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Another Islam honor killing towards a family member

By comparison we don't know how many "zanies willing" to carry out similar attacks to that carried out by McVeigh....what we do know their were ALLOT of sympathizers to his cause. It is a 1 to 1 comparison when you talk about 9/11 to OK City...thankfully many of the usurpers and malcontents of McVeigh's ilk have been interdicted before they could attack.

But here's one reasonably close to your cause...how many Buford Furrows did it take to try and slaughter a preschool full of kids??

Again, these bastards are home grown extremists who pose a far greater danger to the average American the 100K foreign Muslims.

1 to 1 comparison? Hardly. The jihadists hold the roost.

Buford Furrows? You're giving me a random event back by an Aryan doofus in '99 and trying to compare that to the scores of dead and maimed from islamic extremism?

No idiot Aryan or Timothy McVeigh crap could ever dream of reaching the global proportions of islamic terror or the threat it poses to trade,commerce, and regional stability.

Furrows and McVeigh? Come on.:facepalm:

1 to 1 comparison? Hardly. The jihadists hold the roost.

Buford Furrows? You're giving me a random event back by an Aryan doofus in '99 and trying to compare that to the scores of dead and maimed from islamic extremism?

No idiot Aryan or Timothy McVeigh crap could ever dream of reaching the global proportions of islamic terror or the threat it poses to trade,commerce, and regional stability.

Furrows and McVeigh? Come on.:facepalm:

:cool:The point...how many American grown extremists are responsible for American tragedies as compared to Islamists...isn't that (or should be) your worry???

Of course the world wide affects of dopey Islamists is broader as they have a broader agenda BUT the effect on Americans has been minimal in a historic sense.

Thanks to good old fashion police, ATF and FBI work we haven't had more incidents caused by home grown extremists..Most recently the FBI's interdiction of a Michigan based militia group.:nanner:
Besides my opinion that he's a squid pussy and should have gotten a dishonorable discharge, it's an advertisement.

I'm not sure what that means exactly, but I thought rights didn't rely on philosophical siding. I thought right were either God given or natural, depending on your view of the universe.

Vlad The Impaler

Power Slave
I'm not sure what that means exactly, but I thought rights didn't rely on philosophical siding. I thought right were either God given or natural, depending on your view of the universe.

Just my opinion. I'm sure I'll get banned for it but I'm sick of reading his anti-America and anti-military bullshit. Besides I was under the impression that dot com addresses were against the rules. :dunno:
Just my opinion. I'm sure I'll get banned for it but I'm sick of reading his anti-America and anti-military bullshit. Besides I was under the impression that dot com addresses were against the rules. :dunno:

You're not getting banned. I could bet money on that. I just never expected "right" to be a flimsy word. That's the burden of the 1st Amendment. Defending it often means offending your sensibilities.

Vlad The Impaler

Power Slave
You're not getting banned. I could bet money on that. I just never expected "right" to be a flimsy word. That's the burden of the 1st Amendment. Defending it often means offending your sensibilities.

You know I'm oldschool and hardcore when it comes to this stuff LaLi. I'm only 43 but sometimes I feel like a WWII vet trying to defend the honour of my country and military to today's "military". One thing I can say for certain is; when I was in the corps we were a military power, the military power. So if we're not anymore then its the new military's fault.
You know I'm oldschool and hardcore when it comes to this stuff LaLi. I'm only 43 but sometimes I feel like a WWII vet trying to defend the honour of my country and military to today's "military". One thing I can say for certain is; when I was in the corps we were a military power, the military power. So if we're not anymore then its the new military's fault.

I'm 42 and I'm also defending this nation against the naysayers who on one hand bad mouth the US and on the other, live off the fruits of this country.

I usually give the :thefinger to those.;)
I'm 42 and I'm also defending this nation against the naysayers who on one hand bad mouth the US and on the other, live off the fruits of this country.

I usually give the :thefinger to those.;)

Thats GREAT!! But shouldn't you be equally as dejected by the lubbers who use the freedoms of this country to violently protest their whine-de jour??

Negatively complaining or constructively criticizing is one thing...taking up arms against it's constitutional institutions is another...where's the outrage?
Thats GREAT!! But shouldn't you be equally as dejected by the lubbers who use the freedoms of this country to violently protest their whine-de jour??

Negatively complaining or constructively criticizing is one thing...taking up arms against it's constitutional institutions is another...where's the outrage?

Who would that be? Aryan douchebags? Militia highschool dropouts? Neither are a threat. Do I despise both? Yes. I think they're idiots.
Who would that be? Aryan douchebags? Militia highschool dropouts? Neither are a threat. Do I despise both? Yes. I think they're idiots.

Aren't you listening??? Domestic extremists!!!!!!! Who do you think poses the greatest harm??

I know your default perspective is Islamo goons but the reality is the only realistic way they can do harm to you or your neighbor is if we let them come here to do it.

Our biggest problem is the the deluded idiot circumventing and worming his way through our security and laws to harm his fellow countryment in the name of blah blah blah.....


By comparison we don't know how many "zanies willing" to carry out similar attacks to that carried out by McVeigh there were/are....what we do know is there were ALLOT of sympathizers to his cause. In a 1 to 1 comparison when you talk about 9/11 to OK City...thankfully many of the usurpers and malcontents of McVeigh's ilk have been interdicted before they could attack.

But here's one reasonably close to your cause...how many Buford Furrows did it take to try and slaughter a preschool full of kids??

Again, these bastards are home grown extremists who pose a far greater danger to the average American the 100K foreign Muslims.

Speaking of home grown terrorists: :cool: Very interesting reading thanks to PBS.

Oh, I like this one . . . Whoopsy Daisy! :rofl: :1orglaugh :glugglug:

And what about the
chancellor of University of Calif. Santa Cruz, dare I say her name:facepalm:, another one that made the FBI most wanted list.

