Ask me (SpexyAshleigh) any question you want!


I have to admit that I am a huge sports fan. And it might sound pathetic but I'm really down today cuz the U.S. soccer team got knocked out of the world cup in such a heartbreaking fashion.

Indeed. I'm not even a soccer fan but that sucks.

I guess most girls don't like sports the same way no guy will admit to watching "Sex in the City" or "Twilight".


Closed Account
Thats cause the ones that don't like sports are fashion designers, make up artist, beauty shop workers, etc.

*whispers* In other words fags, but tell britlover I said so *whispers*

Whoa, my heart is truely broken that someone thinks I'm a "fag". *lmoa* NOT.:1orglaugh What, am I supposed to "come out" to my fieance who I'm in love with who is female? No offence Roronoa, but grow-up with the school yard Elementary cut-downs. That was laughable. Like I said I normally post late at night so excuse any overly long ramblings and misspelled words. Besides that, I'm sure there are plenty of guys who don't like all major league Sports like myself. Grow up. And on eof the reasons I STOPPED posting on online message boards for years is that, while enjoyable on occasion, I was finally fed up with drama bullshit. Please let us not start any drama here dude. Plus I don't wanna be yelled at by mods, ect.

Anyway back to our dearest & always fun to chat u with Ashleigh:

Do you also dispise the taste & smell of Coffee and all of that Italian/European Coffee shit that seems more popular then ever now? Cause I never got the whole Coffee thing. Back then I wanted a morning boost and I still drunk cola (oh which I no longer do over the last 4 1/2 years for health reasons because of all of the shit in them), I would suck down two Coca-Colas in order to get that morning jolt/rush.

What do you feel is your most favorite body part to show off? As in creamy ass 'n thigh combo, or legs or well sculpted stomach, ect?

Can you stomach and put-up with some disgusting habits, such as a guy chewing chew-tabacco or smoking cheap drug store cigars?

If you won a fun-filled weekend in the south of France for the annual Cannes film festival one year, and you got some new clothing and some money saved up, what all would you do on Friday, Saturday and Sunday evenings before you have to head back here to North America? Would you shop, try to celeb "mingle" or all and what?


^Holy shit you type a lot.
I didn't call you a "fag" I said men that usually don't like sports (the few that there are) is usually because theyre gay and into "female stuff".

Anyway Asheigh, do fish ever sleep?


Closed Account
^Holy shit you type a lot.
I didn't call you a "fag" I said men that usually don't like sports (the few that there are) is usually because theyre gay and into "female stuff".

Anyway Asheigh, do fish ever sleep?

Yeah, right. *lol*

First, really? THATS a lot? Whoa. And I can already answer your question by saying yes, they do indeed sleep. Most all fish spend time in an energy-saving state that can be called "rest", and we might even call their behavior "sleep", though it is probably different than "sleep" from other animals. Many fish, like Bass and Perch, rest on or under logs at night. Coral reef fish are very active in the day, hide and rest in crevices and cracks in the reef to avoid being eaten at night. And in responce to my typing a lot, why don't you simply not read it? Simply. Problem solved my good man.

Oh and Ashleigh another quesiton: What is one of your favorite past times and hobbies to spend a Saturday afternoon on?


Official Checked Star Member
Do you also dispise the taste & smell of Coffee and all of that Italian/European Coffee shit that seems more popular then ever now? Cause I never got the whole Coffee thing. Back then I wanted a morning boost and I still drunk cola (oh which I no longer do over the last 4 1/2 years for health reasons because of all of the shit in them), I would suck down two Coca-Colas in order to get that morning jolt/rush.

What do you feel is your most favorite body part to show off? As in creamy ass 'n thigh combo, or legs or well sculpted stomach, ect?

Can you stomach and put-up with some disgusting habits, such as a guy chewing chew-tabacco or smoking cheap drug store cigars?

If you won a fun-filled weekend in the south of France for the annual Cannes film festival one year, and you got some new clothing and some money saved up, what all would you do on Friday, Saturday and Sunday evenings before you have to head back here to North America? Would you shop, try to celeb "mingle" or all and what?

1) I like the smell of coffee (as long as its not coffee breath) but I hate hate hate coffee. I've only tried it once, and never will again. I guess I have to thank my mother for her example....she downs like four pots of coffee a day and can't even function without it. I grew up knowing I didn't want to be dependant on anything. I used to drink alot of diet coke (if you've spent any time in my chatroom, you'll have seen why I think I should be their new spokesperson lol) but within the last week have cut the habit out. Had a few rough days with nausea and headache but I'm good to go now! :thumbsup:

2) Hmmm....I guess I'd have to say my ass. I have a sweet ass. Either that, or my smile:)

3) Nope. If a guy's interested in me, and smokes, chews tobacco, drinks too much, indulges in drugs...etc etc...even watches too much porn...ANY habit that is either gross or would negatively affect him or myself...he's got no chance of getting with me. I don't put up with that stuff and its one of my dealbreakers. Kinda harsh I suppose but I just can't be with someone who doesn't respect their body or their mind. Its such a turnoff.

