Hey people how r u? I have a doubt... how do i put this.. my gf is disappointed because am not as sexually active as she is. Does that makes me a looser or a bad BF.. am confused.. i LOVE SEX.. but its not the most IMPORTANT thing of all! for my GF it is one of the MOST important things! And she told me wow u disappoint me. am like why!? like.. if we ever get married would u like to have sex everyday? am like.. yeah.. i don't mind! But if we don't its NOT gonna be the end of the world! With her ex she used to do it everywhere and almost everyday! am like.. ok.. cool! got for both of u! i ain't like that! I can have it weekly many times but its NOT like i need it everyday! She turns me on and all that but.. am i suppose to be like.. have sex everyday!? Please help me.. i wanna know if am wrong! or what should i do!? :dunno: