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Another Islam honor killing towards a family member

It's a cultural thing...something that we in the West would never understand.

I understand that this is "a cultural thing," I just don't understand how any logical explanation follows it. The other "cultural" aspects of certain societies that seem odd, or taboo to western cultures seem to have some logic tied to them. While I may not agree with the reasoning, at least I can see the (albeit twisted) logic in things such as marital dowries, politics manifested through religion, suicide bombings and even the "mullet" haircut... but the logic in this case is so off course I can't even comprehend how it became a "cultural thing."
Do you ever watch the AC130/Apache combat footage on LiveLeak?

Yeah... I wish out HH-60h's had a cannon like that. Though it would have shook the hell out of the chopper. As for the Apache...meh.
I understand that this is "a cultural thing," I just don't understand how any logical explanation follows it. The other "cultural" aspects of certain societies that seem odd, or taboo to western cultures seem to have some logic tied to them. While I may not agree with the reasoning, at least I can see the (albeit twisted) logic in things such as marital dowries, politics manifested through religion, suicide bombings and even the "mullet" haircut... but the logic in this case is so off course I can't even comprehend how it became a "cultural thing."

People in India think we are barbarian cause we eat cows. It's just how their culture works...why have it explained?
People in India think we are barbarian cause we eat cows. It's just how their culture works...why have it explained?

Well yeah, because to them cows are sacred. Its like eating God, or a God at least. At least there's logic behind it that follows from reason.

I'm not arguing with you, and you're right: it doesn't need an explanation. And maybe there really isn't one. I'm just usually capable of wrapping my mind around some sense of logic that at least points to the necessity of the creation of a custom, ritual, etc... This time I'm just at a loss for ideas and its bugging me.
It's important to note that honour killings are a result of cultural teachings and not religious ones, not to take away how barbaric they actually are. The very title of this thread is misleading as the people that carry out these 'honour' killings often happen to be muslims (the most backwards countries are generally muslim), but they don't commit these crimes because of Islam or its teachings, if that makes any sense.

Nice of you to step up to the defense of the religion of peace so quickly, but here's a question for you. Even though ragheads are more often than not the ones committing these crimes, you defend them by saying that the crimes are not committed in the name of islam or because of it's teachings. If that is actually the case, why wouldn't some of the grand moolahs or whatever they call the leaders of their church, come out publically and tell their followers that they are committing an offense against allah by doing such atrocious things?

You can say that they are, but the fact of the matter is that these kind of crimes against humanity have been taking place in the muslim world for CENTURIES, and they are still taking place.

You can give us all the lip service you want about their garbage religion, but actions speak louder than words. In this case, it can even be said that actions speak louder than the lack of words. If their religion is against this kind of thing, how come they haven't been able to stop it for centuries?

As someone who wasn't a muslim once said, "you can tell a tree by the fruit it bears."
Nice of you to step up to the defense of the religion of peace so quickly, but here's a question for you. Even though ragheads are more often than not the ones committing these crimes, you defend them by saying that the crimes are not committed in the name of islam or because of it's teachings. If that is actually the case, why wouldn't some of the grand moolahs or whatever they call the leaders of their church, come out publically and tell their followers that they are committing an offense against allah by doing such atrocious things?

You can say that they are, but the fact of the matter is that these kind of crimes against humanity have been taking place in the muslim world for CENTURIES, and they are still taking place.

You can give us all the lip service you want about their garbage religion, but actions speak louder than words. In this case, it can even be said that actions speak louder than the lack of words. If their religion is against this kind of thing, how come they haven't been able to stop it for centuries?

As someone who wasn't a muslim once said, "you can tell a tree by the fruit it bears."

Your missing the point of my post. This honour killing had NOTHING to do with religion so why would religious leaders come out and condemn it, yesterday a white guy here in the uk killed his two young daughters and wife by slitting their throats before he hung himself over what is believed financial problems, do you expect the Archbishop of Canterbury to release a statement saying what this Christian man did will send him to hell?, likewise do you expect the Pope to issue a statement condemning Gerry Adams (Catholic) for his role in the IRA? Relgion should only be brought into the equation if the crime was based on said religion, why bring up a persons religion if it had no bearing on the crime, in fact do you know if the guy was a muslim or if he was was he a practising one?

This is all media BS, the western public is sick of the so called war on terror (based on lies and flimsy evidence) and want troops home from foreign (muslim) lands, the media makes money out of covering these wars so they continue to publish any anti-muslim story they can find to keep people scared and angry so they cantinue supporting the war effort. And stupid people fall for it, oh my God a muslim guy (out of 1.2bn worlwide) killed his daughter in Yemen so we gotta support an invasion of Iran, they must be somehow connected right :rolleyes: And if any religious leaders did denounce anything to you think the media would even report it, would they send reporters down to film or record the statement? Of course not that would imply that we might actually be able to get along without killing one another. I'm glad I can see this story for what it is, an evil guy killing his daughter because of barbaric medievil cultural views on 'honour', you guys carry on believing in the global islamic conspiracy and carry on handing over your money to make the politicians, finance men and arms dealers (the guys who decide what wars to fight) even richer than they already are. :2 cents:


Hiliary 2020
It's important to note that honour killings are a result of cultural teachings and not religious ones, not to take away how barbaric they actually are. The very title of this thread is misleading as the people that carry out these 'honour' killings often happen to be muslims (the most backwards countries are generally muslim), but they don't commit these crimes because of Islam or its teachings, if that makes any sense. In backwards parts of India you'll see honour killings involving Sikhs and Hindus as well as Muslims, this will be bacause it is CULTURALLY encouraged or some local tribal and not religious authority has allowed it. If you read the article at no point does it mention that this barbaric act was committed because of Islamic teachings, therefore it was unwise of the OP through the title of the thread to imply Islam was somehow responsible, this isn't FOX news or the Daily Mail after all. RIP to the young lady :2 cents:

and the culture is based on the religion and what their book says.
especially when it comes to these type of murders and abuses.
not true?

It would similar to saying catholic teachings promote child abuse!

terrible comparison. just an excuse for you to put down christianity.
surely you can find better examples.
the bible or the christian or catholic religion doesn't teach or promote child abuse.
and the culture is based on the religion and what their book says.
especially when it comes to these type of murders and abuses.
not true?

terrible comparison. just an excuse for you to put down christianity.
surely you can find better examples.
the bible or the christian or catholic religion doesn't teach or promote child abuse.

Not always true. Many of the cultural aspects are derived from Hinduism which was around well before Islam came along, all the muslims in Pakistan, India and Bangladesh were converted to Islam after originally being Hindu yet still retained many of the cultural aspects. For instance some muslims in predominantly Hindu parts of India are cremated like their Hindu counterparts although in Islam you are supposed to be buried. It would be far easier for people who claim the teachings of Islam allow honour killings to do some research and find some extracts from the religious texts that back up their claim, the point is theirs to prove. And I'm not talking about war and violence which you can find in any religious book, I'm talking about specific passages that allow you to kill your child to preserve your family honour, that would be much better than all this speculation.
Well yeah, because to them cows are sacred. Its like eating God, or a God at least. At least there's logic behind it that follows from reason.

I'm not arguing with you, and you're right: it doesn't need an explanation. And maybe there really isn't one. I'm just usually capable of wrapping my mind around some sense of logic that at least points to the necessity of the creation of a custom, ritual, etc... This time I'm just at a loss for ideas and its bugging me.

They are simple people and your thinking way to hard on this. It is what it is. Backwards and barbaric...just like the entire region. If you told them that Allah said the earth is flat, they would believe you.
It's a cultural thing...something that we in the West would never understand.

and it something we should NEVER understand.

what this guys, and many before him, have done is barbaric...and doesn't even come remotely close to making any kind of logical sense


Believer In GregCentauro
I believe that Islam is very much misinterpreted in our world, as are most religions.

But all in all, I stand by the idea that spiritualism can be very beneficial to the individual, however religions are only detrimental to society as a whole.

As far as the topic goes, killing is stupid no matter what the circumstances are.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
They are simple people and your thinking way to hard on this. It is what it is. Backwards and barbaric...just like the entire region. If you told them that Allah said the earth is flat, they would believe you.

Yes, they are a simple people, they can't be as intelligent as "us" because they are too genetically different from us.
It's a different culture. Need I point out that Christian priests were busy blessing both Axis and Allied artillery pieces in world war 1 and 2? Need I point out that much of bible-belt America was motivated to go to war in the middle-east religiously? Wouldn't that also mean bible-belt America was simple in culture and had simple people? Heaven forbid that anyone should ever form such a stereotype...
Yes, they are a simple people, they can't be as intelligent as "us" because they are too genetically different from us.
It's a different culture. Need I point out that Christian priests were busy blessing both Axis and Allied artillery pieces in world war 1 and 2? Need I point out that much of bible-belt america was motivated to go to war in the middle-east religiously? Wouldn't that also mean bible-belt america was simple in culture and had simple people? Heaven forbid that anyone should ever form such a stereotype...

