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Anybody else think this is getting out of control?

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Staff member
No, Georges. I'm not much of a President Obama supporter, actually. Look again at the picture that he posted. It is just ridiculous, sophomoric, insulting (not to President Obama, but to the office he holds), and completely lacking in sophistication or subtlety. Anyone who has to resort to that level of childish arguing is a douche, imo.

I suppose that makes you a douche, too, if people are keeping score at home.

And having sharpton, jackson, farrakhan and spike lee as back ups isn't that insulting too?? Because for your concern, they are black activists and they care more about blacks than whites. Every person has their way to dislike another person, perhaps you should remember how many people compared here GWB to Hitler :facepalm: and none here said a damn word against it:nono: But when ones dares to slam Obama so then blasphemy, it is so bad :wtf:
I think people who can't stand criticism of their candidate, are completely missing the point.


Staff member
1) And it comes back to playing innocent and completely disregarding the reasoning I'm pointing out. When people call you out on it you say:
"What? I'm racist because I dislike Obama? Here we go, another liberal playing the race card! You're the racist for supporting racial division!"

2) You love doing this. You are clearly projecting and making Obama out to be a racist that's working with other (surprise surprise) influential black people and using his black agenda to unite the "ghetto scum" (wonder who you're referring to) so he can turn America into some kind of Black dictatorship. It's pure white paranoia.

3) I'm simply amazed that you are so eager to find out about every personal detail about Trayvon, which are pretty god damn irrelevant, in order to mount an defense against him. Wanna talk about bias? You would rather make Martin out to be scum who deserved to get shot than to look at the facts and think that maybe, just maybe, Zimmerman is a trigger happy idiot who pursued Martin based only on the fact he "looked suspicious" and the Sanford police fucked this up big time. Why is that?

Your irrationality is at a degree where I'm actually contemplating whether I should contest you.
1) Clearly Obama is more a divider than an uniter. Most of the vote he got were from the black voters and important black personalities.

2) when you know the background of sharpton, jackson , farrakhan and spike lee, you can't they that they are that neutral because they are black activists. They are supported by gang members. It is not white paranoia, sooner or later there will be less and less whites in the US

3) His twitter, the way he dressed and his attitude definitely tells the crowd he belang to and whom he used to hang with. Study the "stand your ground" law which is one of the reasons he got killed. Ziimmerman is not a hero, but if it is a case of self defense due to the "stand your ground" law, you won't be able to do nothing.

Having been several times in the US and having relatives there, I know clearly more than you about what is rational or not
Coming to a theater near you, this summer...


Trust me this is Stage 2 from the black community/Left. If they don't get their way there will be riots except this time there will be a ton of backlash against the rioters.
No, Georges. I'm not much of a President Obama supporter, actually. Look again at the picture that he posted. It is just ridiculous, sophomoric, insulting (not to President Obama, but to the office he holds), and completely lacking in sophistication or subtlety. Anyone who has to resort to that level of childish arguing is a douche, imo.

GTFOOH!!! The above BOLD quotes are similar to what you tend to say in here 99% of the time. I don't give a fuck if it's a serious debate or not, you always have to pretend to be Don Rickles. Seriously, take a look at your comments just in the last three months (let alone the last 4 years) and you'll see that they are "ridiculous and sophomoric." So, If I come off as sophomoric, then by all means, you come off as Junior High type clownishness, ala..... Porky's, and American Pie type douche baggery humor.



My Penis Is Dancing!
Trust me this is Stage 2 from the black community/Left. If they don't get their way there will be riots except this time there will be a ton of backlash against the rioters.

What are you going to do about it? Take away our guns?


Closed Account
who cares about black or white, I'd still piss on both of them, except sam, I'll take a huge runny shit on his face. not because of the color of his skin, just because he creates the most ridiculous threads
This sam fisher guy is a bigger racist than ole' Scotty boy

much bigger

seems to be a bit of an idiot too

how many times has dat ass been banned?
Yes the media was trying to portray the victim as an innocent child. The doctored hoodie pics that Sam Fisher posted, I don't think it's to make him look less black, but it's to soften and smooth his skin and make him look more innocent. Same for the pics when he was younger. White orange county mugshot man shoots black child, who was skipping along the pavement with some skittles and Iced tea.

On the arrested video Zimmerman doesn't look to be as badly injured as was made out. The Funeral director reported Martin had no physical injuries, even to his hands. On the 911 recording Zimmerman does sound a little drunk and nervous. He also mentions concerns about Martin having something in his waistband. If Zimmerman wasn't under fatal attack and a gun wasn't pulled on him, then he didn't have the right to shoot.
Did Martin pretend to have a gun?
Did Zimmerman panic when a confrontation was reached?
Only two people know exactly what happened and one is dead.

