Another Obamacare Horror Story Debunked

Oh you're out motherfucker. Out of your cotdam mind! My plan does not meet Obamascare minumum requirements because my plan does not meet 6350 limit on OOP expenses. I was just find with my plan as it stood until this bastard decided that he knew what served me better than I do. Now my insurer must add benefits to make it conform or cancel it. To add benefits to my plan will increase my premium which is low for now AND it increases my annual deductible by 50 percent just to keep a hint of what I have now. Which is EXACTLY what this woman and myself are pissed about. The motherfucker is tampering with the plans of those of us that were happy with what we have as to not make them conform to the ACA so that it will make us have to pay into their system. This is part of the Big Lie that this motherfucker told to everyone when he created this bullshit. His plan was to move the goalposts after it became law which is exactly what I and others against it knew all along. Now go fuck yourself.
The system of nationallized healthcare that is being funded on the backs of those of us that had our own coverage that we were happy with but because the takers cannot make this thing work on their own they change the rules and criteria of what is an acceptable plan to force those of us who were to we wouldn't have to into participating or be fined or do without.
Oh fucking bullshit. We all pay higher prices that are worked into the system for just about everything. When stores incur losses due to theft the merchandise becomes more expensive to offset their loss. But I still have the choice to buy or not buy knowing that.
Oh you're out motherfucker. Out of your cotdam mind!

The system of nationallized healthcare that is being funded on the backs of those of us that had our own coverage that we were happy with but because the takers cannot make this thing work on their own they change the rules and criteria of what is an acceptable plan to force those of us who were to we wouldn't have to into participating or be fined or do without.

Really, I'm out of my mind? You sound like you're coming undone. Do you know how I feel about having to pay a little more (even though I don't) so that some other people worse off than myself can get access to healthcare for their families and children? Fucking great.
Do you know how I feel knowing you will be paying a little bit more so that other people worse off than you can get access to healthcare for their families and children? Even better.

Welcome to society, you piece of shit. We all chip in, that's how it fucking works.
Really, I'm out of my mind? You sound like you're coming undone. Do you know how I feel about having to pay a little more (even though I don't) so that some other people worse off than myself can get access to healthcare for their families and children? Fucking great.
Do you know how I feel knowing you will be paying a little bit more so that other people worse off than you can get access to healthcare for their families and children? Even better.

Welcome to society, you piece of shit. We all chip in, that's how it fucking works.

Let me tell you how it works jism lips. I earn a living, I pay my taxes and I buy what I want to buy. I don't pay 5000 more dollars for a car so that it can be used as a subsidy for those that don't have ond. I am not here to serve the government, the government is here to serve me as a law abiding productive member of society. I understand why you are worried because this healthcare law is exposing liberalism for what it is. You and your ideas are failing miserably and now people are starting to see it for the farce that it is. Next year at this time more Democrats will lose and the Obama agenda will be halted. We have our foot on your throats and we are not about to let up. Got it dumbfuck?
You and your ideas are failing miserably and now people are starting to see it for the farce that it is. Next year at this time more Democrats will lose and the Obama agenda will be halted. We have our foot on your throats and we are not about to let up. Got it dumbfuck?

BWAAAAAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Yeah, you've really got us against the ropes, republicans are poised to be the next big thing. Please be gentle during the transition!!!!!

Oh, and also, if anybody is curious, that guy above me is the very definition of a taker. "I want all the benefits of society, but I don't want to give back a cent unless it benefits me directly."


Official Checked Star Member
foot on who's throats? according to YOUR OWN FUCKING party you are losing ground! so what foot on what throat dumb fuck??? YOUR party is circling the drain right now. They are rounding the wagons to take fucking assistance away from veterans so good luck winning their votes. You sound so sure like "The architect" did in the 2012 and then had a melt down on live tv when his $100 million sure thing blew up in his pig-like face.

you are truly living in a fucking bubble. holy shit.
Obamascare is what has caused us to have our foot on your necks. It couldn't have happened at a better time. This isn't a passing scandal that will blow over in a few weeks it is an ongoing debacle that will do nothing but get worse. So looking forward to the mid terms.


