All About the Republican National Convention in Cleveland July 18th -July 21st


Closed Account
Just don't see how or where he is going to get more votes.
Latinos. blacks, and the ladies hate him in droves???
There are only so many angry white males in this world.

Keep telling yourself that. You could be doing a lot of hand wringing on election night. Latinos and blacks don't vote Republican anyway. The only places that he is hated by women is in traditionally democrat strongholds.
Well, gays haven't had enough of a track record in the whole marriage thing to actually put up real numbers. Give it about 20 years and their divorce rate will match or exceed heteros. While not ready to call this election for anyone, I believe Trump has a real shot on November 8th. As for your snarky remarks about conservatives opposing gay marriage, it was only 7.5 years ago that Hillary and Obama both thought it was icky.

Gay Divorce Court with Judge JIm J Bullock will be the sassiest show on TV.

Hey this might be a dumb question but here it goes. I've heard reasons why Hispanics, Muslims, and Women dislike Trump but why do The Blacks not like Trump? Whether he can get it done or not he seems more sincere about them getting jobs and having safer neighborhoods to live in.


Hey this might be a dumb question but here it goes. I've heard reasons why Hispanics, Muslims, and Women dislike Trump but why do The Blacks not like Trump? Whether he can get it done or not he seems more sincere about them getting jobs and having safer neighborhoods to live in.

Legit question that no one here is qualified to answer.
it was only 7.5 years ago that Hillary and Obama both thought it was icky.

Aw c'mon. Their position was never that it was "icky", or an abomination. Yeah at one time they both opposed it, primarily based on tradition; but as far back as '99 Clinton was calling for civil unions providing all the same rights as hetero marriages (which was also Obama's position as senator). A lot of years have passed since then, and humans are certainly capable of evolution of thought over time. You'll no doubt label that as pandering instead, but hell they were both going to get the gay vote anyway, so... :dunno:


The One Thing Republicans Don't Want To Discuss This Week

During roll call on Tuesday at the Republican National Convention, many members of the Kansas delegation were wearing blue Kansas City Royals t-shirts. A bit odd, given that Kansas City itself is in neighboring Missouri, and roll call is when delegations usually extol the virtues of their own state.

To be sure, I’m not doubting these people’s devotion to their baseball team ― no matter where its park is technically located.

But it does bring up an uncomfortable fact for Republicans: Kansas, one of the reddest states in the nation, is in the midst of an economic emergency. And the RNC is trying to make sure no one thinks about it.

Check out what Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker said, during his RNC address on Wednesday:

“Thankfully, Republicans are offering a better way forward. It’s working right here in Ohio, and it’s working in places like Florida and New Mexico and North Carolina and South Carolina. Heck, it’s even working in places like Massachusetts and Maryland.”

Obviously that’s not an exhaustive list of all 31 Republican governors’ states, but Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback ― once a presidential candidate ― arguably has turned more GOP doctrine into law than any of the others.

From New York Magazine:
They passed massive tax breaks for the wealthy and repealed all income taxes on more than 100,000 businesses. They tightened welfare requirements, privatized the delivery of Medicaid, cut $200 million from the education budget, eliminated four state agencies and 2,000 government employees. In 2012, Brownback helped replace the few remaining moderate Republicans in the legislature with conservative true believers.

The result, however, has been anything but what Brownback promised.
Kansas has the country’s second-slowest GDP growth rate (0.4%) for the three years ending 2015, and is one of just nine states to actually have negative GDP movement between Q4 2014 and Q4 2015. Unemployment is low, but job growth has been anemic. Tax collections have fallen short of projections in 22 of the 30 months ending this past May, prompting deep and sudden spending cuts in everything from highway infrastructure to education. A bipartisan coalition of four former Kansas governors is even raising money “to help educate Kansas voters about the destructive policies of Sam Brownback and his supporters in the Kansas legislature.”

But you won’t hear about Kansas here in Cleveland where, like at most political conventions, facts are cherry-picked to fit simplistic narratives. Maybe the Kansas delegation’s choice of clothing was an unintentionally subtle protest, a reminder that no one party really has all of the economic answers. A reminder that supporting your team doesn’t always make sense.

I blame Obama. :D
Keep telling yourself that. You could be doing a lot of hand wringing on election night. Latinos and blacks don't vote Republican anyway. The only places that he is hated by women is in traditionally democrat strongholds.

