What's one thing that most people don't know about you?
I actually blogged about some random things people don't know about me recently. I'll repost the blog entry because I can't think of anything else off the top of my head.
1) I eat vegetables with every meal. I’m almost OCD about it. I have to have veggies in every dish, otherwise I freak out and won’t eat it. Even my ramen noodles have to have peas and corn in it. And if I go a day without eating a tomato, I get scared that cancer is invading my body.
2) One of my biggest pet peeves is Anthony Sedlacks voice. He sounds like he’s talking with a cock in his mouth. Drives me nuts…if blowjobs could talk, that’s what they’d sound like. (if you don’t know who he is, he’s a Food Network chef)
3) I was born a month and a half premature and was born with a very rare blood type that was a mix of both of my parents. Apparantly its so rare that most blood banks barely carry any of it, so they gave me blood transfusions right after I was born to make me my dads blood type, which is A neg.
4) I think Dermot Mulroney’s voice is the hottest voice ever. If I could fuck his vocal cords, I would. But since I can’t, I’ll settle for fucking his peen.
5) Mayo grosses me out. I hate it. In fact, I don’t even know why its in my fridge, because I never use it. Its been sitting there for almost eight months and hasn’t been touched once. Yet I feel that I need it in my fridge…I should toss it eh?
6) For some reason, I’m attracted to gay men. I don’t know what it is. I would totally boink Johnny Weir, Perez Hilton, and Adam Lambert….far more than I would feel inclined to boink Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom, Ryan Reynolds or Rob Pattinson. What does that mean? Doesn’t mean I’m lesbian because they’re men and not women…but does that mean I wish I was a gay guy too?!
7) I was chunky and ugly in highschool. I get Facebook messages from guys from highschool all the time saying “jeez you’re so hot now!” ….like thanks guys. Pointing out that I used to be fug is not going to make me go “awww”. Losers.
8 ) There is only one person in the world who can make me laugh when I’m mad or sad. That person is my younger brother Jay. He’s ten months younger than me, and he’s the biggest dumbass I know, but he always makes me laugh. He’s the kind of unintentional funny too. He never really tries to make people laugh, but he’s so dumb that its just natural to laugh. That sounds mean, but his idiocy is one of his best qualities.
9) I’m addicted to Blistex lip chap. I’ve used it every single day since I was 12. My mom started my addiction by putting some in my Christmas stocking one year, and after that first jar of it, I had to keep using it. I’ve read articles saying that its actually addictive, and its so true. When I run out, or can’t find it, I get panic attacks. :/
10) I eat all organic meat. I won’t touch commercial meat at all. And I truly wish that everyone out there would educate themselves on the kinds of animal abuse they are funding everytime they visit Mcd’s, or visit their local grocery store.