Alt-Right Media Framed Wrong Person in Charlottesville Car Attack

Prominent alt-right media personalities and websites framed a Michigan man that one labeled an “anti-Trump druggie” for Saturday’s car attack on anti-racist protesters in Charlottesville, Va that killed one and injured 19 others.

Police said the suspect in the incident is 20-year-old James Alex Fields Jr. from Maumee, Ohio. That is not the name of the man identified by the websites Gateway Pundit and GotNews earlier in the day.

“REPORT: Driver in Virginia Car Attack Was Anti-Trump Protester,” Gateway Pundit blared, plus the name of the Michigan man, whose name The Daily Beast is withholding. “WOW! DUDE HIT THE WRONG CROWD,” the subheadline read.

The “report” Gateway Pundit cited was a now-deleted tweet by a Twitter user named @Aristotle_Code, who goes by “Michael” and whose profile picture is of a sportscar. “Michael” has less than a thousand Twitter followers.

The post was deleted with no retraction.

“BREAKING: #Charlottesville Car Terrorist Is Anti-Trump, Open Borders Druggie,” reported GotNews, a website owned by far-right provocateur Chuck Johnson.

The post, which does not have a byline, cites a “Facebook crawl” of relatives of “license plate searches of the Dodge Challenger” that was used in the attack.

“[Name redacted] likes taking drugs and getting stoned, a look at his social media shows. What he under the influence when he crashed into the crowd at Charlottesville?” the post read.

That post has since been removed.

Still, readers flocked to the Facebook page of the Michigan man who was falsely accused of the homicide. Users finally began to slow the harassment on his page when he posted to Facebook several times while the suspect of the car attack was in custody.

The wrongly accused man has since set his Facebook page to private.

Remember the names of these websites because they're frequently cited on this board.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
By "wrong" person I was hoping you meant that he was going to sue sue sue their asses.
Lol @ everything is alt-right.

Gateway Pundit :1orglaugh

Nothing funnier than when libtards become hysterical.

But cotdamn crickets when a black man shoots two white people live on air doing a remote.

Close the whole shit down.

Civil War 2.0


Hiliary 2020
I could write this in like 6 or 7 current posts right now.
Last week it was N. Korea...what happened there. Poof it disappeared.
The week before it was Wasserman Shultz and her Pakistani computer guys. Poof, gone.
The week before it was Russia.....Adios Comrades, gone.

Now we're back to racial bullshit for the 50 millionth time.

Its all bullshit, its all propaganda just like its always been.
We should take it about as seriously as a 4 year old saying they saw Elvis at the Circle K buying a scratch off.
Civil War 2.0

As a european let me say "Fuck Yeah" : years of war on american soil, americans fighting each others, millions of victimes, american economy crippled, that would be great for Europe, China, India, Japan, etc...