Archbishop of Canterbury : UK should welcome Sharia


Archbishop: UK Should Allow Shariah

LONDON (AP) — The archbishop of Canterbury on Thursday called for a limited application of Islamic law in Britain. Muslims praised the proposal but the government rejected it.

The unusual suggestion from Britain's highest ranking Christian leader would, if adopted, allow British Muslims to choose to resolve marital and financial disputes under Islamic law, known as Shariah, rather than through British courts.

I'm elated ! Fantastic News !!


What courage ! This is progressivism ! It may kill an nation . . . . but it's progress !! here hear !!
Ain't gonna happen, although it would stop shoplifters I suppose.
I meant non-Muslims stealing in an area under Muslim Law, I live near a lot of Muslim's, generally nice people, but that doesn't mean I trust any of them. If some chav nicked from them would they have their hand cut off?

Or would everyone living under Sharia have to be Muslim? I know places that are said to be strictly Muslim only (if you're white they'll attack you).
I meant non-Muslims stealing in an area under Muslim Law, I live near a lot of Muslim's, generally nice people, but that doesn't mean I trust any of them. If some chav nicked from them would they have their hand cut off?

Or would everyone living under Sharia have to be Muslim? I know places that are said to be strictly Muslim only (if you're white they'll attack you).

You have to be a Muslim to be to be tried under the proposed Sharia law introduction. In other words they want Muslims to be tried under Muslim laws and not the UK's.

They are places all round Britain that attack you for where you come from. Take some places in north Wales. They will attack certain English people for the crimes committed against there nation hundreds of years ago. There even some places in my city that used to do this if not still. You came from one certain borough into another they'll attack you for that sole reason. Doesn't happen so much now though.

dick van cock

Closed Account
Sharia means stoning, disrespect for human rights and a mediaeval world view.

No wonder, it bodes well with a devout Christian...
but the greater murderers of the last 100 were areligious.

not muslim nor christian. :(

I'm sure one of the folks you are referring to there is Adolf Hiltler and while himself may have been non-religious there is absolutely no doubt that religious biases on the part of christians played a large part in making the ground fertile for things like the Holocaust to have occured.

"The Longest Hatred: The History of Anti-Semitism "


I've never ever seen and / or heard of an individual so obsessed. That's a compliment ! :GRIN:

Does this have anything to do with a development in your life ? was it a court case . . . a poisoning . . ?
I'm, as I'm certain many here are, intrigued by your devotion to such a cantankerous ideology.

Would you care to lay out your ideal world for me sometime ? Or do you insist on keeping us guessin ?

You qualify everything pro communist, yet you deny your affection toward the ideology. uh huh . . . seen that before.
Brutal lifestyle, BTW.

Yeah, I'm 'bout as old as you I gather, and yes, very cynical as well, albeit constructively. . . :rolleyes:

I've never ever seen and / or heard of an individual so obsessed. That's a compliment ! :GRIN:

Does this have anything to do with a development in your life ? was it a court case . . . a poisoning . . ?
I'm, as I'm certain many here are, intrigued by your devotion to such a cantankerous ideology.

Would you care to lay out your ideal world for me sometime ? Or do you insist on keeping us guessin ?

You qualify everything pro communist, yet you deny your affection toward the ideology. uh huh . . . seen that before.
Brutal lifestyle, BTW.

Yeah, I'm 'bout as old as you I gather, and yes, very cynical as well, albeit constructively. . . :rolleyes:


Actaully I think I have a few years on ya at 50.I do not at all deny my admiration for many ascpects of Communist/Marxist ideals.You decry corporate abuse but yet always seems to be defending the rights of the exploiters and never the exploited.I have seen to much and to many people with wealth who have it eitheir by hook or by crook to think that the world or societies should just stand back and let the strong and lucky eat the rest.Perfect world I can't imagine.But a better America would be one I think that is wise enough to learn from others like our european friends that there should be some goal of a society that is run to benefit the many and not just the few.That there should be a social compact that says maybe the top of the economic ladder should sacifice a little to help those at the bottom.That used to be american values to some degree at least for some members of society.This country did very well under much higher tax rates for the wealthy in the 50s and 60s.But since then the social contract has been broken by those at the top and only they have grown their incomes since the 70s.So yes I think some big time radical changes are in order and some european style socialism is what the workers of america need.


This country did very well under much higher tax rates for the wealthy in the 50s and 60s.

Where is the absolute truth on this 'cause (I've heard) from from a diverse number of sources, over the years that "the wealthy" already pay a fair sum of cake into the mix.

We don't want to penalize achievement to such a degree that citizens of bright thought and ingenuity simply flee the country only to relocate for a more desirable outcome in their lives, do we ? The nation will transmogrify into a 3rd world status then, IMO.
I've never envied the rich, as they have a plethora of their own unique set(s) of problems which I wouldn't trade places with for my middle "classedness" for any amount of wealth.

Wealthy people incessantly have disasters in their lives. I envy them not !
It's only when they collaborate or are held captive by / with govt. is when they shed the dirty upon the people.
It's happening now.


I thought Shakira was welcomed warmly everwhere?!?


It is an impractical and dangerous course, and IMO, a surprising statement.
no, we shouldn't,

i've just been watching newsnight and there was the biggest barney i've seen on there in a long time,
paxo was loving it,

the thing is, about getting divorced or separated in the uk these days
is you generally try to reach an agreement &
then get a judge to sign off on it and you're there,

you don't have to go into a court for legal arguments,

in front of a judge,
islamic or otherwise,
unless there's a deadlock or some other problem,

so i don't see why muslims can't voluntarily consult imans, muftis or whatever and take their advice on how to reach agreement in a way that'll be compatible with what they believe in,

as long as it's also compatible with existing uk law, human rights act etc.

but any actual sharia law incorporated into uk law...
... when we've spent 400 years taking religion out of our legal system ...

that's not what i want to see.


I wouldn't even want a government to do anything under a Christian law.

Then you better move out of North or South America, Europe, Russia or Australia. :2 cents:

The fundamental ideas of freedom and democracy are rooted in Christian beliefs, so I can't understand such a blanket statement. (I know it is popular to be anti-Christian or anti-religion, but you can't conveniently ignore history.) :)
Theres an old true saying "When in Rome,you do as the Romans do." Well thats the same when your in anyones Country. You simply go by the laws of the land .


It would be interresting if you tried to build a Church in an Islamic Country. What do you think would happen Mr Archbishop