Anti-Israel Presidency?

They tried 2 seperate states in 1947.
Is this want Obama and the U.N want? it resulted in a civil war then

Well, everything since 1948 has been an attempt to get the shit back in the horse. Prior to 1948 the people who shared that land, Christians, Jews and Muslims lived side by side as friends and neighbors in relative peace for thousands of years.

As far as who is morally superior....the only difference between what some of the Palestinians do now in opposition and what Menachem Begin did in opposition to the British is Begin didn't strap bombs to himself.

But to your point...if you follow the history you should know the circumstances are clearly different.
Another wistful "I miss the old Germany, they knew how to handle the Jews" poster.
Lame diatribes on misinformation and revisionist history change what if there are Americans who hate America and Israelis who love Palestinians?
There never was a Palestinian state, there really isn't a "Palestinian people", historically speaking...and any Palestinian who wishes to kill a Jewish baby or Grandma is hailed as a hero, there and here.
Please spare me your ignorance...
Obama is screwing you and you want some more...Israel is a litmus test for any world leader who trys to do right by his country...except for those who are in the basic Iran/Libya/Venezuela group of ego-idiots.
Good luck with your hopeless change...

I should remain aloof from all this, being a moderator. But unfortunately some times, being a human, I just can not resist.

What actually you wanted to state Phil, with your starting statement? That Supadupafly loves Nazi-ism? I just couldn't read that in his post. If you did, I hope, you should be able to say "sorry".

And Historically speaking, there was no Israel. But there was an area which was called Palestine, which included the present state of Israel.
And Israel is a developed state.
I hope you understand the difference. Please go through the links below from Wiki:



To me, the first statement amounts to flaming. I could have taken the benefit of the position of a moderator. I didn't; because, I try to be fair to all.
I also hope, you understand what I'm trying to say.

(All bold mine)
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Obama EDIT :)

EDIT: Please do not call names. It shows disrespect to the people of USA, they chose the person as their President. You may dislike but you can not show disrespect on this board.
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Sorry all of my "bluster" I forgot to answer the question...though my responses indicate the question is moot, I'll answer it anyway.



Another wistful "I miss the old Germany, they knew how to handle the Jews" poster.
Lame diatribes on misinformation and revisionist history change what if there are Americans who hate America and Israelis who love Palestinians?
There never was a Palestinian state, there really isn't a "Palestinian people", historically speaking...and any Palestinian who wishes to kill a Jewish baby or Grandma is hailed as a hero, there and here.Please spare me your ignorance...
Obama is screwing you and you want some more...Israel is a litmus test for any world leader who trys to do right by his country...except for those who are in the basic Iran/Libya/Venezuela group of ego-idiots.
Good luck with your hopeless change...

Historicaly speaking Palestine is the name give to the area of land that is betwee the Med sea and the Jordan river, present day Israel

There were a Palestinian people, they are called the Phillistines and the inhabinated lower caana, present day Gaza Strip.

Just had to correct you on that
Screw Israel. A big part of this systemic mess we are in is because of fucking Israel. Not one more penny of my tax dollar should go to support any other country. Billions of $$$ have gone to both sides of the unending war in the middle east to keep them from killing each other. Where has that faulty policy gotten us? Israel gets more of your tax dollars than any individual state. Enough already.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Nothing will ever change as long as Israel hides and is allowed to hide behind the holocaust.

Does me saying this make me an anti-semite? Ofcourse it does. Anybody who's critical of Israel is an anti-semite.

Well, yes.. yes, you are, Shiksa! :mad:

You need to get your mind right and cleanse your diseased soul, young lady! Tell ya how you can do that: just make a $1,000 donation to B'nai B'rith International and we'll call it even. If you don't have the money on you, that's OK. Borrow it! That's what the United States does. We don't have any money. Hell, if not for the Chinese floating us, we'd be eating out of trash cans right now. But we (by Federal law!) come up with that $10 billion+ for Israel every year.

Call me what you want. But like I said, tail_is_wagging_dog.
Israel hides behind the Holocaust since 1947.
They were basically doing what they want under US military and financial support.
Israeli's have to settle within their borders just like every other population in the rest of this world.

It's good that Obama speaks out about this injustice
We, the U.S., have to realize that each Middle East country views itself as superior to the other ones. Some are anti-Israel, some are not. But it seems most Arab nations do not care about the Palestinian people since they have essentially abandoned the Palestinian people at the negotiating table for many years.

