An Unstable Limbaugh Blames Obama for Ft. Hood Shootings

c'mom, he was just giving food for thought.
and the way it was worded wasnt an accusation at all.
According to what the news has reported his anger about the US being in arab countrys was pissing him off and he was pissed that obama still had not withdrawn the troops.
he did say that while his was campaigning no?
rush is saying it seems these things were a factor in his going nuts.

but twist it as you'd like.

No sir! Obama never said he was pulling out of fact he said the opposite. Even in stating he would end the war in Iraq he said he would do it responsibly over some timetable (a timetable actually effected by Bush last Dec.)....

So again, no sir!! I ain't working (forgive my English:o)
Correct me if I am wrong, but the most complete and thorough infiltration of a terrorist organization in recent years was that of the IRA by British security forces. The upper echelons of the IRA were so completely compromised that it is widely aknowledged that the man in charge of investigating double agents was himself a double agent for the British. To this day a shadow hangs over the leading IRA leaders of the period. For example: Martin McGuiness.

As events became known, it was realised that in order to maintain the cover of agents and the extent of their infiltration, British security forces did not intervene while known attacks were were carried out.

After the events of 7/7 the British were successful in suppressing widespread revenge on the Muslim population. Anybody remember the George Bush joke of the time?

George Bush. "These Guys who attacked London, where are they from?"

Presidential advisor. "Leeds."

George Bush. "Right then, bomb Leeds."

Joking aside, this knee jerk stuff would have closed down the primary source of a successful long term counter terrorism action.

I don't want to invoke direct comparisons between the two situations but it might be worth thinking that aspects of one are relevant to the other.

To mount a counter intelligence operation of any value the UK will need the trust of UK Muslims and those Muslims will need to be reassured that Britain will not seek to alienate and demonize them. Keeping all this in mind I can not help but be dismayed by the short term thinking of many in the media here in the states. A threatened and alienated Muslim community will provide the best possible breeding ground for an effective terrorist operation.

This is not my position paper on global terror strategy. Just my quick 2 cents on the damage of the dim wit media cycle.
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Hiliary 2020
No sir! Obama never said he was pulling out of fact he said the opposite. Even in stating he would end the war in Iraq he said he would do it responsibly over some timetable (a timetable actually effected by Bush last Dec.)....

So again, no sir!! I ain't working (forgive my English:o)

Ok mega, your right i suppose.
but see, he said alot of stuff.
I do think the general public and most of his voters thought he was getting us out of both places, but then again they thought he was gonna do alot of stuff.

Ok, Iraq? are troops being decreased? maybe a little but not like the people were lead to believe.
Afghanistan, whats up with that?
everyday i see headlines like "obama still making decision, obama rejects plan, Obama will make decision soon" ect.
meanwhile soldiers are there in harms way getting shot at.
shit or get off the pot O man, dont you and your people know what to do?
it appears to some that they dont.

BUt of course the news media, the celebs and not many people are holding him accountable.
He's Obama after all.

Back to rush's statement, he shouldnt of said it, but oh well.
why? because it could be easily twisted, as it has been.
and because its really moot anyway.

"that by playing the game the way the media and the dems do
We could almost say this is Obama’s fault, because this guy said that he believed Obama was going to get us out of Iraq and Afghanistan.” Obama hasn’t done it, and that’s one of the reasons why the guy cracked.”

somewhat different from "Rush blames Obama.". as the news article (actually not, just some democrat twisting shit and giving his opinion) says.

thats all.
Ok mega, your right i suppose.
but see, he said alot of stuff.
I do think the general public and most of his voters thought he was getting us out of both places, but then again they thought he was gonna do alot of stuff.

Ok, Iraq? are troops being decreased? maybe a little but not like the people were lead to believe.
Afghanistan, whats up with that?
everyday i see headlines like "obama still making decision, obama rejects plan, Obama will make decision soon" ect.
meanwhile soldiers are there in harms way getting shot at.
shit or get off the pot O man, dont you and your people no what to do?
it appears they dont.

