Action Allie / Natalie Sparks / Wild Natalie

Wild Natalie

Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
So you all have heard the wonderful news!!!! yay Im so excited! I feel at home again. I will be doing cam shows again in no time!! I cant wait to see you all live again!

For those of you who have joined you've seen this pic but I'm about to post another one that's not out yet. :)


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Wild Natalie

Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
Sup Natalie, Your new website looks excellent. We should talk sometime and do something together. Congradulations on the launch of the site.

Ohh thank you!!! really?!?!! I would love to work with you!! I'm pming you right now....


Wild Natalie

Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
lol yes I myself, don't even know if I can handle all the hotness!! :) I can only hope for a shoot with her.

So now for that pic that I told you I was going to give you hours ago. :) I hope everyone had a good day! I know I did!!!



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lol yes I myself, don't even know if I can handle all the hotness!! :) I can only hope for a shoot with her.
Of course you can!!! You can do anything you want because you're incredibly gorgeous and you have a great attitude. Now that you're fully nude... there's no telling where your career is gonna take you!! To see you and Aria together would be more amazing for me than it would be for you. She was probably the my very first internet girl crush. I was masturbating to Aria Giovanni back when you were in your preteens... ;)
Natalie, you look just like this friend of mine I've known since high school. From now on whenever I see her I'll probably have all those naughty vids and pics of you runnin through my head. Ha! Damn you, Natalie. Damn you ;)


Did you guys see the Hidden cam or the night vision video before she changed the order of when some of them post yesterday!?? wow... I cant wait for those to go back up...

Still cant believe that she has that big of a sale on her page... $8 a month!? wow... not sure if it is on the tour join page.. but it is on the join page she sent to her list

So glad I didnt miss out on this deal...


Did you guys see the Hidden cam or the night vision video before she changed the order of when some of them post yesterday!?? wow... I cant wait for those to go back up...

Still cant believe that she has that big of a sale on her page... $8 a month!? wow... not sure if it is on the tour join page.. but it is on the join page she sent to her list

So glad I didnt miss out on this deal...
NO... I didn't see either of those videos... :( BUT... I did see Shower Time and part of the Strip Tease video before they were taken down. I didn't know she was gonna take some of them down.. that's kind of a bummer. ;) That's okay though, I also took up the year offer so I can definitely wait for those to go back up again. Yeah, that was a good deal. I didn't even think that was going to be an option and I was all ready to select the 3 month option for $62... it was definitely an easy decision to go a full year for only $38 more. There is no chance in hell that I will get bored with Natalie so I am going to make FULL use of my year subscription!! ;)

There is a pic set that I am looking forward to that is not up yet but they are all over her tour. It's the set on the couch and I think there's one of those weird hookah things next to it. I think the main pic on her prelaunch page was from that set and she looks so gorgeous!!!!


I saw a posting on one of the other forums about her page pricing options

apparently the huge discounts are only for a few more days... dont have any idea.. but when i find out i will def let you guys know...

I still cant be leave the 1 year $8 per month !! she is the hottest girl on the internet... i would gladly pay $50/month!! and she is kinda enough to hook us up so cheap for waiting for the launch... what a sweet heart...

so i would go take advantage of that deal before it is gone!

Later fellas!

gonna go become reacquainted with her videos! and chat with her on her forum...

really? you "saw" a posting? you talk like a webmaster, have inside info like a webmaster, and talk her prices up ($50? come on) like a webmaster. i challenge any mod to see if this guys IP is based out of Las Vegas. you are so ridiculously transparent.

here's a tip: "pricing options" is something only a webmaster says :)


What makes you think the webmaster would be in the same state as the model? That's not always the case. I do think that the year option is a crazy good deal. Like I said before, I was ready to pay $62 for three months so for just a little more and I get the full year!! Hell yeah that's a good deal!!! Though, I will agree... $50 bucks a month is fuckin crazy for ANY website but he was obviously exaggerating. ;) Natalie IS the hottest girl on the internet to me.. by far... no other girl even comes close to how much she turns me on!! It's not just her looks either... it's her sex appeal, her cuteness, her personality.. everything about this girl turns me on. That's the truth!! You watch one cam show and you're hooked for life!! I've been on her site non-stop since it opened and I don't even want to tell you how many times I've gotten off to her videos. ;)
the "18 U.S.C. 2257 Record-Keeping Requirements Compliance Statement" link has a las vegas address and i doubt wild natalie would put her own info there.

any mod is free to prove me wrong about the location.. but no one besides you and msilva posts exclusively about wild natalie or gives links right to her "join" page.

i'm just saying that pretending to be a fan when you're a spammer is lame. yes, it is spamming to put the same links at the end of every post, like msilva has done 9/10 times.