Oral Sex ONLY: Would you rather have your pussy eaten out by a Man or Woman
Sex in Public: Ever done it and if so where? If not - any plans to?
If you could do a scene with ANYONE who has EVER set foot on the planet - who would it be and why?
I'd rather have my pussy eaten out by a lesbian! Sorry guys. I'm actually a much bigger fan of
giving oral sex whether it's to a pussy or a cock, but if I'm to receive I find the odds better when receiving from a woman. It feels good no matter what, but a real lesbian eating me out is something I'd never take for granted.
I've had sex in a few public places. Riding him while driving down the highway at 70mph; in a parking lot; and perhaps my favorite was on the balcony of a hotel room in London overlooking the Thames.
That last question is so open ended I don't even know what to say! If I try to answer seriously then I will for sure overlook someone important. So I'm going to just
not take it seriously and say my top male celebrity crush, Paul Rudd.
Do you enjoy sex when high on weed? If you have sex that is ,lol. Sorry
I don't smoke weed! I did a bit in high school, but haven't for about 5 years now. And given that I stopped smoking it before I ever lost my virginity, no I've never had sex while high on weed.