Alex Jones

Will E Worm

He read that all from a piece of paper. The evangelical melting down is a great spectacle.
Let's tell him the aliens from planet Zorlox are on the way to make our world a better place.
Re: Alex Jones is the man!

Alex Jones threatened us with a second revolutionary war if we try and take your guns away. So he's a xenophobic moron that spouts jingoistic garbage.

HOWEVER he wants Piers Morgan deported, so at least he knows a cunt when he sees one. Watching the pair of them talking today I realized that the "Deport Piers Morgan" petition was real and not just a - LOLZ, internets!1 - joke. I have rallied my people together in support of a "Keep Him" petition. You took him in, you're stuck with the fucker. We don't want him.


Re: Alex Jones is the man!

He'd probably send a more effective message if he wasn't an hysterical, slobbering mess.
Re: Alex Jones is the man!

Alex Jones threatened us with a second revolutionary war if we try and take your guns away. So he's a xenophobic moron that spouts jingoistic garbage.

HOWEVER he wants Piers Morgan deported, so at least he knows a cunt when he sees one. Watching the pair of them talking today I realized that the "Deport Piers Morgan" petition was real and not just a - LOLZ, internets!1 - joke. I have rallied my people together in support of a "Keep Him" petition. You took him in, you're stuck with the fucker. We don't want him.
Man I enjoyed watching that rant!

Will E Worm

Re: Alex Jones is the man!

He's better than Morgan and any anti-gun nutjob.

Alex Jones thinks the government was behind 9/11.

Because they were. At least a rogue faction was.

Alex Jones threatened us with a second revolutionary war if we try and take your guns away.

If "we" try? So, you're in on the gun confiscation?

It's a threat and a promise. Any unconstitutional gun grab will result in a war.

It would be better for all anti-gun nuts to leave America soon.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Re: Alex Jones is the man!

He was missing he sunglasses, cowboy hat and tasseled vest. "Ooo, yeaaa."