I will be disappointed in my fellow Americans if this comes to pass but unlike the angry mob in the GOP I will respect the vote as it was taken and not spend the duration acting like spoiled petulant children.
You thought Republicans chanting "Lock her up" were going too far ? It seems some Trump staff members think there was a need to go even further.

Donald Trump Adviser Says Hillary Clinton Should Be Shot By Firing Squad

WASHINGTON ― One of Donald Trump’s advisers on veterans affairs wants Hillary Clinton to be shot for treason.

Al Baldasaro, a New Hampshire state representative and delegate for the Republican presidential nominee, made the comments during an interview on “The Kuhner Report” radio show on Tuesday.

Host Jeff Kuhner asked if Baldasaro thought Clinton bore responsibility for those who died in the 2012 terrorist attack on a U.S. compound in Benghazi, Libya.

“I’m a veteran who went to Desert Shield, Desert Storm. I’m also a father who sent a son to war, to Iraq, as a Marine Corps helicopter avionics technician. Hillary Clinton, to me, is the Jane Fonda of the Vietnam,” Baldasaro replied, referring to Fonda’s 1972 trip to Hanoi that some Americans consider to be an act of betrayal.

“[Clinton] is a disgrace for the lies that she told those mothers about their children that got killed over there in Benghazi. She dropped the ball on over 400 emails requesting back up security. Something’s wrong there,” he continued.

“This whole thing disgusts me,” Baldasaro added. “Hillary Clinton should be put in the firing line and shot for treason.”

After an extensive investigation into Clinton’s private email server, the FBI and Justice Department decided no charges were appropriate. And after spending more than two years and $7 million, the House Select Committee on Benghazi found no evidence of wrongdoing by the then-secretary of state.

BuzzFeed News first reported Baldasaro’s comments. On Wednesday, he stood by them, telling ABC affiliate WMUR that “As far as I’m concerned, it is treason and the penalty for treason is the firing squad ― or maybe it’s the electric chair now.”

The U.S. Secret Service said it is aware of Baldasaro’s comments and will conduct “the appropriate investigation,” Politico reported.

In the tweet below, Baldasaro can be seen standing behind Corey Lewandowski, former campaign manager for Trump, on the floor of the Republican National Convention.

The Trump and Clinton campaigns did not immediately respond to requests for comment from The Huffington Post.

First they asked for her to be indicted. Then they chanted for her to be locked up. Now they want her to be shot. Still 4 monthes of campaign, where is this gonna end ? How far will they go ? Will they ask for her to be waterboarded ? Hung ? Decapitated ? Evisceratd ? Quarted ? Crucified ? Burned in a cage ?


Closed Account
I will be disappointed in my fellow Americans if this comes to pass but unlike the angry mob in the GOP I will respect the vote as it was taken and not spend the duration acting like spoiled petulant children.
Yeah, because God knows that the left never acted like petulant children during GWB's tenure.
Yeah, because God knows that the left never acted like petulant children during GWB's tenure.
Wait to sse what wil happen if Trump is elected, I guarantee that GWB treatment from the Left will seem is respectfull and reasonable compared to what Trump will get...


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
I haven't commented about the RNC convention since I wanted to watch it in it's entirety before drawing any conclusions. Besides the obvious gaffes that have already been mentioned here, I thought Trump looked like a fish out of water reading his formal acceptance speech from the teleprompter. That's just not who he is....he is spontaneous and it's one of his greatest attributes when it comes to being able to get people to listen to him. He talks to them, not at them. Last night, I felt like he was talking at us. Will he revert to his primary-style campaign formula once on the road again? I would think so. Problem is, that spontaneity that helped him secure the nomination is also his biggest liability when it comes to putting his foot in his mouth. Should be interesting to watch. And absolutely he has a legitimate chance of winning in November if due only to the lack of a quality opponent. A lot of people will look at him as the lesser of the two evil choices the major parties have given us. I actually thought his biggest mistake of the week involved his comments about NATO. Why in the world would he even hint to Putin that he can do what he wants in the Baltic states (or elsewhere) with no fear of reprisal from the USA....even if it were true? Don't show your cards to your opponent unless you have to....not to mention how uneasy it makes our other NATO allies feel. An unforced error that was not a wise decision at all. Also, where are his tax returns? No one seems to mention that anymore....did that issue just cease to exist? :dunno:

Otherwise, it was a typical political convention from a substance (or lack thereof) standpoint. Lots of blaming the democrats for all of our ills (even though the republicans control both houses of congress), demonizing the other party's nominee to the extreme and all kinds of miraculous solutions made up of glittering generalities and very little (if any) detail. I'm betting you'll see the flip side of the argument made in pretty much the same fashion next week in Philadelphia with all of the blame going the other direction. I'll give them the same slack before drawing any conclusions but I'm not expecting much substance to come out of the DNC convention either. It's all just fluff for TV anyway. What a shame that we are left with these two terrible choices from the major parties.
I thought Trump looked like a fish out of water reading his formal acceptance speech from the teleprompter.

He used a teleprompter??? :eek: Holy shit! Why haven't I heard any righties excoriating him for this??

First one of his speech writers rips off a Michelle speech. Next the campaign rips off the whole "change" mantra from democrats. Toss in the hypocrisy (which we all saw coming if either Trump or Carson was nominated) of nominating a candidate with no experience in governance at all, after 8 years of railing about Obama's lack of experience. And now this?? Holy crap! What party is this??

Why in the world would he even hint to Putin that he can do what he wants in the Baltic states (or elsewhere) with no fear of reprisal from the USA

Well you know, Putin had some very nice things to say about him, which pleased The Donald no end; and that's priority one :)

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
The riots dems were hoping/planning for never really materialized, did they?
The riots dems were hoping/planning for never really materialized, did they?

Why would dems be hoping for a riot? It would have only reflected badly on them, and cost them mega votes.
If anything it seems to me it was the pubs who were hoping for unrest, in order to drive home their LAW AND ORDER message.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Well sir, I'm glad you asked. Months ago Rev Al Sharpton spoke at an NAACP function and explicitly stated he and others of his ilk would surely be doing just that. Not to mention all the bullshit rhetoric of the oxygen thieves from BLM.
Well sir, I'm glad you asked. Months ago Rev Al Sharpton spoke at an NAACP function and explicitly stated he and others of his ilk would surely be doing just that. Not to mention all the bullshit rhetoric of the oxygen thieves from BLM.

Could you provide us with some audio, some vidoe or some article to back up that claim. You can't expect us to believe such a claim with no proofs it happened and so few hints to find references to it by ourselves.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol

"Our job is not to be rabble-rousers or disrupters of the convention," he said. "Our march is open to all."

"Jeb Bush and Scott Walker and them think they are going to come in here and have four or five days of convention," Sharpton said, referring to the former governor of Florida and the current Wisconsin governor. "We are going to have another convention outside."

In the current uncertain environment nationwide, we are concerned for police officers who would be charged with protecting our marchers and advocates as well as for the safety and well-being of our march participants,” the group’s president Michael Weinstein said in a statement.

The very people fomenting anti police sentiment are worried for their safety?

image upload

Oh and the Black Panther party wanted in on it, too.

Malik Shabazz, leader of the New Black Panther Party, told FOX News on Saturday – There will be violence in Cleveland. Shabazz told Mike Tobin there is no way Cleveland will get through this convention without some kind of violence…

But they pussed out when the prospect of facing a group called "the patriot riders" made their presence known.

And as always, worry about your own fucked up country.
OK, so what have we got her ? Al Sharpton being open and clear about him and other people having a march outside the contenvtion. March and riots are two different things.

Then we have an idiot on twitter stating that if Trump wins he and some other folks are gonna incite riots (and he says "incite", he did not said he will participate ot riots, he did say they will be riots, he just said they would incite riots, they would do their best in order to have riots but there's no roffs it would have worked).

The Black Panthers said there would be violence. They did not said they will be the ones doibg violence. To me that kind of statement is more a warning than a threat.

You said they cancelled all that because the Patriot Riders have made their presence known. If those black folks wre planning massive riots with hundreds or thousands of people rioting, and pillaging the city I don't think they would have cancelled it just because of the Patriot Riders. It's not like the Patriot Riders will bring the 180,000 of them to cleveland, the "rioters" would have clearly outnumbered them...

I much more trust Sharpton's statement about them cancelling the march because of what happened in Dallas and Baton Rouge. Imagine the bad piublicity that would cause a police shooting just a few yards from the convention. If you don't want Trump to be elected, creating the circonstances in which such a shooting may happen would be 100% counter-productive to BLM and other movements fighting police brutality