Anyone here play Final Fantasy Brave Exvius?

Annnnnd I wasted all my tickets chasing Dragonlord :brick: 18 of them lol
Well I did a couple of the step ups, but I have this superstition that you get better results when you clear a mission/boss/quest/etc the first time. Plus after going so long with lapis abstinence, a part of me wanted to keep that pile intact. So I've only done a couple of steps, and my "Guaranteed Rainbow" was a Whilhem, which I was happy with. I sort of stagnated from there. I've been quiet since I've been on the fence about taking the plunge.

Then today, I look out and see this:

I know it's faint on the right, but that's a double rainbow!
Being superstitious, I figured that was an omen so I bit the bullet, cleared the Hyou intro quest for the first time, and did the step-up 10 pull to get:


Yeah, I screamed like a little kid.
Nice pic :cool:

And dude! Sweet! I'm glad you got him on top of double whammy and got him for 7*! That's where he shines. One friend unit I have of him has him at 2200+ atk and 10k health.

Jeez you went through 40k lapis?? Well TT ready for 7*. I'll see what happens within the week. If anything I'll use my one time only recover with Gumi and get her back. Ugh I was so stupid back then... wooo stupid and dumb not knowing anything about the game.
Crazy perspective, I went to use Aranea stoss spear for enhancements so took it off of her and she went from like 1450 whatever atk all the way to freaking 504 lmao

How's item enhancements going? My next is thst sweet spear with the dragon and demon killers from the one king mpg event. I think it was DQ... can't remember now.
Sounds like your Dragon lady is coming along fine. How are your 7*s?

Um.... Yeah, I used more than 40K Lapis...
Still, it's been MONTHS of hoarding, and finally there's a banner which everyone seems happy with.

So I popped my 7* cherry tonight. Never did it before. Figured Hyou would be fitting as my first.

Then the craziest thing happened. I figured I'd do some DQ raid summons to get Cactaurs for Hyou, and after 400K of them, I figured I try for some units to use those moggles on.
I have over 100 regular tix, so I start pulling... and in 15 tickets I pull 3 RAINBOWS! Estark, Lila & OK! Then the game suddenly kicks me out saying "there is new data" and the rainbows stopped...

Anyways, I Maxed OK and put him up since I figured you have enough Hyou's on your friend list. His elementals make him better than Hyou for many enemies, and I also have his LB (basically) maxed (I finally used those compensation burst pots!), and he gains LB crysts like a maniac. I hope he'll be useful for you!
Sweet you got Lila!!! She's a goodie.

I can do Roberta, Tidus, and Lightning. I fused my 2nd Queen a while back cos I know just like regular Queen I'll never use her. So far I still messing with Dark Fina 7*.

How does STMR work? Because I have 4 extra Tidus. From my understanding if the extra unit has 100% tmr when convert it will be 50% towards STMR? I don't wanna waste any units and moogles, especially when I can get 2 7* Tidus with my 7* Orlandeau if/when I get his second unit.

Man I played with a 7* TT you can use chaos wave 4x with her 7* in one Move!

And you're correct with Hyoh. I have like 14 of them on my friend list lol that's why I never put him up cos 9 out of 10 people had theirs up.
Well guess I have all week to grind for crysts and item enhancements since the current event is weak all around. And late to the summer party lol
:shy: So I'm down to about 12K lapis, but I need to do the last 5K step of my 2nd step up summon run. I'm just waiting for a sign when to do it :)

So STMRs. My understanding is that your 3rd & 4th copies are a basically a 50% Trust mog for the STMR, and unlike the regular TMR's you have to fuse the dupes because there's no farming to raise the STMR %.
A big warning I got is that unlike turning a unit into a prism, which gets you a separate trust prism for the TMR, fusing your dupes to your 7* will NOT get you anything for their TMRs. You'll get the 5% + any other progress towards the TMR the dupe had, but that's it.

So in other words: with 4 Tidus all a 0% tmr you could:
1) 7* the first 2, then immediately fuse 3&4 into the 7* to get the STMR. That gives you 2 Brotherhoods - one from your 7* and one from the prism.
2) 7* the first 2, then farm 3&4 so you get 100% TMR from them, AND THEN fuse them to the 7*. This would give you 4 Brotherhoods.

The question is whether you want 4 TMRs and have the patience to farm 1 (or 2) of them, or are willing to forego the TMRs so you can access the STMR earlier.

Oh, and
option 3) Prism #3 and Merge with #4, getting you 2 7*s. My understanding is that you WON'T get a 2nd TMR Prism Mog, but at least you have 2 7* units, which could be more valuable than 1 STMR. Plus, if you change your mind, fusing a 7* into another 7* will still get you the STMR.

Personally I don't see how any STMR is worth 2 chaining dupe 7*s. But then again, I don't have one yet, so it's hard to say.
Whoa you spent most of your lapis down to that??? Better get that chocobo nest egg back up, fella :cool:

Well I had 6 tickets built up 2 4 and 4 reg and blew them all chasing that new Luka unit just to have. But I did get 30% moogles so I'm not too terribly mad about this Luka unit sucking! I recently played around with my original Luka and forgot just exactly how useful and versatile she is. If Aria had Luka's ailment heals and enhancement types I'd have Aria still right next to a heavy mag and atk cg Fina.

I been wasting energy on Aigaian or however his dumbass name is spelt. Keep failing.

Oh I made a mistake. I do not have that many Tidus :( I must have fused them long time ago. I only have 2 Tidus. I will 7* them later. I'm really wanting to message Gumi to see bout getting my sold TT back. I read though there might be a "past 6 months" stipulation but doesn't seem correct when somebody had used the recovery to get magitek Terra back from early days of them playing because it's rare and whatnot. So i will try next Sunday.
Ok, so there's a little more to STMRs, and it's about getting the 50% TMR mog.
TBH This thread made me more confused :(, but I guess there's a specific order you need?

Yeah, that robot arm is probably the most useful item enhancement you can get this time. The Rinoa triplecast worked for me, so maybe try that?
Or if you have a physical chainer, give my OK a spin? If you chain his LB I'm sure it would do some serious damage.

Yeah I'd like a layman terms for it. They confused me too when I tried to figure it out. Ah well maybe I will use Lightning as my guinea pig lol

I tried Rinoa. Ugh that reminds me I tries Rinoa the other day on him again and as I was setting up I almost dropped my phone and accidentally hit the auto button. I was pissed! Stupid touch screen lmao

But all my high end Rinoa friends changed to Hyoh >_<

I have one 1300 mag Rinoa floating in the sea of red swords.

Nice video. But where the heck is that beach video from???
Apperantly the JP summer 2018 event has 2 CG swimsuit units: Folka+Citra & Fina+Lid. I doubt we'll get the Folka/Citra unit since we don't have the normal version yet, but who knows, Fina/Lid is a possibility?

That fanservice tho...
They are LONG LB CG's, but I don't mind :)

Hey, do you have an OK? I was playing around with the dummy and using only the 7* & 6* w/Nicky buff, the chained LB did 7 Mill dmg!
Oh I thought that was Luka and Skaha. I have two of those Skaha too but meh, TMR looks decent, but that's all. By the way how do I get extra sun coins for KM? Am I missing a detail or is it just dailies I get em?

That was a very nice opening :hatsoff: until Jake's dumb head popped up :1orglaugh
Either way I don't think I'm going to get either. I have a curse that RNG doesn't give me female CGs. Now that I have Hyou, I literally have EVERY male CG char (Hyou, Raegen, Laswell, Nicky, Jake) and NO female CGs. :(
Can't believe I lost on floor 9 of IW. I was on autopilot and was hitting "repeat"... oops.

BTW you get the coins by daily logins & the Daily quest.
Ah man, yeah I been wiped out underestimating or hitting wrong with enemies around levels 8, 9 and 10. It happens once in a great while.

How the weapons coming? You get anything decent so far?
Funny you should ask. I was just playing and I looked at a random 7* Wilhelm to to see what they were equipping on him and it was a crap weapon, but enhanced with massive def/spr stats.

It made me realize that's a really smart way to use IW! I always get the best enhancements for attributes that are useless, i.e. 15% Def for weapons, etc. I swear the game looks at what stats are good for your weapon and gives you anything but those.
BUT! 15% or 10% Def/Spr is useful for your tanks! Their atk stat is useless anyways, and most tanks can use spears (Willy, WoL, VoE) and Shylt/Mystea/ARain can use flails! So instead of trying to chase some high atk stats on weapons I won't use, I'm focusing on getting some high def/spr spears and high spr flails. An extra 20% Def or Spr is going to be super useful on them.
Yes. Item enhancement definitely provides a lot of juice if get right ones. So far I done well with a few having done up three times. This time around I am not doing well :/

So how's your free 10+1 going? I get some tmrs with unit fodder. Sara's robes today. What your plans with the sun coins?
Not sure about the sun coins. I guess the 10+1 is an obvious choice, which leaves you with 400 coins if you did everything.
So you can't get the 5+1 too. I guess the summer tickets? I wouldn't mind some expansion vouchers though since I'm finding I'm constantly buying slots. How about you?

I did a random ticket pull for a daily quest and got ... Sara LOL. Don't have her robe yet, but getting close.

Didn't do the bonus level yet, as I've never beaten intangir before, let alone after 2 other bosses. Plus I only beat those other bosses using a friend Rinoa triple Apoc, so I don't know if I can pull it off. We still have tomorrow, so maybe I'll try then?
That 10% ticket would be nice...
Did you try it?