Zimmerman was damn stupid for following him, considering he wasn't certain that Martin was committing a crime.

Sharpton threatening civil disobedience will escalate if Zimmerman remains free. He's just inciting race riots. Jesse Jackson - 'Blacks are under attack' lol around 6% of murders are white on black.


█▀█▀█ █ &#9608
So criticizing someone's actions (especially if they happen to be of color), is racist?
Well if that criticism of supposedly igniting a race war is ill founded then one has to assume you have a context for wanting to jump on that person.

that pretty much sums it up

Glad we could clear that up with minimal effort

anythin else ya wanna know Fisher-MAN?

You cleared up nothing. Except to prove you're fucked in the head. Stop pretending to know things you know absolutely nothing about.

Definition of RACISM

: a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
: racial prejudice or discrimination
— rac·ist noun or adjective
See racism defined for English-language learners »
See racism defined for kids »
Examples of RACISM

the racism that was the basis of apartheid
<Hitler's declaration of his belief in a “master race” was an indication of the inherent racism of the Nazi movement.>
The recording career of the Henderson band was brief … due partly to the racism of booking agencies that didn't take on black acts until the mid-'30s, when Henderson's career was on the downswing. —Greg Tate, Vibe, April 1995
First Known Use of RACISM

Notice that the word "criticism" wasn't mentioned as a factor to be considered as racism? See this article. ----> http://jxb7076.hubpages.com/hub/jxb7076

"In the meantime – White Americans should feel free to openly critique President Obama without fear of being labeled a racist. Just as all Americans – it’s your right and obligation under the First amendment guaranteeing free speech! White American leaders have been openly criticized for hundreds of years and the result has been improved living conditions and race relations for all Americans. It’s now time for African Americans to move beyond the protectionist mentality and accept the reality that one of their own is now a world leader and must now face the opposing viewpoints of a world wide jury. This is the only way to ensure that President Obama is truly a President for all Americans and a respective representative of a free and powerful nation."
And having sharpton, jackson, farrakhan and spike lee as back ups isn't that insulting too?? Because for your concern, they are black activists and they care more about blacks than whites. Every person has their way to dislike another person, perhaps you should remember how many people compared here GWB to Hitler :facepalm: and none here said a damn word against it:nono: But when ones dares to slam Obama so then blasphemy, it is so bad :wtf:
I think people who can't stand criticism of their candidate, are completely missing the point.

Okay, so because one side does it, that makes it okay for your side to do it? Do you see me promoting Sharpton, Jackson, Farrakhan, or Spike Lee? I find most of those people unpalatable. So...I guess we're in agreement on that? Is it relevant? No. I don't care much how people talked in the past, I didn't condone that shit either. I'm talking about right now, and being respectful. What he posted was not respectful, and you're welcome to think whatever you want. I'm not as far to the left as you think, but you're as retardedly to the right as I knew.

GTFOOH!!! The above BOLD quotes are similar to what you tend to say in here 99% of the time. I don't give a fuck if it's a serious debate or not, you always have to pretend to be Don Rickles. Seriously, take a look at your comments just in the last three months (let alone the last 4 years) and you'll see that they are "ridiculous and sophomoric." So, If I come off as sophomoric, then by all means, you come off as Junior High type clownishness, ala..... Porky's, and American Pie type douche baggery humor.


I have made it pretty clear that I don't take much seriously here. So, if I do post something where I point out how someone is being sophomoric, I will just take my lumps. You are, however, still an idiot. Your post was in incredibly bad taste. Yup, I joke around, act silly, and, in general, act like this is a porn board, not a place where I need to prove something, convert people to my point of view, or argue with everyone who has a different worldview than I do. Feel free to point out anything you find disingenuous about my character. Pretty much everyone else will realise that you're just being ridiculous.

The difference between us is that I don't take myself seriously here. Why on earth would I? However, in real life, I'm far, far more successful than you will ever be. You're welcome to make any statement about me you'd like. I enjoy reading your terribly ridiculous tripe. I look forward to your reply!



&#9608;&#9600;&#9608;&#9600;&#9608; &#9608; &#9608
The most common way people try to deny their own racism is for them to accuse others of racism.
Is this a opinionated statement or did you get obtain it from the racism research institute?

Alright, so putting aside whether it's the most common way of denying racism or not you agree that projecting is a defense mechanism that racists use. Right? Then you believe that the likes of Georges and Sam are possibly making accusations of racism against whites/non blacks in this scenario to deny their own racism.
Is this a opinionated statement or did you get obtain it from the racism research institute?

Alright, so putting aside whether it's the most common way of denying racism or not you agree that projecting is a defense mechanism that racists use. Right? Then you believe that the likes of Georges and Sam are possibly making accusations of racism against whites/non blacks in this scenario to deny their own racism.

Never before has one used so many words to say so little.
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