Domestic terror comes from both sides of the aisle, mega!
What up wit cho? :hatsoff:


Believer In GregCentauro
sympathy must be created for those over in Islamic countries...

To put things in perspective...

Have you ever had to go to your local market and fear that it may be shelled with mortars? Or that an Apache helicopter is hovering above you waiting to take you and the entire block out? Are your streets filled with men armed to the teeth with RPGS an AKS?
Chances are that you don't. Granted, we had 9/11, a terrible act upon America. But aside from Pearl Harbor, the only sort of an attack on our land to date. Meanwhile we are over there blowing their shit to pieces, fighting an army that likes to blow shit up as well. The common people deal (Baghdad) with this shit on a daily basis, and it's so obvious to me, why Islam (extreme forms) are so popular. A nation living in fear, uneducated, not very advanced, and in an environment where it's hard to enjoy freedoms when life itself is under threat at all times. So what is the answer ? Religion. Religion serves as security, and an ultimate device of control which the terrorist groups have masterfully manipulated the population with. Islam is the front, but underneath is an organization of wealth, crime, power, and control. They have a group of crazy ass extremists who masquerade around as a religious movement, and what do you know? They recruit like crazy. Islam, while it is a noble religion at it's roots has systematically been altered to fit the needs of a country who desires an army of brainwashed soldiers and radical forms of leadership. We should feel bad for the common citizens who fall under the trap of extreme Islamic actions and control. Because in reality, how do they know any better or different? They don't. They have been indoctrinated and exposed since their birth.

This is just my opinion. I'm probably completely wrong in the eyes of most...
........and one McVeigh attack vs. how many dozens of attacks carried out by jihadists killing for their allah? Come on not even close Mega.

That 10,000 is most likely a paltry number compared to the actual number of zanies willing to murder non muslims before and after 9/11.

Oh, right. Spinning the age old tale of the evil Moozlims, and the innocent Christians?

Have you ever looked into Blackwater Worldwide's actions in Iraq? Have you looked into the sworn testimony from employees that they that the CEO views himself as "a Christian crusader tasked with eliminating Muslims and the Islamic faith from the globe". They basically see themselves as some kind of Christian supremacist heirs to the Knights Templar, where the company "encouraged and rewarded the destruction of Iraqi life." The string of atrocities this private mercenary group has been involved in is lengthy, and its links to Christian Freedom International and other faith-based organisations well-known.

Why not look into the thousands of people murdered and oppressed in regions as diverse as Papua New Guinea, Haiti and central and southern Africa where Christians are stringing people up on charges of witchcraft, because of the commandment in Exodus 22:18 "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live"? It's frequently perpetrated against traditional native religions, but other times they're not as selective as that. In Nigeria, in particular, evangelical Christianity has led to scores upon scores of children being denounced by unscrupulous pastors as witches. These children are often abandoned, sometimes burned alive or just killed.

All religion is nonsense, but it's the height of BS to claim that one side is pure as the driven snow and the other is just false. I can't believe that in this day and age, people still fall for this black-and-white thinking.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
Ask me if I give a rats ass if you speak Greek..

So you feel you have some right to educate me on the ancient Greeks, even though the chances are not small that I know more than you.
Oh ok, I admit it; you're right and I'm wrong. Every single Moslem is capable, from birth, of killing 15 non-Moslems just by thinking it.
It's just a sign of their massive cunning that they hide their lethality; you're right to be on guard against them.
I find it very interesting how you can characterise them as crazies attacking your homeland whenthe majority of attacks are happening... in their homeland.
But of course, I don't understand their evil whiles and cunning ways like you do...

Oh, right. Spinning the age old tale of the evil Moozlims, and the innocent Christians?

Have you ever looked into Blackwater Worldwide's actions in Iraq? Have you looked into the sworn testimony from employees that they that the CEO views himself as "a Christian crusader tasked with eliminating Muslims and the Islamic faith from the globe". They basically see themselves as some kind of Christian supremacist heirs to the Knights Templar, where the company "encouraged and rewarded the destruction of Iraqi life." The string of atrocities this private mercenary group has been involved in is lengthy, and its links to Christian Freedom International and other faith-based organisations well-known.

Why not look into the thousands of people murdered and oppressed in regions as diverse as Papua New Guinea, Haiti and central and southern Africa where Christians are stringing people up on charges of witchcraft, because of the commandment in Exodus 22:18 "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live"? It's frequently perpetrated against traditional native religions, but other times they're not as selective as that. In Nigeria, in particular, evangelical Christianity has led to scores upon scores of children being denounced by unscrupulous pastors as witches. These children are often abandoned, sometimes burned alive or just killed.

All religion is nonsense, but it's the height of BS to claim that one side is pure as the driven snow and the other is just false. I can't believe that in this day and age, people still fall for this black-and-white thinking.

Thank you for a bit of perspective there :)
While we're talking about crusades shouldn't we consider that there have been Christian soldiers in the Moslem holy lands since the crusades?
It's just a sign of their massive cunning that they hide their lethality; you're right to be on guard against them.
I find it very interesting how you can characterise them as crazies attacking your homeland whenthe majority of attacks are happening... in their homeland.
But of course, I don't understand their evil whiles and cunning ways like you do...

They don't hide anything. It's all in the open for all to see, the more media attention the better.

Uh they murdered nearly 3,000 people in one day on 9/11. I'd consider that to be a milestone event in the history of this country. Golly jeepers no wonder we rolled up our proverbial sleeves to kick their asses.:facepalm:

To understand them only requires a bit of common sense which you've decided to abandon whenever it comes to rightfully criticizing islamic terrorism.

No wonder the jihadists consider Western leftists to be "useful idiots".