No sir! Obama never said he was pulling out of fact he said the opposite. Even in stating he would end the war in Iraq he said he would do it responsibly over some timetable (a timetable actually effected by Bush last Dec.)....
So again, no sir!! I ain't working (forgive my English:o)
Ok mega, your right i suppose.
but see, he said alot of stuff.
I do think the general public and most of his voters thought he was getting us out of both places, but then again they thought he was gonna do alot of stuff.
Ok, Iraq? are troops being decreased? maybe a little but not like the people were lead to believe.
Afghanistan, whats up with that?
everyday i see headlines like "obama still making decision, obama rejects plan, Obama will make decision soon" ect.
meanwhile soldiers are there in harms way getting shot at.
shit or get off the pot O man, dont you and your people know what to do?
it appears to some that they dont.
BUt of course the news media, the celebs and not many people are holding him accountable.
He's Obama after all.
Back to rush's statement, he shouldnt of said it, but oh well.
why? because it could be easily twisted, as it has been.
and because its really moot anyway.
"that by playing the game the way the media and the dems do
We could almost say this is Obama’s fault, because this guy said that he believed Obama was going to get us out of Iraq and Afghanistan.” Obama hasn’t done it, and that’s one of the reasons why the guy cracked.”
somewhat different from "Rush blames Obama.". as the news article (actually not, just some democrat twisting shit and giving his opinion) says.
thats all.