Ask me (SpexyAshleigh) any question you want!


Closed Account
lol you seem super adamant about twitter and facebook...funny. But yes my blog is on my profile. I always update there if something comes up and I can't cam. ;)

*lol* Becuase I don't feel they're good sites like YouTube. Sure, the big 'Tube has it's flaws, especially suspected mentally-challanged when it comes to the most popular videos (just think for a minute--people sure to watch a whole lotta shit on there. Truely!), but I just feel that FaceBook and Twitter are fabs that won't be much popular as the years go back. But super adament? Nah, I just don't like soon to be revealed as fad, shit. ;) But truely you should hear me rail against over-proved Blu-Ray and DVD companies like Criterion who sell over=priced stuff for now reason. I'm a big Cinephile first & foremost and you should hear me go on about THAT, now!

Alas to each they're own. And thanks for the blog on your profile reveal. I apprechiate it.

Anyway back to more questions:

I have a good friend from the province of Quebec and we talk nearly daily on Yahoo! Messanger, and she is pro seperation from the rest of your country. What all do you think of Quebecers who support Bloc Quebecois in your country? Any feelings for Francophones (whom I find a very interesting part of our bickering North American continant, by the way)?


Official Checked Star Member
Agree 100000000%

Let's say you weren't a camgirl, do you have any other passions or skills that you could turn into a career?

Well, I'm not just a camgirl, I also own a wedding photography business. So if I weren't camming, I'd still be shooting weddings.

Hiya babe! Howz da quality family time going.:D I know that was cruel. If it make you feel any better, I'll be stuck watching my brothers five kids next weekend. Talk about cruel. jk, they are fun 2 b around. Hope your doing fine. Hugs and :kiss:'s

jeez five kids- BRUTAL. Have fun rofl. My family time is good! Actually took a daytrip to Lunenburg county today, was alot of fun :) They're doing their own thing tomorrow though, so I'll finally be able to get back on cam for a little while! :)

I have a good friend from the province of Quebec and we talk nearly daily on Yahoo! Messanger, and she is pro seperation from the rest of your country. What all do you think of Quebecers who support Bloc Quebecois in your country? Any feelings for Francophones (whom I find a very interesting part of our bickering North American continant, by the way)?

the general consensus about the quebecois who want to create their own nation is that they're unappreciative, cocky a-holes. They can't do it! They wanted the Gov't of Canada to help fund their separation! rofl. The rest of Canada generally hates that portion of Quebec, but the Quebecois are known for being douchebags anyways so whatever. At least they make great poutine!:thumbsup:

Have you played video games?

yesss definitely. But haven't in awhile, hard to find time to play :(
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I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Since your Canadian, do you like or have you seen "The Kids In The Hall" next to Hockey Night In Canada it is one of my all time favorite Canadian tv shows.


Official Checked Star Member
Since your Canadian, do you like or have you seen "The Kids In The Hall" next to Hockey Night In Canada it is one of my all time favorite Canadian tv shows.

I haven't seen it but know what show you're talking about. I actually rarely watched the CBC growing up, aside from Road to Avonlea lol. jks. But I used to dig Street Cents.
Ashleigh, I have a big crush on this girl I know and I want to make my feelings known to her but I am kinda nervous about doing it, what should I do?


Ashleigh, I have a big crush on this girl I know and I want to make my feelings known to her but I am kinda nervous about doing it, what should I do?


Lord Dipstick
How long do you wear out a pair of drawers (USA for undies!) til you throw them out? :D
Well, I'm not just a camgirl, I also own a wedding photography business. So if I weren't camming, I'd still be shooting weddings.

Ooohhh! Very nice! I used to do a lot of product photography for a store I ran.

What kind of camera do you use? Do you have any decent DSLR / lens combo recommendations?


And what color, size, shape and scent do these panties have?
...and go you think they would fit on my face like a superhero mask?

*It just got creepy*


Lord Dipstick
And what color, size, shape and scent do these panties have?
...and go you think they would fit on my face like a superhero mask?

*It just got creepy*

I can see it now:

**Spexy's Skidmarked Secrets**

----Just goy WAAAAY more creepier!----:1orglaugh

Big Poppa Pump

- My Name Is My Name -
Do you like the way South Park portrays canadians with funny faces and accents like Terrance and Philip or do you think it makes canadians look silly?
the general consensus about the quebecois who want to create their own nation is that they're unappreciative, cocky a-holes. They can't do it! They wanted the Gov't of Canada to help fund their separation! rofl. The rest of Canada generally hates that portion of Quebec, but the Quebecois are known for being douchebags anyways so whatever. At least they make great poutine!:thumbsup:

Hmmm, doesn't sound all too different from their brethren who populate a smelly cheese infested country across the pond.
Recommend any good skin care products for girls? For really dry skin? Clogged pores? White and black heads?

Don't I ask you the darndest things :p


Official Checked Star Member
Ashleigh, I have a big crush on this girl I know and I want to make my feelings known to her but I am kinda nervous about doing it, what should I do?

Just tell her. Chances are, she already knows you have feelings for her, so just tell her. Us girls have wicked intuition about this stuff...

What do you think of all the rioting in downtown Toronto @ the G20? :mad:

I think its stupid and makes the rest of us civil canadians look bad. But I give half of the blame to the organizers of the event...they should have held it in a private, unknown location, where rioters couldn't really show their idiocy. Holding something that huge, where protesting is expected, in the middle of a cities downtown dumb in and of itself. They should have went and held the event on a military base or something, out of the way of civilians and businesses. :2 cents:

How long do you wear out a pair of drawers (USA for undies!) til you throw them out? :D

haha I never throw out undies. Unless they get a rip in them, I'll hold on to them forever. I still have thongs that are ten yrs old lol.

... and how much do you charge for shipping? ;)

haha, $35 including shipping and handling!;););)

Do you like the way South Park portrays canadians with funny faces and accents like Terrance and Philip or do you think it makes canadians look silly?

I actually don't know. I don't watch South Park :tongue: so I don't know how we're portrayed. But its all in good fun anyways, I don't get worked up over anyones portrayal of how we are.
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Official Checked Star Member
Recommend any good skin care products for girls? For really dry skin? Clogged pores? White and black heads?

Don't I ask you the darndest things :p

Hmmm I'm not the best skincare person to go to. Believe it or not, my skin is super problematic, and only super specific things work on my skin without irritating it. I use Proactiv daily, and do glycolic acid peels twice a week. A really good general mask to use though, which tightens the skins and makes pores smaller is Queen Helene Mint Julep Mask. I use that once a week(more than once will probably do more damage than good)
Hmmm I'm not the best skincare person to go to. Believe it or not, my skin is super problematic, and only super specific things work on my skin without irritating it. I use Proactiv daily, and do glycolic acid peels twice a week. A really good general mask to use though, which tightens the skins and makes pores smaller is Queen Helene Mint Julep Mask. I use that once a week(more than once will probably do more damage than good)

Interesting, thanks for the tip :D