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Anyone still on the Obama wagon?

You're the one following me around from thread to thread to post right-wing retard vomit. And you've threatened to kill people on this forum. And bragged about your extensive, probably illegal, firearms collection. Yeah, I'm the one that should be worried. We all already know what a little, pip-squeak, scared bitch bastard you are. Now you want to cry like a pussy on top of it. Shameful, and I'm sure everyone that knows you are ashamed of you. Maybe I should ask your daughter. :D

Shame you have to hide behind your computer. Come see me in person. But, I won't hold my breath because as was already said - This is the definition of you: Cyber-stalking is an extension of physical stalking. Among factors that motivate stalkers are: envy, pathological obsession (professional or sexual), unemployment or failure with own job or life; intention to intimidate and cause others to feel inferior; the stalker is delusional and believes he/she "knows" the target; the stalker wants to instill fear in a person to justify his/her status; belief they can get away with it (anonymity).

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.

Just calling it like I see it there, Super Genius. :wiggle:

Looks to me like he was cyber-beating your ass Roman style. He landed a punch in a soft, delicate area and made you cry. And then to get him off your ass, you threatened to call in the law dogs and make trouble for the entire board... including the models here. So basically, you pussied out. Right? Right!

You want Petra or Roald to tell him to stop whippin' that ass or... you're gonna tell on everybody. :rofl2: Now don't get mad at me. You said it. I didn't put words in your mouth. I'm just making an observational comment about it.

So... stop your whining and



Sam acts exactly like some homey from the ghetto. You know the type. They go struttin' around the 'hood, pretending to be bad-ass. But the moment they get picked up, their all tears and whining. "I want my lawyer." "Get me outta here." Waa waa waa.

It's funny that Sam's such a racist pig. He fits the exact same stereotype he claims to abhor. What color is your bandana Sam? Crip or Blood?
More good things? Mind telling us what those "good things" are that he's done? Oh wait, you mean:

David Letterman show how many times?
The View, how many times?
Ellen Degenerate show, how many times?
Jay Leno show, how many times?
Vacations, how many times?
Golf outings, how many times?

Surely you don't mean the unemployment?
Surely you don't mean the recipients on food stamps?
Surely you don't mean all the GREEN business he has approved, and yet they have all failed.
Surely you don't mean how when he was campaigning in 2008, that he would have the entire world respecting us once again. (yeah, right!)
Surely you don't mean Fast & Furious Gun Running fiasco.

I only taunt small minds it's not fair to argue with them.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Shame you have to hide behind your computer. Come see me in person. But, I won't hold my breath because as was already said - This is the definition of you: Cyber-stalking is an extension of physical stalking. Among factors that motivate stalkers are: envy, pathological obsession (professional or sexual), unemployment or failure with own job or life; intention to intimidate and cause others to feel inferior; the stalker is delusional and believes he/she "knows" the target; the stalker wants to instill fear in a person to justify his/her status; belief they can get away with it (anonymity).


Fuck you, Mitch.
No i am not for a few reasons one being that he has not done what he said like,President Obama promised us that he would “cut the deficit in half” by the end of this first term. Instead he’s run up trillion-dollar deficits four years in a row. If he wins you will pay 3000 more in taxes from your income when you go to the bank he also wants to pass a bill that would take 10dollars for ever hundred dollars you make


Staff member
He gave the american people a decent social security system, one that make healthcare affordable for every american citizen
It may not be a perfect one but such thing as a perfect social security system don't exist. But it a quite fair one.
So fair that the GOP can't accept it. It is too fair to be American. It has to be repealed because such fairness can't be tolerated. Fairness is not mentioned in the US Constitution 'cause the Founding Fathers never wanted their country to be fair.

Like Arabs and Blacks in France leeching our social security during 40 years, let's hope America doesn't have Obama as president ever again and that his Obamacare is gone forever. You don't look for fairness when you live in the US, you are strongminded, ruthless, very independant, self reliant and very individualistic. I prefer this kind of mentality to a socialist laxist bland and weakminded mentality.
:facepalm: Sounds like you want war in this country.


Not even your kind are stupid enough to try open warfare in these united states. Do you think this is Somalia where no one has anything to lose??
People here are not going to start killing one another and cost themselves their livelyhoods or their family's. Another seriously ignorant statement on your part.

Will E Worm

Not even your kind are stupid enough to try open warfare in these united states. Do you think this is Somalia where no one has anything to lose??
People here are not going to start killing one another and cost themselves their livelyhoods or their family's. Another seriously ignorant statement on your part.

No one in time of the Civil War or Revolutionary War had anything to lose? :facepalm:

If it comes down to it people will rise up and start another war against tyranny.

Liberals like you would be better off moving out of America now. Do not come back either.

Who knows when another war will start.


Christa Omalley RN
We're both Republicans but my sister in-law is a huge LIBERAL "Aspen"


Closed Account
Even after the last 4 years...?


You are kidding?

Have you looked at his accomplishments since elected?

Oh yeah, there are none.


•Obama has overhauled the food safety system
•Advanced women's rights in the work place
•Ended Don't Ask, Don't Tell (DADT) in our military
•Stopped defending DOMA in court.
•Passed the Hate Crimes bill.
•Appointed two pro-choice women to the Supreme Court.
•Expanded access to medical care and provided subsidies for people who can't afford it.
•Expanded the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
•Fixed the preexisting conditions travesty [and rescissions] in health insurance.
•Invested in clean energy.
•Overhauled the credit card industry, making it much more consumer-friendly.
•While Dodd-Frank bill was weak in many respects, it was still an extremely worthwhile start at re-regulating the financial sector.
•He created a Elizabeth Warren's dream agency: The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
•He's done a lot for veterans
•He got help for people whose health was injured during the clean-up after the 9/11 attacks.

None of these things were priorities for Republicans. They actively opposed, directly or indirectly through obstruction, every single item on this list. In fact, they succeeded in killing a Cap & Trade bill in the Senate after it had passed through the House.

All of these things are improvements that would not have occurred under a McCain-Palin administration. Moreover, a McCain-Palin administration would have moved in the other direction on most of these issues, or come up with even worse compromises.

•He's killed Osama Bin Laden
•Eliminated several other Al-Qaeda leaders
•Ended the War in Iraq
•Begun the drawdown of forces from Afghanistan
•End-run Republican obstructionism by recess-appointing Richard Cordray to run the Consumer Financial Protection Board.

No one in time of the Civil War or Revolutionary War had anything to lose? :facepalm:

If it comes down to it people will rise up and start another war against tyranny.

Liberals like you would be better off moving out of America now. Do not come back either.

Who knows when another war will start.

You read people as well as you think.

I'm not a liberal in any way shape or form cupcake fool.

I can just smell bullshit and stupidity a hell of alot better than yourself.

As to leaving America, I am more of an American than you could ever hope to be. I have an opinion of things that I will argue to to the fullest extent but I will never seek to impose it on any other human being as they have every bit as much right to their own opinion as I do.
You on the other hand, for reasons of education or inbreeding, only see things in your own light and if someone happens to see things in a different way you scream destroy them or run them off. Sounds a great deal like every oppressive regime ever to control people ever. Sir if anybody should be asked to leave a country established on the fundamentals of personal and religious freedoms it should be your short sighted and narrow minded little self. Feel free to spew the nonsense you spew it seems to all you really have anyway.

Me a liberal?!? Your just not as smart as you think you are apparently.
If it comes down to it people will rise up and start another war against tyranny.
No, they won't !

People are already led by tyrants, they just don't realise it 'cause the tyrant don't appears on TV every evening, they are not political tyrants, they are economic tyrants, financial tyrants.
Today's tyrants are not in the white house and, sorry for the "conspiraciy theory" believers, they are not in Langley, not in the NSA or whatever.
Today's tyrants are in the board of directors of the world's greatest corporations. And these tyrants can rest peacefully : there's no chance there will be overthrown. Not today, not tomorrow, not before a very long time. Why ? Because most of the people don't realise they've been enslaved.
Obama is a disappointment for sure and if the Republicans were running a stronger nominee I would be very likely to vote for him (like Jon Huntsman for instance). There's no way I'm voting for a snake oil salesman like Mitt Romney. He's just slimy and smarmy and smug and arrogant and I just don't trust him.
No, they won't !

People are already led by tyrants, they just don't realise it 'cause the tyrant don't appears on TV every evening, they are not political tyrants, they are economic tyrants, financial tyrants.
Today's tyrants are not in the white house and, sorry for the "conspiraciy theory" believers, they are not in Langley, not in the NSA or whatever.
Today's tyrants are in the board of directors of the world's greatest corporations. And these tyrants can rest peacefully : there's no chance there will be overthrown. Not today, not tomorrow, not before a very long time. Why ? Because most of the people don't realise they've been enslaved.

Great post. The Chinese government is working with American corporate criminals to make us live under the same oppression as the CHINESE PEOPLE live under. Is this what you want for your children??? Think about it.


No, they won't !

People are already led by tyrants, they just don't realise it 'cause the tyrant don't appears on TV every evening, they are not political tyrants, they are economic tyrants, financial tyrants.
Today's tyrants are not in the white house and, sorry for the "conspiraciy theory" believers, they are not in Langley, not in the NSA or whatever.
Today's tyrants are in the board of directors of the world's greatest corporations. And these tyrants can rest peacefully : there's no chance there will be overthrown. Not today, not tomorrow, not before a very long time. Why ? Because most of the people don't realise they've been enslaved.

Great post. The Chinese government is working with American corporate criminals to make us live under the same oppression as the CHINESE PEOPLE live under. Is this what you want for your children??? Think about it.

Johan is scoring some serious RBI's of late. Great slugging percentage, good base running......I think we should call him up from the minors. :thumbsup:
Johan is scoring some serious RBI's of late. Great slugging percentage, good base running......I think we should call him up from the minors. :thumbsup:

Nothing to do with the OP but just a point of order on 2 of my pet peeves that are both illustrated in Mayhem's post (and this is not commentary on your commentary or intent, Mayhem). The term "RBI" stands for "runs batted in". I am assuming that your inclusion of the " 's " is intended to indicate plural. Since "runs batted in" is already plural, there is no plural form of this term and should always be referred to as simply "RBI". However, your use of the apostrophe before the "s" indicates possessive (as in "belonging to RBI") rather than plural and, if there were indeed a plural form of an acronym like "RBI" it would be written as "RBIs", not "RBI's".

I know it sounds really nitpicky but I am a copy editor and do this for a living so I can't really help myself. :)