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Are you for or against same sex marriage?

Are you for or against same sex marriage?

  • For

    Votes: 79 59.4%
  • Against

    Votes: 54 40.6%

  • Total voters
The Fog said:
Who says that marriage has to be between two people? Tell me how the world would be hurt if polygamy was legal everywhere?

i already gave an example as to how polygamy might be dangerous to those involved in it. i'm NOT saying that it has to be that way, but polygamy certainly contains more dangers than homosexuality.
The Fog said:
LetoII, I stand by my post to you.

WTF ??? i just explained to you as to how you obviously misunderstood my points. i can tell, dude, cause you seem to have a completely wrong picture of me.

so how the hell do you stand by your post that said "close-minded polygamy hater" ?!?!? would you please explain yourself ?!


The Fog said:
Who says that marriage has to be between two people? Tell me how the world would be hurt if polygamy was legal everywhere?

We are starting to go around in circles here.

I said I had no problem with polygamy being legal. And if I didn't - I am now.

Now please answer my question. Tell me how the world would be hurt by same sex marriages? How would any one else's lives even be affected?
LetoII, My calling you "close-minded" was meant to be sarcastic to prove a point. I too am against polygamy.

From the start, I have merely wanted to show the pro gay marriage crowd the logic of their position. I still maintain my original point: change the definition of marriage and all bets are off. Your other point that polygamy can be unfair to women (or something similar) isn't convincing at all. I am sure various individual relationships of all kinds can be unfair to one or more persons in them.
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The Fog said:
My calling you "close-minded" was meant to be sarcastic to prove a point. I too am against polygamy.

From the start, I have merely wanted to show the pro gay marriage crowd the logic of their position. I still maintain my original point: change the definition of marriage and all bets are off. Your other point that polygamy can be unfair to women (or something similar) isn't convincing at all. I am sure various individual relationships of all kinds can be unfair to one or more persons in them.

Yeah, like the relationship with that cat on your avatar and it's owner...LOL.

If that cat is yawning, I would be very surprised. It's probably being buggered by a bigomist.....LOL.

I could NOT resist.

Oh...and I am not pro gay marriage....as much as I am it's-non-of-my-business-what the fuck others do with there lives if it doesn't hurt anyone else.

That is what I am for.

And I am deadset against lesbian marriage....well....great looking lesbian marriage. Well, great looking bisexual/lesbian marriage. If they marry each other then the ripples of effect work there way down the 'love train' (as opposed to food chain) and I'm left with even less choices.
You ever see a gay pride parade. Tons of great looking guys and not very many great looking women. From a purely selfish point of view I am ALL for gay marriages.

Yeah, yeah, I know. They are that way (usually) from birth...but less great looking guys to compete with (you know - the bi ones amyway) is the better for me.

What a pig I can be... :)
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mcrocket said:
I said I had no problem with polygamy being legal. And if I didn't - I am now.

Now please answer my question. Tell me how the world would be hurt by same sex marriages? How would any one else's lives even be affected?

To respond to your first paragraph: I wonder how far you will go. I will give you credit for being consistent. If you are willing to accept gay marriage, you should accept polygamy.

To answer your question, I believe dirtysanchez (or someone else) pointed out some valid economic points.

However, I am going by my gut. Homosexual marriage is not a difference of degree as interracial marriage is (and, btw, I have no problem with that). It is a difference of kind. I am against it. It defies tradition and common sense.

I believe it would be very bad for our society. But, as I said earlier, our civilization is already so fucked up, who would notice?

Louis Armstrong once said (I think it was him) "Some people, if they dont know, you can't tell them." I recognize that is a bit cryptic and a copout. I just don't believe there is any answer I could give to satisfy you on that question. It would take someone far more intelligent and articulate then I am. Sorry.
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The Fog said:
To respond to your first paragraph: I wonder how far you will go. I will give your credit for being consistent. If you are willing to accept gay marriage, you should accept polygamy.

To answer your question, I believe dirtysanchez (or someone else) pointed out some valid economic points.

However, I am going by my gut. Homosexual marriage is not a difference of degree as interracial marriage is (and, btw, I have no problem with that). It is a difference of kind. I am against it. It defies tradition and common sense.

I believe it would be very bad for our society. But, as I said earlier, our civilization is already so fucked up, who would notice?

Louis Armstrong once said (I think it was him) "Some people, if they dont know. You can't tell them." I recognize that is a bit cryptic and a copout. I just don't believe there is any answer I could give to satisfy you on that question. It would take someone far more intelligent and articulate then I am. Sorry.

So in other words you answer is, more or less, it wouldn't.

Yes, some financial effect. But since it is only 10 percent of the population I hardly think it would bankrupt any country. The costs would be minimal.
So outside of some pultry costs (tax benefits and so on) the cost to other people would be zero.
How could someone getting married across town town affect you? The answer? It probably couldn't.

Then why should you care? And why should it be your business?

The answer to both questions is: it shouldn't.

Oh, and how far will I go? Simple.

Anything between two or more consenting adults that hurts no living thing is absolutely fine with me...ANYTHING. (well, that I can think of)
Dirty Sanchez said:
How can you bash me for my beliefs about gays, and then make those comments about polygamy?

waaaaait a second, dude. firstly, i didn't bash you for your beliefs, but for generally insulting homosexuals !
secondly, what comments about polygamy ?
you mean saying that it's a very difficult, fragile and extremely rare kind of a relationship ? well, sorry, pal, but those are given facts, and not a personal impression.

Dirty Sanchez said:
You say you know gay people and they love each other unequivacly(sp). Well guess what, I know of two seperate 3 person relationships that have lasted well over 10 years each, and everybody is in love there.

WOW ! a whole 2 ? big time ! and know what ? i know of at least 10 relationships of that kind that broke apart in a very nasty way. another proof that polygamy is extremely difficult, and that the working relationships are very rare.
but once more: i'm not AGAINST it. i was just trying to tell you that polygamy is a lot more delicate than homosexuality.

Dirty Sanchez said:
Do you know much about the Muslim world? Because quite frankly, in majority of their marriages, the wife has little to no rights or freedoms.

uhm, yeah, dude ! i know that. that was pretty much exactly what i'd already posted, remember ?! and no, we don't have to do it the same way, but there ARE certain dangers attached to it, and there is proof for it.

Dirty Sanchez said:
By saying polygamy is wrong, but gay marriage is right, is down contradictive.

definitely, but i didn't say that !!! if it was up to me, i'd drop the polygamy issue right now, because i believe it has nothing to do with the original topic of this thread. but since you mentioned it i had to be responsive to it.

so, once and for all: I DO NOT DISLIKE POLYGAMY, but i KNOW that it's a lot more delicate than any form of monogamy !
i hope that finally settles it.


LetoII said:
WOW ! a whole 2 ? big time ! and know what ? i know of at least 10 relationships of that kind that broke apart in a very nasty way. another proof that polygamy is extremely difficult, and that the working relationships are very rare.
but once more: i'm not AGAINST it. i was just trying to tell you that polygamy is a lot more delicate than homosexuality.

2? 10? Where have I been all my life?

I do not know any. And I would say I have had a rather interesting life. I guess it wasen't THAT interesting.
How did I miss all these polygamists?



The Fog said:
No, if it affects society, it affects me.

How would it hurt you personally if I married a 14 year old girl?

I already said that I was not against that. I don't think it is wise. But I am not against it. It's legal in Canada to have sex at 14, so marriage should be legal also.

It affects society? How specifically does it affect individsuals. I don't give a crap about the masses. Just individuals. How would it affect an individual person if someone they never met married someone of the same sex?
mcrocket said:
I already said that I was not against that. I don't think it is wise. But I am not against it. It's legal in Canada to have sex at 14, so marriage should be legal also.

It affects society? How specifically does it affect individsuals. I don't give a crap about the masses. Just individuals. How would it affect an individual person if someone they never met married someone of the same sex?

It is legal in Canada for a grown man to have sex with a 14 year old? That was the example I gave.
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Homosexuality and bisexuality are no more birth defects than being born with white or brown or red or yellow skin. People DO NOT CHOOSE to be gay or bi or hetero. It's how we're "wired," and to think anything else requires self-examination.

When did YOU choose to like women, for example, DS? When did you decide, Fog, to like girls and not boys when you were a kid? What was the defining moment? Did you linger over it, asking yourself if the blonde-haired boy with the blue eyes or the green-eyed girl with the pigtails was cuter? Come on...

Nope. It's not a choice or decision. People are "hardwired" a certain way with the DNA with which they were born. This "choice" shit is ludicrous.

Virtually NO ONE would CHOOSE to be a hated, despised, loathed, and abhorred member of society. Why do you think gay teen suicide rates are astronomically high? Poor kids. They try try try to fit in, but they're surrounded by ignorance and bigotry, teased, and some cannot take it. They didn't choose to be gay. They're just "wired" that way. Some cannot take it, and they're found by their parents hanging in the closet by a belt around their neck...

I'm getting angry with the stupidity of some of the posts here. Ignorance is one thing, but to be blatantly stupid, just for the hell of it...there's no excuse for that and I cannot respect it.

Oh well. My :2 cents:

And mcrocket, FUCK YOU for making this thread. You're a BITCH! "Bring out the gimp!" hehe j/k ;)
Nightfly, I think sexuality is far more fluid then you realize.

But let us say we live in the idyllic future where gays aren't hated at all, I'll ask you the same question I raised before, would you voluntarily choose to have a gay child? Again, that gay child will not be hated and discriminated against as you think gays are now. I'm curious what your answer will be.


Nightfly said:

And mcrocket, FUCK YOU for making this thread. You're a BITCH! "Bring out the gimp!" hehe j/k ;)

Fuck me? The only way you could fuck me is...if...you were....gay!!!

That is why you are defending them so strongly. I am on to you. And I will expose you for the homosexual that you are.

p.s. Do you want to go out?

Me----> :lovecoupl <----Nightfly

That gives me the creeps just looking at it...LOL

Just trying to lighten things up a bit guys.
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I will be thrilled to have a gay OR straight OR bisexual child. What is important is their capacity for love, fidelity, honesty, virtue, hard work, responsibility, obeying laws, speaking thier mind, being creative and thoughtful, being peaceful, and good overall citizenship. I don't care WHAT their sexual orientation is.

In your scenario, where there is NO BIAS or discrimination towards gay people, WHY WOULD ANYONE care whether or not their child was gay or straight? Humanity will endure; the instinct for reproduction is SO strong in heterosexual people...no worries there.

I would not care if my child were straight, gay, bi or born with a third leg. It would be MY CHILD, and I would love and care for the boy or girl with all of the love in my heart...

As to sexuality being "more fluid" than I realize, why don't you give me an example? You've lost me there...

The Fog said:
Nightfly, I think sexuality is far more fluid then you realize.

But let us say we live in the idyllic future where gays aren't hated at all, I'll ask you the same question I raised before, would you voluntarily choose to have a gay child? Again, that gay child will not be hated and discriminated against as you think gays are now. I'm curious what your answer will be.


I simply need to point out the fact that free speech is open on this board, unlike the opposite so many (mainly in the past) like/d to point out.
This thread, so far, is a perfect example of arguement, debate and opinion without flaming and the pursuant escallation that leads to a closed thread.

Bravi, ragazzi! (Nice job) :glugglug: :thumbsup:
Hell no, I am sorry gay people but I just think being gay is worng ! I am really sorry and I find it weird that people become gay. Sorry ! :dunno: