Are 250,000 pretty young girls thrown in a fucking dumpster and lit on fire every fucking day?! What the fuck, dude. You and Chef go ahead and get together and talk about how fucked the rest of us are. Play your little semantics with our words about this story. Guess what? It is shocking, it is news worthy, and it is sad that such a young pretty thing ended up going out like that. Fuck your guys' PC, holier than thou bullshit.
You're missing the point, Galactic. I'm only responding because you threw my name out there, as if I'm one of the "holier than thou", but look at the headline from the article...
Aspiring Playboy Model Found Burned In Bin
It's not about whether or not the story is newsworthy; it's about the fact that it's "
ASPIRING PLAYBOY MODEL found burned in bin" and not "
26 year old female found burned in bin" or "
Innocent woman found burned in bin". If this girl was an aspiring bank teller, do you think it would've made the news? If this girl was an aspiring McDonald's manager, do you think it would've made the news? If she was a prostitute, if she was homeless or if she was a low level drug dealer, do you think it would've made the news? Chances are...
no, it wouldn't have. THAT is the point.
I am willing to bet that the only reason that this even made the news is because she was a pretty girl who wanted to be in Playboy. That's it. And, it's really, really hard to argue that fact. THAT is the point.
and this is the point that I was making in my first post, why are the first words out of people's mouths things like "What a pretty girl" or "It's such a shame that this happened to such a beautiful woman"...??? If it
is sad, if it truly
is shocking, then why aren't the first words out of everybody's mouths, "This is tragic" or "I feel terrible for everybody involved"...???
What do this girl's looks have to do with anything? What does this girl's aspiration to be in Playboy have to do with anything? NOTHING, that's what. Yet, there are a lot of people that only truly and honestly only care about this story since the victim was beautiful. If she was a 275 lb Taco Bell employee that had bad acne, rotted teeth and ratty hair, I'm willing to bet that all of the "What a pretty girl" people wouldn't even give a fuck about her death, even if it happened in the same exact manner.
:2 cents: