biomech said:Why is Ron Jeremy still starring in porn movies?
STDiva said:How do you go about writing music? Do you sit down and write until you're finished, or let it develop and grow over an extended period of time?
Also, which instruments do you play, or would you like to learn how to play??
Usually I'll get an idea or a melody just pops in my head and I sit down behind my synthesizers and start playing around. Those are also the instruments I play, synthesizers. I own several of them. The awesome Roland Jupiter 8, ARP Odyssey, Mini Moog and Oberheim OB-Xa wich I inhereted from my grandfather after he died. I don't have the need to learn to play other instruments.
LukeEl said:Which building toys are better Lego or Playmobil?
Lego, no doubt about it. Lego rules!