Arizona Immigration Bill PASSES!!

Do You Think She Made the Right Decision?

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Enough said...I'm done with this thread...cheers :thumbsup:
Well so much for a simple answer to a simple question. Just get back to me on that, alright?

Now that I think about it, I'm not one to judge, as I believe the Illuminati is behind Snuggies to prime the general public when the New World Order takes over. We have to get used to wearing robes and praying to a giant owl sooner or later. It's true!!! mexican? You are as opposed to this as one would expect from a mexican...
Or somebody that truly understands that illegal immigrants aren't a virus. They do more than they take away 10 fold.


Well so much for a simple answer to a simple question. Just get back to me on that, alright?

Now that I think about it, I'm not one to judge, as I believe the Illuminati is behind Snuggies to prime the general public when the New World Order takes over. We have to get used to wearing robes and praying to a giant owl sooner or later. It's true!!!

Or somebody that truly understands that illegal immigrants aren't a virus. They do more than they take away 10 fold.

People...he's dead serious. He really believes in the Illuminati!:bowdown::rofl:

Still waiting for some hard data on how Illegals are such a financial boon to the we are opening new hospitals from all the influx of capital from illegals, or the annual injection of billions of Dollars from Mexico into our economy from illegals working here with fake docs and not paying Emergency room bills, welfare benefits, free schools for millions of anchor babies, etc...I will publicly apologize to you for being so wrong about there being a fiscal burden from millions and millions of freeloaders here illegally, as soon as you show some real data supporting the lame stuff you've come up with on the subject.
You are Hellraisin's slower younger brother...!:rofl:
People...he's dead serious. He really believes in the Illuminati!
Still waiting for some hard data on how Illegals are such a financial boon to the country...

maybe he means the bavarian illuminati ah well best not to dwell. how about some hard data about how illegals are such a financial drain upon the country? mexican? You are as opposed to this as one would expect from a mexican...

Why? Because "Hot Mega" sounds hispanic to you??:rolleyes: I suppose I must be a prostitute too since I've made the case it ought to be legalized. And I most certainly must have a personal stake in drugs being legal since I've consistently argued they should be legalized. And it's obvious I want AQ to kill Americans because I'm not asinine enough to claim water boarding isn't torture. Why can't my responses here be no different than my responses on ANY other topic I've ever discussed here? Based on some principle as opposed to necessarily have a personal stake in the matter? I know that's a foreign concept to most of you stand for nothing but politic groupies but there are times when someone can just make a point base on some principle and have the grounds to back it up.

But here's a thought...were I 'Mexican' why would I give a shit about the rights of Americans (which is AGAIN what this is about not illegals) if I had no per se rights to their rights?

Oh, Lord...spare us the embarrassment...! You are on Planet Trafalmador and someone gave you a toxic that it?:eek:
Where do "truck drivers documents" fit into your frantic babble about just being snatched up and papers demanded? He's a commercial truck driver, not walking around without docs getting fantasy Ice Cream with some fantasy kids as Otrauma so stupidly alluded to in his fantasy situation he made up to scare all the Demotards...
From the simple little article ..."The agents needed to verify Abdon was in the country legally and it is not uncommon to ask for someone's birth certificate. She also said this has nothing to do with the proposed bill or racial profiling.

So...when do we all get these powerful facts that hands us our asses?:rofl:

You aren't doing too well recently...too many people used to your almost correct posts? Maybe it's time for you to try a change of Meds, some that won't turn your forebrain all sludgy...?
And try not to use off the wall examples like a commercial truck driver named Abdon ******** being detained for not having ID enough. He should just get a better job; like picking fruit in the ID required!

You're right..your response was lame. It is "salient point" not sail-ient....clearly that's how you think it's spelled since every salient point sails clean over your noggin.

The point of that was to demonstrate an example of what Americans are now subject to wholesale in AZ when it comes to having to prove you "belong here". And what actually proving you "belong here" can entail. I assure you while it is permissible for LE to be more investigatory with the trucking industry for obvious reasons...what happened with this individual is clearly not the norm otherwise shit would grind to a halt in that business.

I mean do you honestly think the guy just woke up, started trucking and has no idea what's expected during a weigh station check??? Well on the other hand, maybe you would.:dunno:


maybe he means the bavarian illuminati ah well best not to dwell. how about some hard data about how illegals are such a financial drain upon the country?
Seriously? You are asking this because:
1)you just awoke from a 20 year coma? (Who's been using your account?)
2)You don't know how to read, and you're deaf too?
3) You never heard of Google, search engines, and the 300,000,000 + articles on the Illegal's cost to the US economy that have been on msm and local news channels, in all news mags, and in just about every local and National newspaper one time or another?
4)You have the cognition of a 3 year old, and this is the best you can do?
Sorry, I can't help you.:dunno:


1] You're right..your response was lame. It is "salient point" not sail-ient....clearly that's how you think it's spelled since every salient point sails clean over your noggin.

2]The point of that was to demonstrate an example of what Americans are now subject to wholesale in AZ when it comes to having to prove you "belong here". And what actually proving you "belong here" can entail. I assure you while it is permissible for LE to be more investigatory with the trucking industry for obvious reasons...what happened with this individual is clearly not the norm otherwise shit would grind to a halt in that business.

3]I mean do you honestly think the guy just woke up, started trucking and has no idea what's expected during a weigh station check??? Well on the other hand, maybe you would.:dunno:

1)You are hearing voices I guess one of the worst spelling, punctuation use, and word dropping posters here you really think finding one misspelled word is a big deal? I guess for you it would be, your "victories" are few and dwindling. Lame is not just having a limp, as you so ably's a HM post!

2)sigh...You Missed again on purpose the salient point of the part I quoted...let me help you again ( I do have a bit more patience with the little children)..."The agents needed to verify Abdon was in the country legally and it is not uncommon to ask for someone's birth certificate. She also said this has nothing to do with the proposed bill or racial profiling."
Do I need me to type slower to help your sluggish synapses grasp the point? I can, if it'll help you...!
3) Well...if that's how your simplistic mind sees all and everything, as very stark black and white, then...YES! He must have just started being a truck driver if he didn't have his Birth Certificate along for the bet he'll know better next trip!:rofl: All truck driving lore is easily available and shared by all drivers...he may actually resemble a nationality that has a bad history with the US, and only you and he would think it made no difference someone named Abdon with a possible heavy accent and uncommon US physical features was driving a cargo vehicle with no citizenship papers other than a DL...and just bring along a minimum of ID papers.
You're both wrong...imagine that...!:rofl:
People...he's dead serious. He really believes in the Illuminati!:bowdown::rofl:

Still waiting for some hard data on how Illegals are such a financial boon to the we are opening new hospitals from all the influx of capital from illegals, or the annual injection of billions of Dollars from Mexico into our economy from illegals working here with fake docs and not paying Emergency room bills, welfare benefits, free schools for millions of anchor babies, etc...I will publicly apologize to you for being so wrong about there being a fiscal burden from millions and millions of freeloaders here illegally, as soon as you show some real data supporting the lame stuff you've come up with on the subject.
You are Hellraisin's slower younger brother...!:rofl:
Complete honesty is in your PM...cheers Dr. Rose :nanner:

pete [B][URL=" said:
Rose[/URL][/B], post: 4437614, member: 380567"]No, seriously, I'd like to know what compelled you to think that. I want complete honesty.
1)You are hearing voices I guess one of the worst spelling, punctuation use, and word dropping posters here you really think finding one misspelled word is a big deal? I guess for you it would be, your "victories" are few and dwindling. Lame is not just having a limp, as you so ably's a HM post!

2) missed again on purpose the salient point of the part I quoted...let me help you again ( I do have a bit more patience with the little children)..."The agents needed to verify Abdon was in the country legally and it is not uncommon to ask for someone's birth certificate. She also said this has nothing to do with the proposed bill or racial profiling."
Do I need me to type slower to help your sluggish synapses grasp the point? I can, if it'll help you...!
3) Well...if that's how your simplistic mind sees all and everything, as very stark black and white, then...YES! He must have just started being a truck driver if he didn't have his Birth Certificate along for the bet he'll know better next trip!:rofl: All truck driving lore is easily available and shared by all drivers...he may actually resemble a nationality that has a bad history with the US, and only you and he would think it made no difference someone named Abdon with a possible heavy accent and uncommon US physical features was driving a cargo vehicle with no citizenship papers other than a DL...and just bring along a minimum of ID papers.
You're both wrong...imagine that...!:rofl:

The AZ "law" now allows for this type of interrogation on the spot based on an unreasonable standard for probable cause (a person looks like they are here illegally) of anyone in AZ.

When LE has a reasonable suspicion or probable cause to make contact (you are committing a crime, infraction or general checkpoints) they already can call upon an individual to produce ID, status documentation, etc. anywhere in the US. There is nothing wrong with that.

Where AZ differs and violates now is that they have all but eliminated the reasonable suspicion and probable cause standard for detention and interrogation. In which there is NO WAY to merely limit it to illegals. If there is no way to limit it to illegals (which it can't) then it obviously will impact legal Americans. Americans have a right against detention and interrogation absent tangible parameters of reasonable suspicion and probable cause.

Again, (maybe you'll read what I said this time) the reason why I posted the story was to demonstrate in practice what proving you "belong here" actually can entail. While it's routine and in most situations a mere license will be accepted, it is not proof nor must LE stop there.

That's why I said previously I would like supporters of this to actually experience for themselves that it's not just whipping out your ID or DL.

