Al Sharpton Does It Again...

I can't understand why Sharpton isn't in prison.

Anyone who thinks of this guy as doing good, should bing "Tawana Brawley"


Hiliary 2020
he became popular with the help of the vampire owned media by accusing a bunch of well respected, law biding men of gang raping a young black girl.
he fed her the story and although the news media new it was false they reported it everyday like clockwork.
so thats how he got famous. by lying and ruining the lives and families of a group of white guys who\s only crime was being white.......with the help of the vampire run media.
when that happened that was a wake up call for me in a lot of ways.

since then his only goal has been to make blacks hate white people and cause racial divisiveness in America while getting rich doing it.

I would say Satan has a nice room waiting for the revrund down there.
Obama met with AS in NYC last week... that's about the only reason I can think of other than people bumping random old threads. :dunno:

That is it. You get a rep (if I can rep you again).

Obama came to NY for Sharpton's birthday. I was checking to see if anyone said anything.

I'm always looking at old posts anyway.


Hiliary 2020
Yeah I could just see Barry now:
"Hey Al, remember that time you accused those white guys of raping that black teenager in poughkeepsie?"
"Sure do Barack, how do you think I got famous and rich?"
" (laughing) Yeah, that was pure genius Al, you are the man".

I only bring up race again on this because the mans a stone cold racist and it makes me sad and troubled that the President of The United states would socialize with him.
Obviously I don't know, but my guess is that it is just one of those things the president had to do.
I only bring up race again on this because the mans a stone cold racist and it makes me sad and troubled that the President of The United states would socialize with him.

You bring up race because....that being the easiest and laziest option, what else would you do?:dunno:

Obviously I don't know, but my guess is that it is just one of those things the president had to do.

May be an astute observation but he isn't without company in this. meester:eek:


Hiliary 2020
You bring up race because....that being the easiest and laziest option, what else would you do?:dunno:

May be an astute observation but he isn't without company in this. meester:eek:

No, I bring up race because that's what Revrun Al is all about.......nothing more, nothing less.
what else can be discussed when talking about Al Sharptounge? His groovy hair?
I guess.

And again I don't think the President of the country should be socializing with him.

As far as the pic with bushy wushy and shilly billy the looked like political things, a photo op, not going to his birthday bash

seriously what else is Al other than a stone cold racist?
As far as the pic with bushy wushy and shilly billy the looked like political things, a photo op, not going to his birthday bash

If it's the case that Obama went to Sharpton's birthday and you're trying to distinguish this circumstance from the others...I suppose you can't really go to someone's birthday party unless you're invited. Upon being invited, unless you have a worthwhile reason for not going I suppose you probably go.

But all of them are photo ops and the like. You're talking like Clinton and Bush just happened to be in the same place as Sharpton and bumped into each other.
May be an astute observation but he isn't without company in this. meester:eek:

That is why I was careful with my wording (as opposed to the careless way I tend to type).

"Calling it your job, ol' hoss, sure don't make it right." John Mellancamp


Closed Account
I think Sharpton was really offended with the comment because the term noosed and hanged was offensive to him and reminded Sharpton that a lot of ppl out in society believe blacks should be noosed, hanged, and possibly wiped off from the face of this earth.
In a way that's almost saying something offensive (for example) to homosexuals males, getting their balls cut out, believing they're a major threat to the spread of disease, to the world, and harming and ruining another poor man's anus. If a gay person read that in the paper i'm positively sure he or she would call that statement sexist and why not? So it's the same for Sharpton. Why not? You know if a sports writer wrote anything bad or offensive or even racist to an athelete who was jewish, he or she wouldn't get away with it. Not on your life. That's why whenever I hear someone say "Well in America we have free speech" Free speech? What? Are you kidding me? That's a joke because society has to becareful especially if it is geared toward minorities.

I really don't understand when whites automatically say to blacks "stop playing the race card game" Stop playing the race card game? Would it be better if blacks put down an ace? Would it make whites feel better? I don't understand.


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
Al Sharpton.

Because Don King wasn't a big enough disgrace.

Guess who's talking about whom here ...

''He's a wretched, slimy, reptilian motherfucker. This is supposed to be my 'black brother' right? He's just a bad man, a real bad man. He would kill his own mother for a dollar. He's ruthless, he's deplorable, he's greedy, and he doesn't know how to love anybody.''
Al Sharpton.

Because Don King wasn't a big enough disgrace.

Guess who's talking about whom here ...

''He's a wretched, slimy, reptilian motherfucker. This is supposed to be my 'black brother' right? He's just a bad man, a real bad man. He would kill his own mother for a dollar. He's ruthless, he's deplorable, he's greedy, and he doesn't know how to love anybody.''

Damn! Alright, who is it? Too early to play guessing games.
Guys like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson always gotta get paid. If they can't find racism, they'll manufacture it to exploit for profit. The worst victims of these characters are black people who have been pimped out by them for 2 generations. If I called Sharpton and Jackson blackmail artists I'd be called racist because "black" was in the sentence. Race baiting doesn't work like it used to. It's like the girl who cried "Wolf!" now.