anti-‘R-word’ PSA

In America you have the right to be a hateful prick and shower indignities upon everyone around you.

And when it comes to imperatives issued by any legal authority, that's the way that it should be.

But that's only half the story. Your obligation to endure suffering is equal to your desire to inflict it. In other words just because you can do something doesn't mean that it's a good idea and it doesn't mean that anyone else has to put up with it.

If you are my friend I will dictate what behavior I deem to be appropriate and you will have to accept that if you want to be around me- and I will do the same in regards to you. If you aren't my friend and you violate this edict, then You Might end up with a punch in the nose. With some people you may end up with a punch in the nose no matter who you are to them. Or in the case of this message board You Might get banned.

It's evident that the ability to express oneself requires that they be comfortable and accommodated in doing so. That necessarily entails a sacrifice of personal liberty, but it is fair because it is imposed upon all people equally. That's the ethical price to be paid in order to have a society of people functioning together, not just each person serving their own self-interest at the expense of everyone else.

PS. Been a long time since I've been on here. Good to see some of the old familiar faces.


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
Man, I guess I have to come up with a PC term for all the board members now. :-\


For the EMPEROR!!
Eventually we'll all be talking like good old - gosh darned Okeley Dokely Ned Flanders. ....... diddly.


I'm watching some specialist videos
So we are supposed to use "intellectually disabled" instead?
Just how is that supposed to be better?


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
So we are supposed to use "intellectually disabled" instead?
Just how is that supposed to be better?

These people are total fucktards .. urh, I mean fuckintellectuallydisableds .....

Anyway 'disabled' is equally problematical. DIS-abled. As in dis-armed. It means , in disabled's case, ability is removed or missing. So less-able. As in 'less' than 'normal'.

These morons need to buy a dictionary and look at words actually mean before they go off trying to change the world.
The biggest problem with calling some people retarded is that the actual retarded people often conduct themselves better, are more dignified, and have more common sense than the person that's being insulted by calling them that. Thus, people that are retarded often don't really deserve to be compared to them.

Maybe we need to create a word that's even worse than "retarded" for those people that are jerks and are really stupid.
More symbolism over actual substance.

The problems with banning words are too numerous to count and it's completely and utterly retarded... yes, retarded, the "R" word. :1orglaugh

Will E Worm

I was going to start a thread on this. I saw the commercial and was laughing. :1orglaugh

Propaganda like this only makes people want to do it more.

Thought police in a free society have no place. :moon:

If they don't like a word then they can choose not to use it.
Leave everyone else alone.

This is nothing more than pushing your beliefs onto others.

Something these people would accuse Christians of doing.

Hypocrites, everyone involved in this propaganda campaign is a hypocrite.
I don't particularly like the use of the R word, because while not insulting the handicapped directly it is using the handicapped as an insult. Its offending the handicapped more than the person the insult is directed at.

Why bring the 'R' term into an argument? You could just call someone a stupid cunt instead.

Demotivational posters mock downs syndrome kids FFS. People who laugh at the handicapped deserve a riverdance on their eye sockets, for mocking people at a disadvantage to themselves who are unable to retaliate.

If someone mentions a pornstar looks fat the thread turns into a riot, yet it is ok to use disabled people as a derogatory insult and laugh at their expense.:confused:
Michael Scott from Dunder Mifflin summed it up pretty well:

"You don't call retarded people "retards". That would be in bad taste. You call your friends "retards" when they're acting retarded."
I would say if you can't understand the difference in context between calling someone who is monumentally stupid, (see Sarah Palin) retarded and making fun of someone with disabilities then you are one who the word "retarded" applies to in the Sarah Palin sense. Retarded people are people with fully functioning minds with no defects or medical conditions but they simply can't or won't use their minds to their full extent whereas disabled people are people born with a condition that prevents their mind or body from functioning all the way properly. Disabled people are far more intelligent than retarded people, if you equate the word retard to disabled people then you probably equate stupidity to disabled people and thus subconsciously you're the one degrading disabled people. "Retard" questions ones intelligence and intelligence has nothing to do with someone being disabled or not.


Torn & Frayed.
basically the word retarded means something that is not correct..

No,one of the meanings of the word retarded is "not correct". Go to any forum that deals with working on older cars and search the words "retard" or "retarded", there you'll find the word being thrown around all over; in the "correct" way.
This word is a term adopted over a hundred years ago to be a politically correct version of the same diagnosis of a medical condition... it replaced, on census and medical forms, the terms : idiot, imbecile, mongoloid and feeble-minded among others.

So call me crazy but we're taking a politically corrected word and trying to what... politically correct it again?