Also most of the bible-belt believes that man and dinosaurs roamed the earth at the same time...

When I said simple, I was not implying intelligence. I was stating in their way of life, considering that most of the Muslim world are farmers and it is still vastly ruled by tribal leaders, is simple.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
Also most of the bible-belt believes that man and dinosaurs roamed the earth at the same time...

When I said simple, I was not implying intelligence. I was stating in their way of life, considering that most of the Muslim world are farmers and it is still vastly ruled by tribal leaders, is simple.

Fair point, I misunderstood. Sorry.
It's important to note that honour killings are a result of cultural teachings and not religious ones, not to take away how barbaric they actually are. The very title of this thread is misleading as the people that carry out these 'honour' killings often happen to be muslims (the most backwards countries are generally muslim), but they don't commit these crimes because of Islam or its teachings, if that makes any sense. In backwards parts of India you'll see honour killings involving Sikhs and Hindus as well as Muslims, this will be bacause it is CULTURALLY encouraged or some local tribal and not religious authority has allowed it. If you read the article at no point does it mention that this barbaric act was committed because of Islamic teachings, therefore it was unwise of the OP through the title of the thread to imply Islam was somehow responsible, this isn't FOX news or the Daily Mail after all. RIP to the young lady :2 cents:

Quran- 4:15 “If any of your women are guilty of lewdness, take the evidence of four (reliable) witness from amongst you against them; if they testify, confine them to houses until death do claim them. Or God ordain for them some (other) way.”

Quran-24:2 “The woman and the man guilty of adultery or fornication—flog each of them with hundred stripes: Let no compassion move you in their case, in a matter prescribed by God, if ye believe in God and the last day.”

Quran-17:32 “ Nor come nigh to adultery: for it is a shameful (deed) and an evil, opening the road (to other evils).
Quran- 4:15 “If any of your women are guilty of lewdness, take the evidence of four (reliable) witness from amongst you against them; if they testify, confine them to houses until death do claim them. Or God ordain for them some (other) way.”

Quran-24:2 “The woman and the man guilty of adultery or fornication—flog each of them with hundred stripes: Let no compassion move you in their case, in a matter prescribed by God, if ye believe in God and the last day.”

Quran-17:32 “ Nor come nigh to adultery: for it is a shameful (deed) and an evil, opening the road (to other evils).

Lev 21:9 And the daughter of any priest, if she profane herself by playing the whore, she profaneth her father: she shall be burnt with fire.

"And he that curseth his father, or his mother, shall surely be put to death. (Exodus 21:17)"

Gen 38:24 Judah demanded for the burning of his daughter-in-law Tamar, whom he was told to be pregnant via harlotry

Honor killings have been going on before Islam came along.
Lev 21:9 And the daughter of any priest, if she profane herself by playing the whore, she profaneth her father: she shall be burnt with fire.

"And he that curseth his father, or his mother, shall surely be put to death. (Exodus 21:17)"

Gen 38:24 Judah demanded for the burning of his daughter-in-law Tamar, whom he was told to be pregnant via harlotry

Honor killings have been going on before Islam came along.

And yet it only continues in Mulim countries, not just Arab countries.
And yet it only continues in Mulim countries, not just Arab countries.

The only non-Arab countries that honor killings have happened in are France, UK, Germany, Pakistan and India. 4 out of 5 would hardly be considered "muslim" countries.

Mainly it happens in Middle Eastern countries or in countries that have Middle Eastern immigration that they happen to be Muslim is of no revelance, especially since honor killings are quite prevelant in Northern India as well...so prevelant that they are propossed a bill this month on it.

Alarmed by the rise of honour killings,Government is planning to bring a bill in the Monsoon Session of Parliament next month (July 2010) to provide for deterrent punishment for 'honour' killings
http://english.samaylive.com/nation/676466616.html Bill in Parliament to curb honour killing :Moily

If it was a Muslim thing, it would not have happend in India. Thus it is a cultural thing.

Vlad The Impaler

Power Slave
No fucking wonder we're still in the middle east. It seems compassion and understanding for your sworn enemies is a new MOS. Do you get a little pink ribbon for that?:thefinger