I have absolutely no idea why you feel the need to mention the Greeks here. Do you perhaps feel I'm somehow unaware of their achievements? You do realise I speak Greek right? So please, feel free to lecture me further.
Moslems know that they have some crazies who commit crimes against non-moslems. Your mistake is to take all Moslems as a homogenous whole and assume that they're all Al-quaeda types.
If that was true don't you suppose that when the Turks were marauding near Vienna they would have simply taken Europe? (That reminds me, kudos to whoever it was invaded the poles after they sent their armies to defend christendom; you get bastard points)
How do you account for the progressive Caliphs that fostered debate between Jewish, Christian and Moslem scholars in their courts?
I think you need to look past religion. It's entirely possible if things continue in the current trend that those who achieve best will be those who abandon all alleigancies (religion, nation, race, sex) in order to further themselves. I think you attach too much importance to religion; just like the Jihadis.
I agree - or we need to look past arbitrarily grouping people altogether. Individuals are responsible for their own actions - why should people who do not support this variety of evil, immoral, criminality be tarred with the same brush as these sickos?
A lot of the Americans on this board are at least nominally fans of Ron Paul. Well, they might do well to ponder the following words, and consider if the same could be said of any large identity group, and not only race:
"Racism is simply an ugly form of collectivism, the mindset that views humans only as members of groups and never as individuals. Racists believe that all individual who share superficial physical characteristics are alike; as collectivists, racists think only in terms of groups. "
And on a related note, piggybacking on the achievements of other people is one of the stupidest things human beings have ever conceived of. And just as illogical as dumping the baggage of other people on those not responsible for it. If you're not Aristotle or Plato, you have no right to swell up with pride. If you're not a heartless, daughter-murdering asshole, you have no reason to cringe with shame.