
Official Checked Star Member
If you already know the answer, why are you asking? Why don't you tell me what you suspect the answer is? ;)

Hey now, this isn't ask JINXY anything. Answer the question, buck-o.

Now to add a few more...

Favorite type of Chocolate? (Milk Chocolate, dark Chocolate, white Chocolate...)

Would you sit through a basketball game with me if you could, knowing I yell at the plays/players? I can be quite embarassing.

Does a rubber ducky accompany you in the bath? ;)


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
Is it cold outside my window?

When a guy says "I'll do anything," and I say "Like what?" their automatic response is "Anything you want" and never any examples?

What if I want them to bring me donuts?!

Would you rather baby oil wrestle me or Alisa? ;) (Bet I already know the answer...)
If a man gets directly told what to do by a woman he's lucky he doesn't have to mind read it from her and so should do what she wants (assuming that doing it results in jiggy fun time).
Naturally I would take both of you rather than just one of you :tongue:

Hey now, this isn't ask JINXY anything. Answer the question, buck-o.

Now to add a few more...

Favorite type of chocolate? (Milk chocolate, dark chocolate, white chocolate...)

Would you sit through a basketball game with me if you could, knowing I yell at the plays/players? I can be quite embarassing.

Does a rubber ducky accompany you in the bath? ;)
If you call me buck-o once more I'll buck your o ;)

The chocolate that you buy from Migros in Switzerland is the very best.
In the world.
EVAR! :yummie:

I don't like basketball. But I'd sit through it if I could shut you up by sticking my cock in your mouth.
And yes, I have always been like this with women. Except for one who made me shy :shy: Don't laugh!

I bath annually; a rubber duck is therefore a poor investment.
If God is a woman, are we all sandwiches?
No, God IS a woman (all knowing, remember) and that means that all men are arseholes.
I still love you. :kiss:

Do you like camping? As in in a tent cook over fire. Not this Trailer with a fridge stove oven microwave and tv crap.
I haven't done it since childhood, but I would love to.
Are you in love with a pornstar?
In a manner of speaking...
Then go in the summer. I take the kiddies all the time. Come here you can crash on my site you can even bring wifey or not up to you.

Do you know what banana boats are? in relation to camping cooking not some naughty sex thing.

What else would you do if L3ggy didn't make you into hundreds of little pieces?


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
Then go in the summer. I take the kiddies all the time. Come here you can crash on my site you can even bring wifey or not up to you.

Do you know what banana boats are? in relation to camping cooking not some naughty sex thing.

What else would you do if L3ggy didn't make you into hundreds of little pieces?
Carefull, I could take you up on that 'cos the bitch *cough* sorry, I mean wife, has relatives out in Canadadada that we're sposed to go see at some point.
are you a fan of joint cracking?
Canada is a huge ass place. The odds you'd be close aren't to great but if you are your welcome.

You didn't answer my questions :mad:

do you know what Banana boats are? this is food get out of the gutter