, ghettos, runs and chases of criminals with police. Those regions have always been under socialist leaders and with the results we know. The better, there will be a massive house cleaning in these two regions at the next elections, the better it will be for the rest of us.
haven't read every post just skimmed through.
just going to add fuel to the fire with my own opinion.

You have a volatile part of the world right next to an overly civilized part of the world that does not have a true gun culture.
I make a distinction between right to bare arms and a gun culture, one is law the other is the collective responsibility of the people.
Paris Historically has had a huge bull's-eye painted on it just screaming "attack me".
changing the laws in Paris to allow citizens to carry fire arms would not be enough.
and this is the hot topic, - the thing the French government can do is stop being supportive of Muslim Islamic religious people.
Nations have to put a foot down on Sharia Law, its not a religious right but the legal laws of an ancient nation no longer in existence.
at some point in it's evolution every religion or institution has to deal with corruption, and it seems to me moderate Muslim people are not dealing harshly enough about this deviant faction of their religion that is in the vast minority and i very seriously doubt has anything to do with faith at all, but most likely organized crime, especially drug trafficking and arms dealing.
Religion has to stop being an excuse to be counter culture and exempt from laws that unite a culture.
I think most can agree that a Catholic priest that does not report an other priest for child molestation because of the sanctity of the confessional still has broken the law and is morally responsible for the harm of children. so why the double standard?
Why is Sharia law still tolerated with in nations that have laws of there own other than out of political correctness.
people are dying because of a particular people's code of beliefs, which is being exploited by evil bastards.
Like wise the people of Paris have got to stop being sheep, the Parisian people took street warfare to an ultimate level during WW2 against the occupying Nazi's, like wise the people of Paris also need to reclaim their own security and put pressure on their government to enforce French identity over foreign immigrant and refugee culture.
All nations need to do that.
Its not nice or sensitive to the beliefs or ideals of displaced people, but unfortunately for a culture to not just survive but live out in peace, Harmony and prosperity, their has to be some form of cohesion that acknowledges the right to defend one's self and not be forced to tolerate the intolerable.