Exactly How much wood can a woodchuck chuck? :dunno:


Why save the world, when you can rule it?


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
What the fuck is wrong with you?
It's too complicated for me to spell :dunno: Sorry.
Does it irritate you, knowing I'm coming back to post MORE in your thread? Hmm?
You kiddin'? I haven't had this much attention from a female since I begged a homeless woman for money.
Will you be reconsidering your proposed legal pledge of lifelong bondage in light of the 'no more anal' ruling?
Go back to Canadia.
Dear mr. Vodkas Victim... How on earth could you like being spanked with a shovel?
Gimme a shovel and I'll show you, Julia... :kiss:
Why on earth did you think it would be a good idea to start one of these stupid threads? :mad:
Why on Earth did YOU think it would be a good idea to start one of these stupid threads? :thefinger:
My brain has worked hard the last hour and now you'll get some more questions because of that.

1. Why a plastic wife?
2. Why bug you with saying this is a silly thread? (im glad you did it first... for else i would have started it)
3. Do you like porn involving anal and shovels?
4. Why do your avatar photo turn me on?
5. Have I seen you at the TV-show "Americas funniest home videos"?


Official Checked Star Member
When someone asks you 'A penny for your thoughts' and you put your two cents in, what happens to the other penny?

What's another word for Thesaurus?

If you try to fail, and succeed, which have you done?



Why save the world, when you can rule it?
My brain has worked hard the last hour and now you'll get some more questions because of that.

1. Why a plastic wife?
2. Why bug you with saying this is a silly thread? (im glad you did it first... for else i would have started it)
3. Do you like porn involving anal and shovels?
4. Why do your avatar photo turn me on?
5. Have I seen you at the TV-show "Americas funniest home videos"?
1: Don't ask me, I just logged in one day to find that my user title had been changed to what it is now. Apparently in response to a thread I posted informing everyone I was about to arsefuck my fiancee.
2: Can you please reword that question so it makes a little more sense?
3: I have never seen such porn.
4: Click the link in my sig and you'll find out why.
It's the supremely serene expression on her face. But it's not just serene. It's near indefinable, so I won't attempt to define it further unless you specifically ask me to
5: I don't know. How am I to know what you have or haven't seen.
How am I supposed to know if I'm on TV I never watch in a country I've never been to?
When someone asks you 'A penny for your thoughts' and you put your two cents in, what happens to the other penny?

What's another word for Thesaurus?

If you try to fail, and succeed, which have you done?

1: I put the other penny in a charity box for the charity: "kill African children."

2: Тезаурус

3: You've succeeded at failing. Bend over ;)


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
I don't give a shit who wins.
You got moved here too?!
No. The Mods simply adjusted your version Freeones so that it would appear to you that I also got moved here.
I say your version of Freeones because you're on a special version of Freeones designed to stop N00bz from making a mess of the place. That's why when you post a pic in the Freeones talk section a moderator will have to check out the image before the pic appears.

In fact you're so predictable that I predict we'll shortly see you start a thread and post a pic in that section just to check out what I told you.
Yours with all due love, affection and respect :iloveyou:

Do you think that Tegan Brady disappeared from the board due to some of the posts you made in the funny pics section? Just a theory..:tongue:
Who gives a shit?
Which posts do you mean? The bizzarre dick posts? I don't remember posting anything about Tegan Brady.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Always so smooth.
Who gives a shit?
Which posts do you mean? The bizzarre dick posts? I don't remember posting anything about Tegan Brady.

I mean basically any of the posts you made there (at the time of her disappearance) that were intended to be disgusting or shocking. Yes, I know you didn't post anything specifically about her. I guess this question just popped up in my head as a result of all these other conspiracy theorists running over the board recently... :tinhat: