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Anybody else think this is getting out of control?

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█▀█▀█ █ &#9608
Other people know what I'm thinking, because they're intellectually capable of reading words and understanding them. You, on the other hand, are reading my posts, holding out hope that I'll ask you to the prom. Spoiler alter: I don't want to go to prom with you. I'm too busy fucking your sister that night while your dad video tapes and jacks off onto her waiting face.
Please...no more. :facepalm:
Replace "racism" with "trolling" and you've got this asshat joilover pegged. http://board.freeones.com/showthread.php?594064-The-Trolls-Of-Freeones-Talk << Accusing others and deflecting. Motherfucker started a whole thread about it. Serisouly, PK, you've got any doubt? :1orglaugh

Sounds to me like BDG has found yet another alias

this joilover tard's rantngs are hauntingly similar to that of our loveable pokemon master

even his method of accusation and deflection followed by the classic "you are obsessed with me" line is uncanny :busted:

You dont fool the Zolfster jackwad

Zolf knows a wolf in sheeps clothing when he sees one cuz Zolf often is said wolf in sheep's clothing
Sounds to me like BDG has found yet another alias

this joilover tard's rantngs are hauntingly similar to that of our loveable pokemon master

even his method of accusation and deflection followed by the classic "you are obsessed with me" line is uncanny :busted:

You dont fool the Zolfster jackwad

Zolf knows a wolf in sheeps clothing when he sees one cuz Zolf often is said wolf in sheep's clothing

Zolf is a slow wolf in retarded sheep's clothing. Pokemon are for aperger children, and so is Zolf.
Back on topic....

1. According to police reports, that gated community recently has had several, if not more, break-ins and vandalism. Of those incidents, all were caught and all were black. Maybe that is why G. Zimmerman decided to follow the six foot tall black male that night???

And the last I heard, Neighborhood Watch is legal. As is carrying a gun in Florida. As is defending yourself (with deadly force) if you feel your life is being threatened.

2. WTF was Trayvon doing in a gated community? Does he have family and or friends there?

And this..... (for those of you in here who LOVE to call people racists.)

It is incredibly unfortunate when ANYONE is murdered. I’m saddened by the death of this young man, and I can not even begin to imagine what his parents must be feeling or their suffering. In 2010, 2,720 parents felt that unimaginable grief. That’s how many Blacks were murdered.

I still do not understand where the national media attention was for the murders of all those men, women and children; or Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton and the mob of angry, protesting Blacks! They mattered as much as Trayvon, right?

Other than abortion (roughly 15 million Black babies murdered, yes murdered, since Roe v. Wade), loss of life doesn’t get more innocent than that of a child’s caught by the stray bullet of a gang banger or drug dealer as they play in their yards or sit in their home watching TV.

Of those 2,720 Blacks murdered in 2010, 2,459 of them were murdered by Blacks. The Black on Black scenario is not exciting enough for the liberal media; nor is there a racial angle for the likes of Sharpton to exploit. In addition, the murderers of many of the victims go unpunished. Unlike the angry mobs that mobilize when a non-Black person kills a Black person, those who know anything about inner city murders are suddenly rendered mute. Hey, who likes a SNITCH? Only snitch if the killer is NOT Black!

Zimmerman may be a racist. It’s just that I have not seen evidence of it thus far. But, the media and the many Black folk ready to hang him without a trial sure seem to be preening some racial feathers.

Have you heard about the thirteen year old Kansas City White teen that was doused with gasoline and set on fire by several Black teens, as they yelled racial epithets? Probably not many of you have. It’s not sensational enough for liberal media.

Liberalism must continue racial divide to survive. Trayvon is sadly being used as a mere tool by the liberal game players, and just as sad and equally disgusting, his parent’s, and that giant, angry mob of Black folk are definitely being played.

Does the video prove Trayvon attacked Zimmerman? Enhanced version shows gashes on the back of shooter's head

* Enhanced video shows odd marks on back of Zimmerman's head
* Trayvon's parents had called original surveillance footage 'the icing on the cake'
* Zimmerman's father claims Trayvon told his son 'you're gonna die now'
* Witness' mother says she doesn't believe Zimmerman acted in self-defence

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...an-video-shows-gashes-head.html#ixzz1qv0fHKn5


On the night of February 26,17-year-old Trayvon Martin (pictured) was returning to his father's fiancee's home after stopping at a convenience store.

Carrying an iced tea for himself and a bag of Skittles for his little brother, Trayvon was heading back to watch the second half of the NBA All-Star Game.

But his life was cut short when he was spotted by neighbourhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman, who believed the teen was acting suspicious.

Zimmerman, 28, called 911 to report it, saying it appeared he was 'up to no good'.

The 911 operator told Zimmerman that police were on their way and to stay in his SUV, but he instead got out and followed Trayvon.

Zimmerman claims he lost track of Trayvon and was was walking back to his vehicle when he was attacked and his nose was broken after Trayvon 'sucker-punched' him.

Zimmerman's father Robert told a Florida TV station that his son was attacked by Trayvon, who told his son: 'You're going to die' and shot Trayvon in self-defence.

Trayvon's girlfriend, known only as Deedee, said through an attorney that she was on the phone with Trayvon at the time and she told him to run when he said a 'strange man' was following him.

Zimmerman was questioned but released, angering residents who believed he murdered the unarmed teen in cold blood.

Zimmerman, who has not been seen in public since, said he screamed before shooting Trayvon, but at least two voice analysis experts say that the man heard screaming in the recorded 911 calls is not Zimmerman.

Trayvon's parents believe that Zimmerman was not arrested because of a cover-up by the police.
Boy, It surprises that this little gem of a fucking thread escaped my notice for six and a half pages.:1orglaugh :popcorn:
Seems like every week the media finds a younger and younger photo of Trayvon.

I haven't been posting here for a while, but have been following this story closely via US & UK media, but imho i cannot believe how Racist (and i use that word fully aware of it's meaning and how some are sensitive to that charge) some of the members & their posts are on this thread. Of course there are some members that i expect to post racist / borderline racist replies, who i won't name here - you know who you are:D, but i didn't know we had so many other members who held these ideas which seem to show black people are all basically actual or potential criminals & deserve to be called ghetto scum

it's sad really, and while we have many, many problems in the uk, including regarding race & integration of communities from different backgrounds etc, i really think some of the replies on this thread show the ideas some people have, who i think are mostly members in the US, would have seemed more normal 50 yrs ago before most of the gains of the civil rights era were made

The media can be biased but there are some things you can't distort.

1) Martin was unarmed
2) Zimmerman pursued him on a whim
3) Martin had no bruises on his hands to support that he was punching Zimmerman, as was claimed
4) Security footage shows Zimmerman to have no injury to himself, bandages or blood on his clothes (or it's so minimal that the quality doesn't pick up on it, despite Martin beating on him for a whole minute.)

I agree with PK here, the above Facts speak for themselves, as an indication to what happened and what zimmerman did wrong

:2 cents:


Staff member
1) Clearly Obama is more a divider than an uniter. Most of the vote he got were from the black voters and important black personalities.

Maybe the stupidest thing I have ever read on this board. Hey georges, have any idea what the total percentage of the population is in the United States that is black? But you have "been several times in the US" so you're an expert on American politics, did I get that right?

I have been following US politics since I am 16. I am not expert but at least I am focused on other countries politics but not only mine. I know what is the percentage of blacks in the US. But this not the question, minorities rooted up for Obama as well as blue collars and of course a certain percentage of white collars. And you, are you born in the US? Or are you from Thailand?
And the "punish and blame everyone except Trayvon" fiasco continues.

Congresscritters Exploit Trayvon Martin Spectacle

What is the point of beatifying a vicious punk who got himself killed by assaulting a neighborhood watch captain, then hyping the story to the top of the news day after day? Authoritarian congresscritters spell it out in black and white:

Capitol Hill lawmakers are doing more than donning hoodies on the House floor to respond to the death of Florida teen Trayvon Martin. Members of Congress are crafting new legislation, using the outcry over the shooting to push an agenda calling for everything from gun control to restrictions on neighborhood watch groups.

Among the most shameless in exploiting the shooting is the preposterous Rep. Frederica Wilson (D-FL), who represents Sanford, the scene of the Passion of Saint Skittles.

