ask me anything! (AMA) I miss my fan Q&A from my old tumblr :(


Official Checked Star Member
Just an extra random thought:

It tickles me to imagine the level of stupidity, ignorance and self-absorption of a guy who thinks he should never have to pay for porn because fapping and blowing his load is something he naturally MUST do...

Completely oblivious to the fact that women have been bleeding from our damn vaginas since the dawn of time and nobody gives us free tampons to help with that fact of life. Yet there is no massive problem with tampon piracy, is there? No. I buy my lady-time supplies when I need them (the expense of which, for a month, is often comparable to a Brazzers membership!) and STFU because I realize, despite my biological functions, I am not entitled to have whatever I want for free simply because I need it.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Fair enough you "work hard" to create the "product" lol, but one of the things i liked about pornstars is that i thought they really didnt care wether people pay for it or get it for free, but im guessing some of you are actually bothered if people pay for it or not. If your own survival or paycheck is at any kind of risk then thats fair enough but i doubt thats the case.
If it's their job, then yes they're going to care about getting compensated for it. They typically spend over 40 hours a week working. If you worked 40 hours a week on something and somebody fucking stole it, would you be pissed off? Yes, you would. So yes, it is a survival issue. People need money to buy shit (food, mortgage, electricity).

Welcome to the world.

But if you really think about the whole situation and the bigger picture, what you said there seems quite wrong but you are probably unaware as a lot of people are but I feel maybe you would like to hear an alternative viewpoint on this subject.
Oh, this is going to be good. You're going to educate all of us? Let me get my popcorn ready.

Firstly, lets think about the equipment being used in the product you work so hard to create. Cameras, the internet, computers, the human body and human sexual desire, all of these things which you played no part in creating or designing, and im pretty sure a lot of hard work went into most of them. The female human body is an organic construct which has either depending on your beliefs, evolved over several million years or been created by an all powerful spiritual being usually refferred to as God. Im a believer in evolution, but either way as cold as this may sound you cant really take any credit for the beautiful design of the female body you have control over. Then there is all the hard work that has gone into the invention and design of the technological equipment used in todays porn making process, thousands of years of scientific research and study, all of which most of the people respnsible for are dead and are not earning any kind of money from.
Stupidest fucking argument I've ever heard. Just all of it.

So anyone who creates music shouldn't benefit from it? After all, the instruments used to create music were invented thousands of years ago. And people having been singing and talking for thousands of years. So what right do people have to take those instruments and their ability to sing and turn a profit from it? They aren't doing anything that hasn't been done before, right?

Henry Ford was among the first auto makers to mass produce and offer the automobile to the public. But he's dead now. So do auto makers today not deserve to make any money from selling cars? After all, they didn't invent the technology to make cars, they just built on the work of other people.

Now do you see the flaw in your argument? Yes, you do. Because it's a stupid fucking argument.

To think that its right to charge other humans a fee in satisfying desires forced upon them by nature itself, using those desires for profit and personal gain, and also thinking you are in a superior position to tell others they muyst pay for it and shouldnt "pirate" or "disrespect" it seems kind of wrong but maybe im wrong this is afterall just my opinion.
Well, guess what: it's a stupid fucking opinion. And you're a fucking moron.

You don't need illegally downloaded to porn to masturbate. You can jerk off while staring at the fucking ceiling. Having urges like every other person on the fucking planet doesn't entitle you to steal someone's work for your own pleasure. If you're that hard up, get your fat ass off the couch and find a woman to fuck. That's what your desires are for: procreation. Not blowing your load into a tube sock.

The things I have said here tho apply to so much more than the porn industry it applies to pretty much the entire capitalist corporate society we currently exist in, rife with greed and corruption, I was under the impression that porn and pornstars were in their own way rebelling against it all so this is why its a bit of a sensitive issue for me, im pretty sure their are some pornstars out there who dont care about the money and would do it for free, as there are a lot of options for beautiful women to earn money in this world.
If porn stars didn't get paid, they wouldn't do the job. It's that simple. How the fuck are they going to support themselves without any fucking income?

Porn stars aren't doing porn just to be rebellious. They do it for a living. It's their livelihood. If you don't think they deserve to be compensated for their time and effort and it's okay to rip them off, then you're a giant fucking douche bag. And you should probably just get the fuck out. Nobody here is going to share your opinion. Close your account and move the fuck on.

Maggie Green

Official Checked Star Member
In response to RainbowPorn's little tirade above...

My number one pet peeve is dudes who use the argument "But how can you MAKE me pay for porn that I NEED in order to get off, because I have to masturbate and come! That's natural and it's unfair to make me pay for something I naturally MUST do!"

The sense of entitlement embedded deep within a statement like that absolutely sickens me. I could list a plethora of examples of why logically, that argument makes no sense at all. But I've learned (through trying to have logical conversations with pirates, and through my reddit AMA, for example) that you cannot reason with a person who feels so completely entitled to have something (porn, in this case). It is pointless.

Just know that if you pirate porn -- if you pirate MY work, and think you have a God-given RIGHT to pirate it because you believe are entitled to have it for free -- that I do not like you. You are not a kind person, you are a thief, and karma will bite you in the ass someday and I will be laughing gleefully.

I LOVE MY FANS who support me directly, in any way they can. I love them! I think about them when I'm fucking during my scenes. My loyal fans make me very happy and thankful to have such an awesome job!!
But If you pirate my hard work because you think it's worth nothing, and that you should never "have" to pay for it, I don't think about you. I don't give a fuck that you exist. You are pathetic to me and I'd be happier if you didn't exist at all, to be honest. Just know that.

And for the record, I also LOVE FreeOnes because it's one of the only sites on the internet that has found a way to successfully deliver porn for FREE or CHEAPLY to fans who want it, without fucking over the performers and producers and devaluing our product. Not only that but everyone who runs FO and all the moderators are so completely respectful toward performers.

Yes! All of this!

Porn is not free to produce. I literally have spent thousands and thousands of dollars on production days for my website. Is my expensive camera and lighting set up that I use when I shoot at home free? No, that shit cost money. I paid for it. When I shoot for my site, it's no different that any other company...I hire a photographer, a make up artist, sometimes a videographer is necessary, pay for a location, not to mention the wardrobe and toys and whatever other props might be used. And then I provide food and beverages for everyone working that day. It's fucking expensive. So yeah, you're not entitled to see it for free, anyone who thinks so is a piece of crap. Do you think you should be able to download music and movies for free? Just because someone has stolen something and made it available for you to get for free DOES NOT MAKE IT RIGHT.

Siri is right...karma is a big bitch. You'll get yours one some shape or form. And when I'm doing my verbal humiliation webcam sessions with customers where I get paid a nice chunk of change to berate and belittle them, I think about people like you. It just gives me more ammunition and makes me that much better of a performer : )

That's hilarious that this idiot thinks that most porn stars would do porn for free!! Would you do your job for free? Seems ridiculous to even ask, doesn't it? Doesn't matter what you think but porn is indeed a job, yes it can be a very enjoyable one, but it is still our livelihood. In fact, a lot of people..I'd say porn are in it just for the money. So it just shows how delusional that you are to not get that.

I'm with Siri...I love my fans! I tweet quite a bit about how thankful I am to those who support me and my business. Watching pirated porn is NOT being supportive of me, of Siri, or anyone else in the industry.

I end this with farting in your general direction!
How awesome was it to have Mick Foley follow you on twitter for a while?