A 2 state solution is the only way to peace. The more "settlements" Israel constructs, the less likely there will be land for the Palestinian state. That's the point with the settlements and why most people are against Israel building these settlements.

It's interesting to me that Conservatives are so willing to help Israel unconditionally on the one hand, but are very hostile to immigrants and minorities within the U.S. Does anyone see a contradiction there?
Historicaly speaking Palestine is the name give to the area of land that is betwee the Med sea and the Jordan river, present day Israel

There were a Palestinian people, they are called the Phillistines and the inhabinated lower caana, present day Gaza Strip.

Just had to correct you on that

Another slight correction. The Canaanites were the people that would later become the Phoenicians & they were indeed the first people to inhabit the area now known as Israël (the city of Har Megido (Armageddon) was originally a Canaanite city).

Also, the Phillistines were (probably, as there's not much written evidence) one of the sea peoples who destroyed some of the most powerful empires of the time. (although it's also stated that the Hebrews might have been a part of the sea peoples as well...)

Anyway, none of this is really important in this discussion.


Israel has been there for literally thousands of years, and there have been Jews living in varying numbers there since ancient times.
Since there is a specific timeline for all the movements of the area populations, only the gullible believe the insane Arab propaganda put out specifically for the West.

The cease-fire agreement following the 1967 Six-Day War left Israel in control of a number of areas captured during hostilities.

* From Jordan, Israel gained control of the entire western bank of the Jordan River, including parts of Jerusalem previously controlled by Jordan - East Jerusalem, and the West Bank.
* From Egypt, Israel gained control of the entire Sinai peninsula up to the Suez Canal, and the Gaza strip.
* From Syria, Israel gained control of most of the Golan Heights, since 1981, administered under the Golan Heights Law.

So...just where were all these Palistinians before the Turks were ass-kicked and the Allies carved up the area into some of the aforementioned countries?
I have posted before a list of many large population Jewish cities and towns in the areas now claimed to be "Palestinian"...occupied continuously for hundreds of years.
Jerusalem has sites where archaeologists do research...layer upon layer of Jewish artifacts and history...practically none of the Islamic structures or history go very deep at all.
And when Israel gave in to pressure, and moved out of Gaza, Hamas killed a lot of Fatah, came right up to the border, and begin shooting Kasim rockets into schools, towns, and farms (they just shoot them in the general direction and hope someone gets killed); the same basic mindset of the guys who flew planes into the Towers and the same folks who had a street party watching people jumping from the burning Towers, laughing and celebrating.
They want to see your Mom headless and dead , you and your loved ones screaming while dying, and believe me there would be dancing and celebrating the more helpless dead there were; you think there is some form of equivalency in all this...there isn't.
I see most of you hiding under a table while your family are killed all around you, crying and praying to a God you profess not to believe in that no one finds you.
Israelis have never ever celebrated a large loss of life...ever! Many Israelis want to help people, and wish for a peace that never comes.
If they really wanted to kill Arabs there wouldn't be too many left alive...and after Kosovo, Bosnia, etc, I hope no one thinks anyone would be able to stop them before hundreds of thousands of Arabs were killed. I mean...How are things going in the Sudan?
The Muslims kill each other by the thousands, and always have; yet somehow the West, and Israel, are depicted as big killers of Muslims.
We have no chance of making the list...
HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA...thanks guys (especially the thread starter)...this is great comedy...ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...please, just keep rollin...ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!


milf n' cookies
Yes! Without a doubt, B.O.'s presidency is anti-Israel!
I think I've stated it on this board before in greater detail, but genetic analysis of both groups has shown that while both your average Palestinian and average Israeli possess the genes which demonstrate their links to the region going back to prehistoric times, the Palestinians show a continuity in the region, and the Israelis do not.

Modern Israelis are the descendants of those Jews who migrated to far-flung corners of the globe during the Diaspora, mixing with many different populations. They only migrated back to modern day Israel in large numbers during the twentieth century. Palestinians, on the other hand, are those people who have been there all along, and are the descendants of those Jews and Christians who converted to Islam in the 7th and 8th centuries.