I'm watching some specialist videos
Let me tell you how it works jism lips. I earn a living, I pay my taxes and I buy what I want to buy. I don't pay 5000 more dollars for a car so that it can be used as a subsidy for those that don't have ond. I am not here to serve the government, the government is here to serve me as a law abiding productive member of society. I understand why you are worried because this healthcare law is exposing liberalism for what it is. You and your ideas are failing miserably and now people are starting to see it for the farce that it is. Next year at this time more Democrats will lose and the Obama agenda will be halted. We have our foot on your throats and we are not about to let up. Got it dumbfuck?

I would take exception to this statement - you are a lawyer. Need I say more?

The people who clean the streets, collect the trash, fill the holes in the roads, work down the mines - these are productive members of society and yet the get paid a fraction of what you do. These are the people who can benefit from ACA. Yes, there are people who live off handouts - some of whom don't actually need to but are too lazy to actually work, however, these people are in the minority. Not everyone can be a scum sucking lawyer, some people do actually have to work for a living instead of getting drunk drivers off paying for putting innocent people in mortal danger.
Obamascare is what has caused us to have our foot on your necks. It couldn't have happened at a better time. This isn't a passing scandal that will blow over in a few weeks it is an ongoing debacle that will do nothing but get worse. So looking forward to the mid terms.

Hahaha. Well, all of us liberals swore we would keep this a secret, but since you seem to be in danger of receding so far into your republican bubble that you can't even communicate with reality anymore I'm going to share with you how Obamacare is most likely to play out.

Phase 1 is just about getting everyone hooked on health care. All those affordable doctors, medicine, and surviving serious heath issues with your home and belongings intact can be really addictive.
As more and more people join the exchanges and rates bottom out, legislation will allow employers to drop health cover in favor of paid compensation so that the employees can take that money to the exchanges for themselves.

In phase 2, everybody is now insured. The subsidies are a pain in the ass to administer and cost too much, so the government offers its own insurance, with the cheapest rates because they operate across the entire country so their risk is lowest.

Phase 3, people start flooding the government health insurance to get the cheapest rates and broadest networks. Only a few stick with their more expensive policies and narrower networks on principle, we'll call them "republicans".

Phase 4, the government says fuck all these metal plans, fuck having to audit private insurers every year to check their compliance, and turns Obamacare into a single payer government run system. They already have a fair idea how much things cost, because they already insure most people. Everybody gets the same coverage (everything), there are no exchanges because there is only 1 insurer, and instead of paying X dollars for your insurance premiums you now pay X% more in tax.

Everyone in America now has complete coverage and access to any doctor or hospital anywhere in the country, and after a while, nobody feels the sting because it's just another tax. Unless they go and buy their own private hospitals, and I'm sure some of them will, the billionaires on park avenue will see exactly the same doctors as the bums who sleep in their gutters. We'll finally have a health care system on par with every other developed nation!


Official Checked Star Member
Ezekial Manuel said pretty much exactly what you just said mongo and he was a big part of writing the law and designing it. He said this is but the initial step towards a single payer option which they estimate will be in place by 2020.
Go team engineer! I'm in software, and also insurance, coincidentally. But not the health kind.

Really Mariah? That's awesome. I hadn't even heard that, but in my mind it's the natural progression and I am all for it.
Phase 1 Obama rolls out a government website that can handle less traffic than a fans of Larry Storch Facebook page. Phase 2 In January 2014 Obama caves to house Republicans to delay the individual mandate until 2015 citing approval numbers at 35 percent. By February a whopping 500000 will have signed up for Obamacare. Phase 3 the employer mandate being just around the corner labor unions start balking and Obama hints at wholesale changes and further delays. Phase 4 November elections usher in more Republicans and overtake the Senate. Obamacare is repealed in early 2015. Phase 5 Obama vetoes the bill but agrees to freeze Obamacare bowing to Democrats who are frightened that he has killed any hopes of keeping the White House. Phase 6 bunghole18 commits suicide on a toxic cocktail of Swizzlers and Zima.
Aren't you ashamed to be betting against the best interests of your own country out of pure baseless irrational hate?

Obamacare is here, it's happening, it's going to keep happening, and it's going to be the best thing that ever happened to America's embarrassing "health" system. It's not the finished product, but it's the first step towards it.
I respectfully disagree Mega. I had to get one more of those in before the end of the year. And dumbass in your frenzy to rep people, you repped me too. I know your position is untenable but get a hold of yourself.