BUt of course the news media, the celebs and not many people are holding him accountable.
He's Obama after all.

Back to rush's statement, he shouldnt of said it, but oh well.
why? because it could be easily twisted, as it has been.
and because its really moot anyway.

“We could almost say this is Obama’s fault, because this guy said that he believed Obama was going to get us out of Iraq and Afghanistan.” Obama hasn’t done it, and that’s one of the reasons why the guy cracked.”

very different from "Rush blames Obama.". as the news article (actually not, just some democrat twisting shit and giving his opinion) says.

thats all.

I disagree flatly with most of your post and I disagree with the premise of the remaining parts I don't disagree with flatly. In fact, I don't merely disagree...the vast majority of your post is factually incorrect.
Basically Limbaugh is yelling at everyone for making his side look bad by cleaning up the mess his side made.
Limbaugh hasn't lost anything, he never had it to begin with.
That would be funny if it wasn't so sad. I guess what's even sadder is that there are millions in the U.S. who hang onto his every word and Boss Limbaugh does their thinking for them.

Whether a person likes Obama or not, whether a person agrees with anything he does or not, that is just a really sad indication of Rush Limbaugh's lack of intelligence... or maybe his lack of sanity.

Wow. I don't think I've ever agreed with a post more than I agree with this masterpiece. Very well said Rey C. :bowdown:
I suppose it should be stipulated by now that whenever Rush says something stupid to remember he only exists to keep happy people who don't like progressive Democrats. Not to convey facts, not to convey news, not to express reality based thinking but to keep GOPers happy.
Rush Limblah is an idiot. I can't believe he actually has followers who like him.
Rush Limblah is an idiot. I can't believe he actually has followers who like him.

I can see having followers who like because his show is fairly entertaining. Expecting reality based thinking is another thing but they don't tune in to here reality. They tune into to here him make them feel good about their political beliefs no matter if he has to make stuff up, be a hypocrite or say something stupid.
I can see having followers who like because his show is fairly entertaining. Expecting reality based thinking is another thing but they don't tune in to here reality. They tune into to here him make them feel good about their political beliefs no matter if he has to make stuff up, be a hypocrite or say something stupid.

Because the Obama voters and fanboys stick to the reality?? :rolleyes::crash:
Please give me a fucking break. Please don't tell me that everything goes better under Obama when it is not. High unemployment, weak dollar, criminality, muslim and black communautarianism growing in shitty towns and poor economic perspectives, is that what you call a good change????
Not everything is pink or nice as you may think.
Because the Obama voters and fanboys stick to the reality?? :rolleyes::crash:
Please give me a fucking break. Please don't tell me that everything goes better under Obama when it is not. High unemployment, weak dollar, criminality, muslim and black communautarianism growing in shitty towns and poor economic perspectives, is that what you call a good change????
Not everything is pink or nice as you may think.

"fanboys"??? Really??? :georges: thanks!!! (for another belly laugh).:rofl2:
Because the Obama voters and fanboys stick to the reality?? :rolleyes::crash:
Please give me a fucking break. Please don't tell me that everything goes better under Obama when it is not. High unemployment, weak dollar, criminality, muslim and black communautarianism growing in shitty towns and poor economic perspectives, is that what you call a good change????
Not everything is pink or nice as you may think.

Georges every time you post, why do you feel it necessary to run your text through a translation into German, then back into English?
Georges every time you post, why do you feel it necessary to run your text through a translation into German, then back into English?

Like I feel it necessary to run my text through a translation into German?? :rolleyes: seriously :wtf: Do you fucking think before you post? Do you ??? Do you need glasses to read or what????:mad:
Don't make yourself more stupid than you are.
Like I feel it necessary to run my text through a translation into German?? :rolleyes: seriously :wtf: Do you fucking think before you post? Do you ??? Do you need glasses to read or what????:mad:
Don't make yourself more stupid than you are.

It is the rhythmns of your language George. Well, that coupled with the way you constantly have trouble with the idioms.

I was working from the notion that the above information in said form would be boring to impart, so I pretended you that you translated out of and back into English. Obviously, it has escaped your notice that this was a pale stab at humour on my behalf. The failure is mine. The shame will be with me always.

In the light of the previous paragraph, I risk redundancy when I state that I'm fully cognizant that the ravings you post on here are all your own work. I do though, envision you writing them out in crayon first, before typing them up with your index finger. Your other hand fingering the remote. Pausing to switch channels from Spongebob Squarepants when it goes to commercial.
because the obama voters and fanboys stick to the reality?? :rolleyes::crash:
Please give me a fucking break. Please don't tell me that everything goes better under obama when it is not. High unemployment, weak dollar, criminality, muslim and black communautarianism growing in shitty towns and poor economic perspectives, is that what you call a good change????
Not everything is pink or nice as you may think.

hey remember, all this crap you speak of started with your good ol boy bush jr. In office.
I would expect Michael Savage to say something like this.


Hiliary 2020
hey remember, all this crap you speak of started with your good ol boy bush jr. In office.

It actually started way before that dude, but i realize thats what that rotten box told you so its what you believe.

It is the rhythmns of your language George. Well, that coupled with the way you constantly have trouble with the idioms.

In the light of the previous paragraph, I risk redundancy when I state that I'm fully cognizant that the ravings you post on here are all your own work. I do though, envision you writing them out in crayon first, before typing them up with your index finger. Your other hand fingering the remote. Pausing to switch channels from Spongebob Squarepants when it goes to commercial.
wow you really told him
typical, cant address the post so resort to cheap shots, the crayon part was really clever.
Why is it when dems have nothing worthy or educated to respond with they resort to cheap shots/name calling.
Its a childlike mentality that is conveyed in your views of the world, but its just not reality.
back to the thread, limbaugh said it, the democratic media who fears him because he exposes their bullshit twisted it.
And thats all I have to say about that.
It actually started way before that dude, but i realize thats what that rotten box told you so its what you believe.

wow you really told him
typical, cant address the post so resort to cheap shots, the crayon part was really clever.
Why is it when dems have nothing worthy or educated to respond with they resort to cheap shots/name calling.
Its a childlike mentality that is conveyed in your views of the world, but its just not reality.
back to the thread, limbaugh said it, the democratic media who fears him because he exposes their bullshit twisted it.
And thats all I have to say about that.

I'm somewhat at a loss when attempting to grasp what it is that you are trying to convey here. I'm posting on a pornography website. It's a thread discussing the outpourings of a balloon headed buffoon in relation to the latest 'nontroversy' concerning the Obama administration. I'm responding to the repetitive, infantile, nonsensical, illiterate and personally insulting posts of Georges and you come on here like the style police at a fashion event to tell me I'm doing it wrong. You might be taking yourself a little too seriously. A bit.

I'm more than happy to post on here with footnotes and references to back up the points being made. I have indeed done so. Also, I have repeatedly asked to be pointed to just one article penned by any of the infotainment crowd that sets out a coherent argument and backs it up with relevant data. I've never had a reply. (Feel free to get me one peer reviewed article by Beck Hannity O'Reilly or Limbaugh - they must have 80 years of pontificating between there must be thousnads of brilliant articles out there.)I quickly realised that I was pissing in the wind. Someone like Georges is never going to read a serious book, never mind understand it. He has made up his mind on all the issues for the next seven years. He doesn't need evidence.

So I just have some fun on here. Apparently you don't like it. Fair enough. I'm still stuck though, because I consider Rush Limbaugh a master of his medium: the Phineas T Barnum of his age. Consequently I have to tell you that when an adult comes on here who takes him seriously, I picture them wearing a big red nose, with a revolving bow tie and a plastic flower that squirts water. In replying to that, what else can you do but mock?