Thats cause the ones that don't like sports are fashion designers, make up artist, beauty shop workers, etc.
*whispers* In other words fags, but tell britlover I said so *whispers*
Whoa, my heart is truely broken that someone thinks I'm a "fag". *lmoa* NOT.:1orglaugh What, am I supposed to "come out" to my fieance who I'm in love with who is female? No offence Roronoa, but grow-up with the school yard Elementary cut-downs. That was laughable. Like I said I normally post late at night so excuse any overly long ramblings and misspelled words. Besides that, I'm sure there are plenty of guys who don't like all major league Sports like myself. Grow up. And on eof the reasons I
STOPPED posting on online message boards for years is that, while enjoyable on occasion, I was finally fed up with drama bullshit. Please let us not start any drama here dude. Plus I don't wanna be yelled at by mods, ect.
Anyway back to our dearest & always fun to chat u with Ashleigh:
Do you also dispise the taste & smell of Coffee and all of that Italian/European Coffee shit that seems more popular then ever now? Cause I never got the whole Coffee thing. Back then I wanted a morning boost and I still drunk cola (oh which I no longer do over the last 4 1/2 years for health reasons because of all of the shit in them), I would suck down two Coca-Colas in order to get that morning jolt/rush.
What do you feel is your most favorite body part to show off? As in creamy ass 'n thigh combo, or legs or well sculpted stomach, ect?
Can you stomach and put-up with some disgusting habits, such as a guy chewing chew-tabacco or smoking cheap drug store cigars?
If you won a fun-filled weekend in the south of France for the annual Cannes film festival one year, and you got some new clothing and some money saved up, what all would you do on Friday, Saturday and Sunday evenings before you have to head back here to North America? Would you shop, try to celeb "mingle" or all and what?