Ask me (SpexyAshleigh) any question you want!


Official Checked Star Member
God bless those who really can and do make that difference in some child's life.

This is all I wish in the world- more people who want to make a difference. Children are our future...and if you are someone who wants a family, and a rewarding experience raising children, then adoption is a great option. Instead of popping out a child who'll likely take everything they have for granted, take in a child who actually NEEDS love.
I wish more people would consider adoption as a viable way to have children. There are millions upon millions of children all over the world with no opportunity, and even greater than that, no one to love them. I hate seeing people I know having their second, third, fourth child...and knowing that had they (and everyone else who has a family) adopted one child, this issue could be resolved. But most people are too selfish to be able to consider bringing a child into their home that doesn't have their DNA. Pisses me off.

well said.

Jon S.

Ashleigh, do you believe there would be less douchebags on the Internet if people ACTUALLY had to leave their home (or in some cases, their parent's basement) to use it? Or do you believe actually having to go outside to use it would have little or no impact on the douchebag epidemic? (was going to go with pandemic....but, no, it's an epidemic....ha ha ha!)
True story.

I was in Memphis earlier in the week for a lil' party time and R&R, when a cashier at a novelty shop on Beale Street commented on my non-southern accent.

'Whurr you fruhm, innywayz?' she asks.

'Cuz you sound Canadian.'

Before I could tell her where I'm really from, she chimes in: 'Reason I know izcuz I got kin thats Canadian, and mah ex-huzbind n'me, we drove up there to Canadia when my sister in-law had a stroke... but she ain't dead, though...'

That's right, Cuh-nay-dee uh!

So thats when I told her you're absolutely right, I AM FROM CANADIA! She says: 'You know Pamela Andersons fruhm therrr... I deeid not know that ntil' bout 3 weeks ago. Y'all gotta lotta celebrities fruhm therrr, right?'

Yep, we sure do! Pamela Anderson... uh... SpexyAshleigh...

She cuts me off: 'Who'z SpexyAshleigh, I'ain't never heard uv her.'

SpexyAshleigh is one of the biggest celebrities in Canadia, she's practically ROYALTY! You should Google her when you get home.

'Well, seeinz how I still got dial-up... I try not to be on the net as much.'

I say, Oh, I'm sorry to hear that... well I hop you get to make your way up to Canadia again sometime soon.

'I shole will, bye now hun!!!!'

I walked out with my Mexican Wrestling Mask and feather boa. Next time I'm in Memphis, I'll be sure to send you a wrestling mask and post card with Elvis on it.


Official Checked Star Member
Ashleigh, do you believe there would be less douchebags on the Internet if people ACTUALLY had to leave their home (or in some cases, their parent's basement) to use it? Or do you believe actually having to go outside to use it would have little or no impact on the douchebag epidemic? (was going to go with pandemic....but, no, it's an epidemic....ha ha ha!)
Hmmm interesting question....I guess there really is no way to know...but in my experience, internet douchebags tend to be younger and more immature, maybe teenager-college the chances of them being on the internet outside of the home is high (at school, library, friends houses etc) maybe it wouldn't have an impact at all? Douchebags are douchebags, regardless of where they're projecting their douchebaggery from. I think anyways...interesting theory though...
True story.

I was in Memphis earlier in the week for a lil' party time and R&R, when a cashier at a novelty shop on Beale Street commented on my non-southern accent.

'Whurr you fruhm, innywayz?' she asks.

'Cuz you sound Canadian.'

Before I could tell her where I'm really from, she chimes in: 'Reason I know izcuz I got kin thats Canadian, and mah ex-huzbind n'me, we drove up there to Canadia when my sister in-law had a stroke... but she ain't dead, though...'

That's right, Cuh-nay-dee uh!

So thats when I told her you're absolutely right, I AM FROM CANADIA! She says: 'You know Pamela Andersons fruhm therrr... I deeid not know that ntil' bout 3 weeks ago. Y'all gotta lotta celebrities fruhm therrr, right?'

Yep, we sure do! Pamela Anderson... uh... SpexyAshleigh...

She cuts me off: 'Who'z SpexyAshleigh, I'ain't never heard uv her.'

SpexyAshleigh is one of the biggest celebrities in Canadia, she's practically ROYALTY! You should Google her when you get home.

'Well, seeinz how I still got dial-up... I try not to be on the net as much.'

I say, Oh, I'm sorry to hear that... well I hop you get to make your way up to Canadia again sometime soon.

'I shole will, bye now hun!!!!'

I walked out with my Mexican Wrestling Mask and feather boa. Next time I'm in Memphis, I'll be sure to send you a wrestling mask and post card with Elvis on it.

lol wtf?!


Official Checked Star Member
That is correct, so I've now dubbed you SpexyAshleigh: QUEEN OF CANADIA!!! You should be addressed from here on out as 'Your Spexyness'.

I have a question though. What do you find are the WORST fashion trends right now?

Ripped jeans

Gladiator sandals

skinny jeans on men

Ed hardy


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
I just woke up and I have an erection. What should I do? Yell at it?
Overrated comedian and British toolbag Russell Brand is known for rockin' the skinnys.

By the way, Am I the only one disgusted by the fact that Russell Brand is banging Katy Perry on the strength of a British accent alone? I mean, without it, he's just Weird Al Yankovic. Think about it.

'They're called skinny jeans. They're kinda in... right now.'


Official Checked Star Member
Overrated comedian and British toolbag Russell Brand is known for rockin' the skinnys.

By the way, Am I the only one disgusted by the fact that Russell Brand is banging Katy Perry on the strength of a British accent alone? I mean, without it, he's just Weird Al Yankovic. Think about it.

'They're called skinny jeans. They're kinda in... right now.'

Russell Brand is effing gross. He doesn't have any redeeming physical qualities...scrawny...hairs a mess...face is usually messy looking...has zero fashion sense...hopefully he has a nice dick. His wallet isn't bad to look at either I'm guessing. But other than that, yeah..meh.