Why do british people, when they get to the states think that american degrees are crap and that they are way too smart to do one. When I used to watch the football in the George and Dragon in Seattle I was forever getting an earful off some bricklayer or plumber telling me all yanks were stupid: yet he had left school at 16.
I don't know of a nation that thinks it is so brilliant on such little evidence.
Isnt pigeon holing our whole nation with the stupidities of the few the exact same thing that plumber or bricklayer were doing?
I once heard a great quote about the British from Mike Myers of all people (who's parents are from Liverpool) "There's no one more patriotic that an Englishman who doesnt live in England anymore." I suppose there is some truth to that at least with the people who arent as knowledgable than others are, your bricklayer who finished shcool at 16 for example.
Try not to listen to those who believe that we are some what smarter or better than anyone else. They have no idea. I suppose its just a defense meachanism because people like that really dont have much to talk about other than how great they are.