So if we're going to look at it from a nativist perspective, all this means is that the Palestinians have a greater claim to it, since they've been in the region all along.
The whole argument about who has the rightful claim to the land is patently ridiculous. Israel has been a nation for over 60 years. Would the U.S. have given the country back to the Indians in 1837? Israel is going nowhere unless Iran tries to nuke it into oblivion and we all know what that would trigger. The only sensible solution is a 2 state solution. Israel has to cede West Bank territory to create a Palestinian state, with a compromise on Jerusalem. This would certainly involve dealing with very unpleasant settlement issues. The Palestinians have to first recognize Israel as a sovereign nation and give up the right to return. You can't bargain or compromise with someone who will never recognize your legitimacy.
I would love to see a two-state solution, but it is unlikely to happen any time soon given the imperialistic ambitions of the Israeli government. The rightful claim to the land is still a critical point, since it goes to the heart of Zionism, and that still affects events today. Unsatisfied by all the land already stolen from the Palestinians, they continue to support expansion of the illegal settlements.

Rightist MKs: We mustn't freeze settlement construction
By Haim Levinson, Haaretz Correspondent
Tags: Israel news, Obama

As preparations were underway in New York on Tuesday for a tripartite meeting between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, U.S. President Barack Obama and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, in Israel, right-wing ministers and MKs sent out a clear message - we mustn't freeze settlement construction.

The tripartite summit aims to pressure Israel and the Palestinian Authority to relaunch stalled peace talks, but sources in Israel, the U.S. and the Palestinian authority have said that chances for renewal of peace talks are slim.

Ministers and MKs visited a protest tent erected across from the prime minister's residence in Jerusalem by the Yesha settler council in hopes to voice opposition to the possibility of a peace agreement that would require Israel to halt construction in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.

Vice Premier Silvan Shalom, who spoke at the protest tent, said that "the settlements are not an obstacle to peace."

Shalom remarked that "I said that a summit would take place, even when everyone thought there wouldn't be one. This summit is supposed to lead to resumption of peace talks, and we support this resumption."

"It is important that the Palestinians understand that peace will not come in place of Israel, but rather alongside Israel," Shalom continued.

Commenting on the possibility that the summit will fail, Shalom said "a failed summit is not a good thing. In English there is a saying 'it takes two to tango.'"

The settlers' protest tent also hosted the ministers Moshe Kahlon (Likud), and Uzi Landau (Yisrael Beitenu). Landau emphasized the fact that "construction in the West Bank must continue."

MK Tzipi Hotovely (Likud) also visited the tent, saying that "the only way to demonstrate our ownership is to build."

"We must build in all of the West Bank, the blocs and the cities alike," she said.

On the one hand, the Israeli government claims that it will accept peace for the Palestine living alongside Israel, while at the same time continuing to steal more land from the Palestinians. How can anyone take their scanty support for a peace seriously? It's totally superficial.
I would love to see a two-state solution, but it is unlikely to happen any time soon given the imperialistic ambitions of the Israeli government. The rightful claim to the land is still a critical point, since it goes to the heart of Zionism, and that still affects events today. Unsatisfied by all the land already stolen from the Palestinians, they continue to support expansion of the illegal settlements.

On the one hand, the Israeli government claims that it will accept peace for the Palestine living alongside Israel, while at the same time continuing to steal more land from the Palestinians. How can anyone take their scanty support for a peace seriously? It's totally superficial.

What is superficial is that the Palestinians have voted for a corrupted terrorist based government that is composed of Radical and Antisemitic pieces of shit who are in thirst for blood of killed Israeli civilians. Palestinians backed up Arafat, now they back up Hamas and you still think an issue is possible. Barack Obama makes pressure on the Israelis in ordure to achieve what Clinton didn't.
The Palestinians never existed as a real populace but are mostly migrants from the various Arab countries surrounding Israel. The Wye plantation talks and the talks made during Itzak Rabin 's presidency gave absolutely nothing positive.
The best leader Israel had was Ariel Sharon who had no respite for Hamas and Fatah and knew how to deal with them. Barack Obama is just kissing the Arab nations'asses in order to make America more respectable.
I think I've stated it on this board before in greater detail, but genetic analysis of both groups has shown that while both your average Palestinian and average Israeli possess the genes which demonstrate their links to the region going back to prehistoric times, the Palestinians show a continuity in the region, and the Israelis do not.

Modern Israelis are the descendants of those Jews who migrated to far-flung corners of the globe during the Diaspora, mixing with many different populations. They only migrated back to modern day Israel in large numbers during the twentieth century. Palestinians, on the other hand, are those people who have been there all along, and are the descendants of those Jews and Christians who converted to Islam in the 7th and 8th centuries.

So if we're going to look at it from a nativist perspective, all this means is that the Palestinians have a greater claim to it, since they've been in the region all along.

Give England back to the Celts!

Boudica! Boudica! Boudica!