4) Hmmmm I'd probably spend a day shopping, and a day going to amazing restaurants and foodie places. I'd also spend an afternoon photographing the amazing architecture that europe has to offer. :)

great questions, the thought that goes into asking me intelligent questions is hot ;)


Closed Account
ermmm can you guys not argue in my thread yo?

I'm trying not too, my good gal. Also will you be on cam tonight? I don't normally post online that much these days as I have some what of an orthodox writing style that oddly pisses people off, and trust me I'm NOT trying to fight my good lady! :D If we chould just get seirous for a moment.


great questions, the thought that goes into asking me intelligent questions is hot

Big thanks, truely, as always! But I will admit to trying to not have as many bad habits these days. For my mental-health & body I too [UVERY[/U] much believe in trying to always be a bit healthier every few months. I admitedly DO look at pornography every two or three days, but I can miss some days without it. I'm not depednant on it but I do love it. I'm currently in a long-distance relationship though, so it's why I show up in your chat room for the free video shows as brandonlove and the like and enjoy some free vids on occasions; but definately wouldn't say I was hooked. But I've had to miss two weeks cause of my current job, I'm afraid.

And good on you for kickin' Diet-Coke to the curb! Haha, Sadas (or cola as you might wanna call it) are just SUCH shit for the body. All that corn-syrup. Blah. I'm so glad I gave it up years ago, even though I have a once a month "cheat day" for my favorite bad foods! And great all about about the bad habits (okay so it is a bit cold indeed, but we all have our own personal beliefs about respecting your body) and about your glorious ass as well. I just love it the most when you playfully show it off, heh heh. :glugglug: ;)

And nice one about the Cannes trip as well. I'm dying to go back to Europe hopefulyl next year! I also highly respect anyone form any nationality who travels outside they're boarders regularly, if they can in fact afford it. Peace be with ya!:thumbsup:


Closed Account
Less bitching/moaning/arguing. More questions about spexy's hot, hot booty.


Yes I agree! And no more commenting on my on average posting levels. I'm not writing novels here, people.For Christ sakes. *lmao*

Anyway onto seeing if she's on cam tonight ... **off I go**


Official Checked Star Member
I'm not on cam much this week. You should subscribe to my twitter or blog for updates on my whereabouts lol.


Official Checked Star Member
long story short- family came unexpectedly into town and my mother told my aunt and uncle that they could crash at my place for over a week.....gotta love mom. Anyhoo, my camming is limited to random times during the week that they're out sightseeing and shiz.
Why? Have you been talking to other camgirls?

:rofl: :D

Was just curious on different people's opinions of that since it's been an ongoing debate with many people I know. Yes Ashleigh, I'm using you to solve all of the worlds problems. And I bet you thought I just liked you for your pretty face :p


Closed Account
I'm not on cam much this week. You should subscribe to my twitter or blog for updates on my whereabouts lol.

I'm very sorry sweetie, but I DON'T to popular trends like Twitter or MySpace and FaceBook and the lot. So I won't be reading that.*lol* I would look at ya on YouTube, though. ;) but I might give your blog a read. Can I find it looking over your profile here, I trust?

And amusing story about your folks visiting you, I see. And I fully understand. As I've said before my online time is oddly liited as of late but I was off today as I am on the weekends, so as I log into your chat room as brandonlove and I'll be in & out whenever I can. Au revoir, madame! *waves*:wave2:


Official Checked Star Member
I'm very sorry sweetie, but I DON'T to popular trends like Twitter or MySpace and FaceBook and the lot. So I won't be reading that.*lol* I would look at ya on YouTube, though. ;) but I might give your blog a read. Can I find it looking over your profile here, I trust?

And amusing story about your folks visiting you, I see. And I fully understand. As I've said before my online time is oddly liited as of late but I was off today as I am on the weekends, so as I log into your chat room as brandonlove and I'll be in & out whenever I can. Au revoir, madame! *waves*:wave2:

lol you seem super adamant about twitter and facebook...funny. But yes my blog is on my profile. I always update there if something comes up and I can't cam. ;)
Hiya babe! Howz da quality family time going.:D I know that was cruel. If it make you feel any better, I'll be stuck watching my brothers five kids next weekend. Talk about cruel. jk, they are fun 2 b around. Hope your doing fine. Hugs and :kiss:'s