That's the problem with Liberal-Socialists ..
That's the problem with Liberal-Socialists ...
They believe the answer is raising taxes and increasing spending.
They utterly miss the fact who pays nearly all taxes these days.
They utterly miss the fact that there is a point of diminishing returns.
Unfortunately the Republicans are no better in the spending department.
The lower taxes back below the point of diminishing returns.
This in turn actually increases federal income (takes several years for the increased multiplier come around again).
But they still spend way more than the budget can afford, which is what you don't do.
Why do they? Because they are arguing against the Bleeding-Heart Liberal types.
The ones that don't understand the first thing about Income Taxes, let alone the concept that the high income earners are not responsible for helping everyone else.
Let alone the greater issue that high income earners can help people more via charity than building government agencies through taxation.
So they are part of the problem, possibly even more so.
I'm honestly tired of people on both sides thinking the government can solve things with spending.
The government produces absolutely nothing except more government.
They do not manufacturer shit, social programs are the absolute mainstay of the costs, so you don't even have the military-industrial complex for the majority of it either (not it is any better).
The US is now a socialist country, will float around 10% unemployment and will never come close to its former GDP.
We Libertarian-Capitalists have been long breeded out between the left and right wings.
And Generation-X, the prime income earners in the US right now, have been squished between the "I want my retirement money" Boomers and the even larger "I want my big car, house, etc... with a $100K salary at age 25" Generation-Y who use Paris Hilton as an excuse to tax the working millionaire next door.
You have to be a multi-millionaire to afford to retire these days.
Anyone who doesn't realize that, along with other things, are just wholly deficient at math.
I've had that argument over and over, along with the non-sense that led to both the 2000 market crap (which I predicted in 1998) and now the 2007 real estate crap (which I predicted in 2005).
We're fucked for a good 20+ years, not to mention our Environmental Policies have gone backwards out of sheer ignorance and countless, unsubstantiated viewpoints.
If there is one thing I want to smack the fuck out of Obama on, it's his non-sense Energy Policy -- it's more non-policy and "status quo" non-sense.
Yes, "status quo" actually results when you do not even remotely have a plan, which Obama does not have, despite what he tries to dance with.
At least McCain has Nukes and Wind, which virtually every Electrical Engineer has been screaming for decades -- renovate the power grid, first and foremost.