Arizona Immigration Bill PASSES!!

Do You Think She Made the Right Decision?

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You are batting a 1000; wrong and wrong...aren't you tired yet of posting drivel?
I hope some of the hundreds of thousands of unemployed bricklayers, painters, carpenters, roofers, heavy equipment operators, etc, find out what you say about illegals and take you outside to discuss your BS...:thumbsup:
Dey dook er jerrrrbs!! :mad:
Wow...forget what you've said much?:rofl:
The no. 1 "both sides of your mouth" poster on FOs accuses others of dogma driven posts, speaking out of both sides of their mouth, and adhering to some ignorant 1 sided definitely brings to mind instantly the many expressions pertaining to pots, kettles, and their color.
I'd quote where the Law says a DL is valid proof of citizenship or legality, end of story, but I already have and HM wants to ignore that reality as usual and continue to exaggerate and obfuscate the truth... look out, here come the crazed out of control Troopers who will use you as a protest...can anyone spell lawsuit?
Actual BS, not a copy or facsimile...!:rofl:

Again, LEARN the facts about your rights and responsibilities. It's obvious to any dummy that cops routinely accept your license as de facto proof. That doesn't mean they have to stop at that as THE proof if they suspect otherwise.

Why waste time telling you about the facts when reading them for yourself is more painful to you. :tongue:

Truck driver forced to show birth certificate claims racial-profiling

PHOENIX – A Valley man says he was pulled over Wednesday morning and questioned when he arrived at a weigh station for his commercial vehicle along Val Vista and the 202 freeway.

Abdon, who did not want to use his last name, says he provided several key pieces of information but what he provided apparently was not what was needed.

He tells 3TV, “I don't think it's correct, if I have to take my birth certificate with me all the time.”

3TV caught up with Abdon after he was released from the Immigration and Customs Enforcement office in central Phoenix. He and his wife, Jackie, are still upset about what happened to him.

Jackie tells 3TV, “It's still something awful to be targeted. I can't even imagine what he felt, people watching like he was some type of criminal.”

Abdon was told he did not have enough paperwork on him when he pulled into a weigh station to have his commercial truck checked. He provided his commercial driver’s license and a social security number but ended up handcuffed.

An agent called his wife and she had to leave work to drive home and grab other documents like his birth certificate.

Continued at link.....

Now disappear uh-gin as you commonly do upon getting your ass handed to you with the facts...:wave2:

You are batting a 1000; wrong and wrong...aren't you tired yet of posting drivel?
I hope some of the hundreds of thousands of unemployed bricklayers, painters, carpenters, roofers, heavy equipment operators, etc, find out what you say about illegals and take you outside to discuss your BS...:thumbsup:

You won't be missed...!:wave2:

Care to post any actual info to back up the lie that illegals bring in more than they take away? Even a HM post? A Huffington Post article? A La Raza pamphlet? :sleep:
You do understand that even if every immigrant was forced out of the country, it would have little effect, right (and vice versa)? The workers taking lower wages, overall, regulate that. They don't create anything more than a dent in the bumper. They really do an assload more than the common American, whether you believe that or not (or willingly not). They are the focal point in agriculture and do the grunt work nobody wants to do and do it for much less. But alas, everything is black and white and they are criminal scum just stealing from the government or whatever.
I do understand people's worry about this issue, after all, illegals immigrants are unwelcome everywhere...but it's the US we're talking about here, it's no ordinary country, and contrary to Pete Rose's belief, it's not really all black and white, we are all gonna see the shades of grey appearing more often. Arizona will be chaotic for a very long time.
Rep...they say I'm out so I have to do it this worries...

Yes, and since it's always been that way since you were old enough to have ID (you remember, 3 or 4 years back?)...
Maybe it's time to stop with the reefer and sober up...ID is always required if asked for by LE in any contact, like moving violations; and using a credit card for big buys, passing a personal check, etc...has always needed ID.
I guess... not if you're an illegal peon from backcountry Mexico...I see where You Might be upset.:rofl:

Federal law has always mandated carrying your documents at all times if you are here from another country...passport or residence papers, or green what's new?
Once again you said, "others may believe in the principles our constitution protects it's citizens with." The key word is citizens...they're NOT citizens...they're ILLEGALS...I'm not sure why your brain synapses are not hooking up and functioning properly...

If that's your choice it's only YOUR choice...march down to the police them you're here legally and move on. Invite them to spot check your home for other crimes, etc. That is your choice Spark...Others may believe in the principles our constitution protects it's citizens with. Simple as that.

You believe some thing is a bigger issue than some rights...fine..but don't act as if it's the only rational perspective. It's not.

Why stop there?
HM must be a politician...thanks for all your insightful words...much would definitely be a good choice for CNN...enjoy your evening :D
Once again you said, "others may believe in the principles our constitution protects it's citizens with." The key word is citizens...they're NOT citizens...they're ILLEGALS...I'm not sure why your brain synapses are not hooking up and functioning properly...

Let me try this slo o o o o w e r...

How do you know who's a citizen or not without first stopping, detaining and investigating them against their right not to be in the first place under the permissions of this law?

I apologize for my previous explanations being over you head but can you now wrap your synapses around answering that basic, simple question?
Not worth an answer...we've already been over this, others have responded quite logically and the poll seems to be ahead in the "YES" department...

Let me try this slo o o o o w e r...

How do you know who's a citizen or not without first stopping, detaining and investigating them against their right not to be in the first place under the permissions of this law?

I apologize for my previous explanations being over you head but can you now wrap your synapses around answering that basic, simple question?
Several quotes from citizens regarding the bill:

"I believe the Arizona immigration bill is the right thing to do. Persons will not be pulled over or confronted unless the persons have acted suspiciously or have been stopped for other unlawful reasons. All the persons need, as far as "papers," is a driver's license or government issued ID. If persons are driving a car, asking for a driver's license is not considered evasive."

"In the USA you cannot even cash a check without an ID. I don't know anyone who doesn't have one unless you are a criminal. Don't listen to the racist hype from Latinos. They only use it to try and shame citizens because they know they're wrong and have no other argument. Illegal is not a race!"

"The US is the only country that accommodates foreigners and adjusts our security so that outsiders can be happy. We sacrifice our own selves for the sake of public relations. I heard it put this way: what if the government announced that we had to all unlock our doors for the night because a homeless person might need to come in and rummage through our refrigerator? How much sense does that make? What exactly are we trying to prove by being so kind? Has our politeness in policies gotten us anything other than accolade?"

"Because of the severe immigration problems in Arizona, I think they've taken the right steps. Phoenix is the #2 kidnap capital of the world as well as enormous amounts of illegal drugs smuggled in. Why doesn't the media tell about this instead of worrying about civil rights?"

"I think the new law is exactly what is needed in the state of Arizona and in my opinion it should be adopted by every state in the union. Enough is enough. If you do not enter this country legally, We do not want you. I am tired of bending over backwards to be politically correct. My family, came to America through Ellis Island and they became citizens of the United States. They did not sneak across the border and have children, so they could be Anchored to this country. I say Congratulations to the State of Arizona."

Enough said...I'm done with this thread...cheers :thumbsup:
Not worth an answer...we've already been over this, others have responded quite logically and the poll seems to be ahead in the "YES" department...

^^:Translation: The concept is over your head and you have no answer.

And nor others have explained it either but for to respond simplistically with you don't mind submitting to it. Which doesn't answer for anyone else's rights except yours.

Enjoy your evening.:wave2:
Several quotes from citizens regarding the bill:

"I believe the Arizona immigration bill is the right thing to do. Persons will not be pulled over or confronted unless the persons have acted suspiciously or have been stopped for other unlawful reasons. All the persons need, as far as "papers," is a driver's license or government issued ID. If persons are driving a car, asking for a driver's license is not considered evasive."

"In the USA you cannot even cash a check without an ID. I don't know anyone who doesn't have one unless you are a criminal. Don't listen to the racist hype from Latinos. They only use it to try and shame citizens because they know they're wrong and have no other argument. Illegal is not a race!"

"The US is the only country that accommodates foreigners and adjusts our security so that outsiders can be happy. We sacrifice our own selves for the sake of public relations. I heard it put this way: what if the government announced that we had to all unlock our doors for the night because a homeless person might need to come in and rummage through our refrigerator? How much sense does that make? What exactly are we trying to prove by being so kind? Has our politeness in policies gotten us anything other than accolade?"

"Because of the severe immigration problems in Arizona, I think they've taken the right steps. Phoenix is the #2 kidnap capital of the world as well as enormous amounts of illegal drugs smuggled in. Why doesn't the media tell about this instead of worrying about civil rights?"

"I think the new law is exactly what is needed in the state of Arizona and in my opinion it should be adopted by every state in the union. Enough is enough. If you do not enter this country legally, We do not want you. I am tired of bending over backwards to be politically correct. My family, came to America through Ellis Island and they became citizens of the United States. They did not sneak across the border and have children, so they could be Anchored to this country. I say Congratulations to the State of Arizona."

Enough said...I'm done with this thread...cheers :thumbsup:

1.) LE already has the right to initiate contact based on reasonable suspicion and probable cause (which are spelled out in the exceptions to warrants) in every US jurisdiction. The difference with AZ is they have created some nebulous probable cause standard (someone is here illegally:rolleyes:).

2.) While LE routinely accepts a license or state ID as reasonable proof of residency...they don't have to as that is not per se proof. They accept it because they are typically investigating traffic infractions or other crimes that don't naturally call into question a person's legal status.

But thanks for providing us with scholarly ruminations of Cletus, Willey and all.:thumbsup:


what the fuck you lookin at? mexican? You are as opposed to this as one would expect from a mexican...


Again, LEARN the facts about your rights and responsibilities. It's obvious to any dummy that cops routinely accept your license as de facto proof. That doesn't mean they have to stop at that as THE proof if they suspect otherwise.

Why waste time telling you about the facts when reading them for yourself is more painful to you. :tongue:

Continued at link.....

Now disappear uh-gin as you commonly do upon getting your ass handed to you with the facts...:wave2:

Oh, Lord...spare us the embarrassment...! You are on Planet Trafalmador and someone gave you a toxic that it?:eek:
Where do "truck drivers documents" fit into your frantic babble about just being snatched up and papers demanded? He's a commercial truck driver, not walking around without docs getting fantasy Ice Cream with some fantasy kids as Otrauma so stupidly alluded to in his fantasy situation he made up to scare all the Demotards...
From the simple little article ..."The agents needed to verify Abdon was in the country legally and it is not uncommon to ask for someone's birth certificate. She also said this has nothing to do with the proposed bill or racial profiling.

So...when do we all get these powerful facts that hands us our asses?:rofl:

You aren't doing too well recently...too many people used to your almost correct posts? Maybe it's time for you to try a change of Meds, some that won't turn your forebrain all sludgy...?
And try not to use off the wall examples like a commercial truck driver named Abdon ******** being detained for not having ID enough. He should just get a better job; like picking fruit in the ID required!