This wasn't this guy's first time encountering a weigh station checkpoint. Any reasonable person would have to believe this is HIS first time being asked to produce this amount of documentation (no matter what spin INS gave) given the fact that he apparently hasn't been carrying this amount of documentation previously. To think there is no correlation to the new law and what happened here was commonplace is either head in the sand naivety or incorrigible stupidity.
Seriously? You are asking this because:
1)you just awoke from a 20 year coma? (Who's been using your account?)
2)You don't know how to read, and you're deaf too?
3) You never heard of Google, search engines, and the 300,000,000 + articles on the Illegal's cost to the US economy that have been on msm and local news channels, in all news mags, and in just about every local and National newspaper one time or another?
4)You have the cognition of a 3 year old, and this is the best you can do?
Sorry, I can't help you.:dunno:

and yet again you offer no hard data or even and article to support your claim instead you offer childish insults well played i made no claim either way i simply asked you to support your bullshit with evidence champ
here's some articles on the subject:
Being a young black man I wonder if I go to Arizona will I have to start calling folks massa or ma'am and carry my papers too or not look people in the eye anymore cause thats where we are headed

Oh jeez.:rolleyes::rolleyes:
ever been pulled over? ever applied for a tax-paying job? ever done ANYTHING in this country? if so, then you have been forced to show identification...police already request some form of identification if you are involved in an incident or are behaving suspiciously and if something seems fishy about it then further proof that you are who you say you are will be border states how could anyone in their right mind expect it to NOT be somewhat racially based? south texas and arizona is not exactly the first place to look for illegal white or asian immigrants...latinos, however, make sense as that's what the overwhelming majority of illegals's called common sense and no it's not politically correct but grow up, they'd be doing a piss poor job at screening illegals along the southern border if they didn't look closer at latinos. besides, unless you're here illegally you don't have to be worried about being deported and if you draw the attention of the police to yourself then you will be accosted and asked for ID no matter what state you're's nothing new...

Yoichi, are you serious? just had to, that's not where it's headed and it really has nothing to do with the issue, you're here legally and that's's not like black people stand out as potential illegal immigrants...besides, if we get to that sort of 'massa' submission thing you're talking about it won't be only blacks, it will most likely be everyone regardless of color forced to do it to government officials
I already know that Blacks are next

Naw, social conservatives are mostly focused on hispanics and muslims these days. They already spent 300 years tormenting your people. Even a war where 600,000 americans died wasn't enough to deter them. Finally a hundred years later the big bad federal government (you know, the one that's supposedly useless and incapable of accomplishing or administering anything important) led by a socially liberal administration came along and put a stop to that.


Hiliary 2020
There is so much self hatred in this thread its disgusting.

Fellow humans, the reason we have borders is because without them we aren't a country.
For the same reason you have doors on your houses.

Simple fact is that for years now the door has been left open for mainly mexicans to come and go as they please.
And they have, by the millions upon millions.
That is Illegal, right?

1- Consider the financial costs, education, medical, social services ( which many do collect), law enforcement, ect ect ect and all the costs it takes to process these things.

2- consider the fact that illegals pay no state or federal taxes.

3- in an environmental point of view, consider the strain on the environment caused by 100,000,000 million or so extra people.

4- consider the fact that when a school is overcrowded it is impossible to actually give the kids an education thats worth a crap.
thousands of towns and citys have had to build extra schools to handle the increase.
kids have to have classes in trailers.
And how do you teach john and jane mathematics when first you need to teach juan and juanita english?
It hurts the education system.

Simply they cost billions of legal citizens hard earned money.

But most of all they are illegal.

So for years the gov made it impossible to deport or even check to see if they are legal.
imagine an illegal goes in to an office to begin to collect welfare, foodstamps, and all of the other free stuff and the worker can't even ask if they are in the country legally?
Man , mexicans must laugh their asses off about that one, stupid gringos.

Ok, so now many of you have a problem with law enforcement being able to identify who's who and perhaps enforce the law.
You basically blame your own people for the problem.
not the mexican government, not the mexican people, not the politicians who sat back and watched it get to this point, but your own country.
You call it racist.
That is more of that self hatred, guilt complex that they taught you in school showing through.
Maybe , just maybe if the mexicans themselves didn't abuse the situation in such a extreme way it wouldn't have got to this point.

So it doesn't bother you that 10's of millions come into your country without permission, drain the resources, drain the economy, drain the whole damn system and costs you money if you even work, meanwhile giving you a big middle finger and laughing at your countrys inability and unwillingness to stop it.
But, you do have a problem with a cop being able to say "hey, you got I.D.?

I think your priorities are very fucked up.


Hiliary 2020
Being a young black man I wonder if I go to Arizona will I have to start calling folks massa or ma'am and carry my papers too or not look people in the eye anymore cause thats where we are headed

Being a young white man I wonder if youre really black.
Being a young white man i wonder what happened to you.
Being a young white man I wonder if you see the actual racism in what you just said.
No white people want that, and you know it, and its insulting to say it.
Its offensive dude.