Al Sharpton Does It Again...


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
An outraged Rev. Al Sharpton is calling for the New York Post to take immediate action to address a column in Monday's editions that he called "blatant racism" and a "media lynching."

Post columnist Steve Serby began his column in Monday's editions with "Good for Tom Coughlin. Good for Coughlin for tightening the noose around Plaxico Burress."

Burress has been fined and benched by the Giants for infractions including tardiness and missing practices. On Saturday, the wide receiver skipped a treatment for his neck, and was benched during the first quarter of the Giants' win in Pittsburgh Sunday.

In criticizing Burress, Serby used a racially loaded and offensive term, Sharpton told the Daily News. "To make such a blatant racist statement about an African-American football player with a neck injury is completely unacceptable," Sharpton said. "Clearly, the racial connotation is very disturbing. ... This is the verbal reflection of a hanging noose."

This happened a few days ago, but I just heard about it yesterday when I was watching PTI (Pardon The Interuption) on ESPN.

To be honest...Al Sharpton needs to disappear for a long, looooong fucking time. Why did he feel the need to get involved with this? First of all, it had nothing to do with him or the "race" of black people. Second of all, this reporter's comment was nothing even remotely close to being racist, yet, Al Sharpton felt the need to cause a scene by saying it was "BLATANT RACISM". Why? :dunno:

Al Sharpton thinks this sportswriter's comment was "blatant racism" because the thought of a black man with a noose around his neck is a racist image. Ok, if that's your argument, Mr. Sharpton, then what about the game of football in general? What if Brett Favre threw a pass that was intercepted by Charles Woodson?

If Brett Favre (a white guy) threw a pass that was intercepted by Charles Woodson (a black guy), that would lead to a scene in which a black man, with "stolen property" in his hands, was running away from a mob of white people who were trying to take him down and get their shit back.

Isn't the thought of that racist, Mr. Sharpton? HMM?!?!?! You fucking bitch, get lost.
I think sharpton is a robot built by the john birch society to make black people look stupid and take attention away from real race issues.

the guy got together with Pat Robertson to sling ads for some slimy company. that pretty much says it all about his credibility.
Yes, because saying Barak Obama talks down to "n******" on live TV, saying that you want to cut his nuts off, and making a motion like you intend to stab him is completely acceptable and not at all racist.
I have no idea who Rev. Al Sharpton is. But it seems to be he needs to be slapped around the face a few times and then told to shut the fuck up.

Why is it, that some people feel the need to listen to what religious leaders have to say, it happens here aswell when the Archbishop of Canterbury said something about Sharia law, their was a huge uproar. Who gives a shit what some Priest or Archbishop has to say. They have no relavance to civilised society anymore so they have to make ever more ridiculous publicity stunts to keep them in the public eye. I suppose if they were just ignored altogether no one would ever miss them.
I have no idea who Rev. Al Sharpton is. But it seems to be he needs to be slapped around the face a few times and then told to shut the fuck up.

Why is it, that some people feel the need to listen to what religious leaders have to say, it happens here aswell when the Archbishop of Canterbury said something about Sharia law, their was a huge uproar. Who gives a shit what some Priest or Archbishop has to say. They have no relavance to civilised society anymore so they have to make ever more ridiculous publicity stunts to keep them in the public eye. I suppose if they were just ignored altogether no one would ever miss them.

I wouldn't focus on the Rev part or religion in this.Like MLK who was a baptist minister and boy you should have seen what they said about him when he was alive.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
You have to remember that Al Sharpton is a syndicated radio talk-show host so it is in his financial best-interest to make outlandish claims. He's the Rush Limbaugh of the black cause (without the ratings).

That said, using an inflammatory word like "noose" does seem like a stupid and thoughtless reference to the situation. One would think the sports editor would have had Serby find another term to use to illustrate the point. However, considering the source is the New York Post, I wouldn't put it past them to have made the reference on purpose just to stir up the shit.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
You have to remember that Al Sharpton is a syndicated radio talk-show host so it is in his financial best-interest to make outlandish claims. He's the Rush Limbaugh of the black cause (without the ratings).

That said, using an inflammatory word like "noose" does seem like a stupid and thoughtless reference to the situation. One would think the sports editor would have had Serby find another term to use to illustrate the point. However, considering the source is the New York Post, I wouldn't put it past them to have made the reference on purpose just to stir up the shit.

I've heard the phrase "tightening the noose around (their) neck" a million times. It's an innocent expression that is used by millions of people. Why should this incident be any different? Just because Plaxico Burress is black? PFFT...if he was white, no one would even know that this sportswriter wrote this in the first place.

People take shit way too literally in this country and it's fucking stupid, IMO. It wasn't like this sportswriter was claiming that he believed Plaxico Burress should literally be hung from a noose and tied to a tree. He was saying "it's about time that somebody put their foot down with this childish football player" and everybody knows it, including that self-promoting, egotistical attention whore, Al Sharpton.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Why should this incident be any different? Just because Plaxico Burress is black? PFFT...if he was white, no one would even know that this sportswriter wrote this in the first place.
(bold emphasis is mine)

Precisely. That's why it could become as issue. Blacks historically aren't known for lynching's the other way around.

It's a poor choice of words and really isn't worthy of any further comment.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
(bold emphasis is mine)

Precisely. That's why it could become as issue. Blacks historically aren't known for lynching's the other way around.

It's a poor choice of words and really isn't worthy of any further comment.

I don't think it was a poor choice of words and it shouldn't be an issue at all. Once again, it's a very, very, very commonly used expression by people of all races, colors and nationalities.

Black, white, Chinese, Mexican, who cares? The phrase "tightening the noose" doesn't refer to skin color what-so-ever. It's just another way of saying "laying the smack down", but, Al Sharpton had to bring race into it, even though it wasn't an issue to begin with.

This sportswriter's name has now been tainted just because Al Sharpton doesn't know what real racism is.
I don't think it was a poor choice of words and it shouldn't be an issue at all. Once again, it's a very, very, very commonly used expression by people of all races, colors and nationalities.

Black, white, Chinese, Mexican, who cares? The phrase "tightening the noose" doesn't refer to skin color what-so-ever. It's just another way of saying "laying the smack down", but, Al Sharpton had to bring race into it, even though it wasn't an issue to begin with.

This sportswriter's name has now been tainted just because Al Sharpton doesn't know what real racism is.

I can honestly say that I've never heard that expression before.:dunno:
I can honestly say that I've never heard that expression before.:dunno:
me neither.

this kinda billox is the last thing Obama needs in the final week, too, lol.

mind you, I suppose it could actually help him if he doesn't buy into Sharptons ''forever the victim'' ploy
I feel sorry for people like Al Sharpton... their world is so, well, small.

But while I do pity him and his puny mind, I do wish he would go away... he corrupts other puny minds by placing thoughts of distrust and hatred in them.
could it be maybe that the critic made a comment about strangulation because the player was refused to be let on the field after he skipped treatment for a neck injury? Hmm. maybe that would actually make sense as opposed to accusing the NFL of discriminating players based on race.

furthermore if the use of the phrase was racial, then wouldn't it be the critic accusing the coach of racism? not him being the one that was racist. makes no sense.

that's like saying that sharpton was the racist because he used the phrase "media lynching", which is far more of a racial innuendo then anything that the critic said.

why am I even arguing this? we all know sharpton is nothing but a bully.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
that's like saying that sharpton was the racist because he used the phrase "media lynching", which is far more of a racial innuendo then anything that the critic said.

Hmm...I never even thought of that. Good point. :thumbsup:

That hypocrite was upset that the phrase "tightening the noose" was used, but he goes out and publicly says "media LYNCHING"...:confused: What a dumb fuck.
After an extensive investigation of the subject (a.k.a.: a 5 minutes Google search), I have determined that the following publications are guilty of "blatent racism" for using some variation of the expression "tightening the noose" in an article:

TIME Magazine
New York Times
Washington Post
Seattle Post-Intelligencer
New York Magazine
National Review
Business World
Yahoo News
Business Day
The Huffington Post
The Guardian (UK)
The Telegraph (UK)

I expect that immediate apologies to every African-American will follow in the next 24 hrs, and that a $10,000 donation will be made by each into the Al Sharpton offshore bank account.


When a cowboy stole another man's horse, or a few rustlers took off with someone's cattle, they were tracked down as soon as possible, and if caught were hanged.The majority of these people were white American cowboys, and without a doubt more white men were hanged than black men.
Hanging was a common form of execution for a very long time, and not in African countries where there was a black population.
So, since there were many more white folks hung by the neck til dead, when did the black American population become the sole victims of hanging? Can anyone say "victimhood?"
Racist bigoted black Americans get to whine about racisim done to them, but has a black activist ever objected to bigotry or racism towards any other group...oh, say... "Hymies"?
No, wait, Jesse Jackson said something "racist" about Hymietown...yeah, but he's a victim of the White Man so it's okay.
White men and women marched in the streets alongside Black men and women; white students and activists were murdered by segragationists and beaten as badly as any of the Black activists were.
Do we hear any mention of these people? Is there a dead white civil rights activist memorial, or are their names taught to young black children as heros of the Movement?
How did a small segment numerically of the population with practically no power, and little wealth or property, force a huge majority of Whites to give them space and freedom as equals?
Simple...most Whites were decent people who didn't really approve of the seperate and discriminatory treatment Blacks were recieving.
And when I hear Rev. Al "Tawana Bradley" Sharpton whining about how mean the White population is to Black people, I think about the reality of the Civil Rights Movement and all the people that saw to it that discrimination was rooted out of the social structure we all share, and all I hear is bigotry and racism coming from Rev Jackson, Rev Sharpton, Rev Wright, and several other Black activists national and local.
No mention of the blood shed by Jews and Christians both white and black, the overwhelming majority of white people who insisted on equality being practiced for every American; no black majority of legislators enacted the laws passed to ensure this would be the law of the land, but no thanks is given for the fact that we all brought about social change from the bad old days of the Nation's infancy.
Rev Sharpton is a racist from the old days, slick and packaged as he may be; Don Imus and Michael Vick are clear examples of the disparity in his philosophy.
Yes, because saying Barak Obama talks down to "n******" on live TV, saying that you want to cut his nuts off, and making a motion like you intend to stab him is completely acceptable and not at all racist.

You do know that was Jesse Jackson who said that...:2 cents: