Am i wrong?

Hey people how r u? I have a doubt... how do i put this.. my gf is disappointed because am not as sexually active as she is. Does that makes me a looser or a bad BF.. am confused.. i LOVE SEX.. but its not the most IMPORTANT thing of all! for my GF it is one of the MOST important things! And she told me wow u disappoint me. am like why!? like.. if we ever get married would u like to have sex everyday? am like.. yeah.. i don't mind! But if we don't its NOT gonna be the end of the world! With her ex she used to do it everywhere and almost everyday! am like.. ok.. cool! got for both of u! i ain't like that! I can have it weekly many times but its NOT like i need it everyday! She turns me on and all that but.. am i suppose to be like.. have sex everyday!? Please help me.. i wanna know if am wrong! or what should i do!? :dunno:


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
:rofl: Oh boy.
turn the lights off, and take one for queen and country. Every day if you have to.

And if that feels like punishment to you, ask her to put on a strap-on and take you from behind. That should feel more like it. You'll enjoy that.


I'd kick her ass to the curb and get a real women, not some whore that's going to cheat on you.
Ok! Here's a few points for you!

1. With a name like "The perfect 1" I'm interpreting that as "the one" like the one you're going to marry... Dude... This is a porn forum... Try "LadiesMan69" or "McLovin'" for a username next time.

2. You're coming off as the sensitive type and that's all good, because I'm one too. However, you have to realize when it's time to man up.

3. You just need to do what every REAL man would do in your situation. Drop your pants and DO WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO! If she wants sex, fuck her to the point where she doesn't even remember her ex anymore!

4. To make her happy, just remember "Green Eggs and Ham"... Fuck her on a plane, on a train, in a car, and in a cave... JUST FUCK HER, SAM I AM!!!

5. It's bad when a 19 year-old virgin has to give you relationship advice...
You don't have the time? Or you aren't as sexually active as she is? Or wait. If she is more sexually active than you are, and you are dating...than you have some problems son.


ITS that we DON'T HAVE THE TIME!!! but like i said I LOVE SEX.. idk how to explain people.. i feel bad... :(

whatever, be a man and fuck her, once you get married its downhill anyways enjoy it while you can. Stop BEING a pussy and start FUCKING her pussy.
Then you know what to buy her from Christmas then! A vibrator! Tell her to just shut up and "buzz it" and that you'll fuck her when you have the time!