Israel has been there for literally thousands of years, and there have been Jews living in varying numbers there since ancient times.
Since there is a specific timeline for all the movements of the area populations, only the gullible believe the insane Arab propaganda put out specifically for the West.
The cease-fire agreement following the 1967 Six-Day War left Israel in control of a number of areas captured during hostilities.
* From Jordan, Israel gained control of the entire western bank of the Jordan River, including parts of Jerusalem previously controlled by Jordan - East Jerusalem, and the West Bank.
* From Egypt, Israel gained control of the entire Sinai peninsula up to the Suez Canal, and the Gaza strip.
* From Syria, Israel gained control of most of the Golan Heights, since 1981, administered under the Golan Heights Law.
So...just where were all these Palistinians before the Turks were ass-kicked and the Allies carved up the area into some of the aforementioned countries?
I have posted before a list of many large population Jewish cities and towns in the areas now claimed to be "Palestinian"...occupied continuously for hundreds of years.
Jerusalem has sites where archaeologists do research...layer upon layer of Jewish artifacts and history...practically none of the Islamic structures or history go very deep at all.
And when Israel gave in to pressure, and moved out of Gaza, Hamas killed a lot of Fatah, came right up to the border, and begin shooting Kasim rockets into schools, towns, and farms (they just shoot them in the general direction and hope someone gets killed); the same basic mindset of the guys who flew planes into the Towers and the same folks who had a street party watching people jumping from the burning Towers, laughing and celebrating.
They want to see your Mom headless and dead , you and your loved ones screaming while dying, and believe me there would be dancing and celebrating the more helpless dead there were; you think there is some form of equivalency in all this...there isn't.
I see most of you hiding under a table while your family are killed all around you, crying and praying to a God you profess not to believe in that no one finds you.
Israelis have never ever celebrated a large loss of life...ever! Many Israelis want to help people, and wish for a peace that never comes.
If they really wanted to kill Arabs there wouldn't be too many left alive...and after Kosovo, Bosnia, etc, I hope no one thinks anyone would be able to stop them before hundreds of thousands of Arabs were killed. I mean...How are things going in the Sudan?
The Muslims kill each other by the thousands, and always have; yet somehow the West, and Israel, are depicted as big killers of Muslims.
We have no chance of making the list...