A spokesman confirmed that Wilson plans to call for the creation of a commission to study racial disparities among black men and boys in America.

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Texas, is meanwhile working on a bill that would require neighborhood watch groups — like the one for which shooter George Zimmerman was a volunteer — to register.

That which our rulers want more of, like poverty, they subsidize. That which they want less of, like conscientious citizens defending their neighborhoods from crime, they force to register.

[Congressional Black Caucus] members last week introduced a separate resolution calling on states to repeal so-called “Stand Your Ground” laws. The law, a version of which was enacted in Florida in 2005, allows for individuals to use deadly force — even outside their home — if they feel threatened.

In addition, they are rewriting history by officially declaring that Zimmerman’s “unfounded assumptions and racial bias led to the use of deadly force,” even though this itself is an unfounded assumption.

But all this is nibbling around the edges. The real prize is the Second Amendment. The right to bear arms is so fundamental to American civilization that authoritarians have settled on destroying it in small increments, using every opportunity to cast armed private citizens as the villains, rather than the criminals they defend themselves against.

And the "punish and blame everyone except Trayvon" fiasco continues.

Congresscritters Exploit Trayvon Martin Spectacle

What is the point of beatifying a vicious punk who got himself killed by assaulting a neighborhood watch captain, then hyping the story to the top of the news day after day? Authoritarian congresscritters spell it out in black and white:

Capitol Hill lawmakers are doing more than donning hoodies on the House floor to respond to the death of Florida teen Trayvon Martin. Members of Congress are crafting new legislation, using the outcry over the shooting to push an agenda calling for everything from gun control to restrictions on neighborhood watch groups.

Among the most shameless in exploiting the shooting is the preposterous Rep. Frederica Wilson (D-FL), who represents Sanford, the scene of the Passion of Saint Skittles.

A spokesman confirmed that Wilson plans to call for the creation of a commission to study racial disparities among black men and boys in America.

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Texas, is meanwhile working on a bill that would require neighborhood watch groups — like the one for which shooter George Zimmerman was a volunteer — to register.

That which our rulers want more of, like poverty, they subsidize. That which they want less of, like conscientious citizens defending their neighborhoods from crime, they force to register.

[Congressional Black Caucus] members last week introduced a separate resolution calling on states to repeal so-called “Stand Your Ground” laws. The law, a version of which was enacted in Florida in 2005, allows for individuals to use deadly force — even outside their home — if they feel threatened.

In addition, they are rewriting history by officially declaring that Zimmerman’s “unfounded assumptions and racial bias led to the use of deadly force,” even though this itself is an unfounded assumption.

But all this is nibbling around the edges. The real prize is the Second Amendment. The right to bear arms is so fundamental to American civilization that authoritarians have settled on destroying it in small increments, using every opportunity to cast armed private citizens as the villains, rather than the criminals they defend themselves against.


The Black Caucus is a circus.


My Penis Is Dancing!
And the "punish and blame everyone except Trayvon" fiasco continues.

blah blah blah

But all this is nibbling around the edges. The real prize is the Second Amendment. The right to bear arms is so fundamental to American civilization that authoritarians have settled on destroying it in small increments, using every opportunity to cast armed private citizens as the villains, rather than the criminals they defend themselves against.


So you think we should continue to blame the dead unarmed black kid. Right.

I am for Second Amendment rights. I am not for the "right" to shoot someone because you are scared of them.
Ace nailed it with the video he posted. Good job, Ace!
Honestly, I think no one gives a shit anymore... the next day, two black teens beat a man into a coma and stole his car the next county over. Did that even make the news? Barely...

The point is that until people start applying the same standard, it just turns people off. It's a terrible incident, a bad situation, but the same vultures are out there in the media trying to make a dollar off this kid's death, and that is why people tune out.

Was the shooting justified? I don't know, I wasn't there, and until we know more, no one knows exactly what happened except the shooter.
So you think we should continue to blame the dead unarmed black kid. Right.

I am for Second Amendment rights. I am not for the "right" to shoot someone because you are scared of them.

what is it that you know that none of us do ? did the shooter tell you he was scared? i thought he said he was attacked? i cant say i wasnt there...neither can you..........im lost..one minute hes a kid..the next minute a grown man is scared..think about what you just said.........
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