Al Sharpton Does It Again...

It's just sooo damm fun!
Guys like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson always gotta get paid. If they can't find racism, they'll manufacture it to exploit for profit. The worst victims of these characters are black people who have been pimped out by them for 2 generations. If I called Sharpton and Jackson blackmail artists I'd be called racist because "black" was in the sentence. Race baiting doesn't work like it used to. It's like the girl who cried "Wolf!" now.

Sadly, I think this is true for the guys like Sharpton and Jesse who have made a VERY good living off exploiting others.

To the original point, I don't see what Obama could possibly need from a guy like Sharpton... I mean, 90% of black Americans vote Democrat, it's lot like that number is going to go up very much no matter what they cook up :dunno:
Al Sharpton always bothers me. theres never been a scenario that didnt prompt him to come out and shout racism. its more annoying cause there is real racism in this world, just not where Al Sharpton says it is most of the time and it really gets annoying
As a young black male, I can honestly say.... I hate Al Sharpton. There's a saying somewhere that goes something like, "You'll never be able to move forward if you keep looking backwards." Al Sharpton and people like him, of ALL races, keep everybody looking backwards for sure.
Exactly, We live in the present not the past, racism speeches themselves are condescending. It never ends well, I just try to ignore people like AS & JJ its just like pointing out other peoples flaws to step on top of em for their own gain? What's up with that? :cussing: