Absolutely sensational! Finally after 6 years of searching I may have just found a very close 2nd to Miss Pinder!
She's one of my favorite babes now...maybe even number one. Her face is striking, huge boobs and an amazing body overall. Perfect.

Damn...I couldn't imagine her NOT being in anyone's top 5. There's not a goddamn thing imperfect about her. Nothing! Face - drop dead gorgeous. Boobs - even though they have been surgically enhanced, she still had a lot of natural fullness and beauty before and they're still perfect. Body - top-notch ass, legs, curves...
Damn...I couldn't imagine her NOT being in anyone's top 5. There's not a goddamn thing imperfect about her. Nothing! Face - drop dead gorgeous. Boobs - even though they have been surgically enhanced, she still had a lot of natural fullness and beauty before and they're still perfect. Body - top-notch ass, legs, curves...

Come on, there are a LOT of hot girls - in both soft and hardcore - who at least give Alice a good run for their money. Jennifer Max, Eva Black/Mercedes, Barbie Duran, Daniella Rush, Veronica Vanoza, etc.

And it was a MISTAKE for her to get that boob-job! :(