Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, the leader of ISIS, killed in US raid

Lol deep down I think you are full of shit and yeah hit it on the head once in a while. But overall you don't prove noyhing until one of your theories hit the mark and you go, see see told ya!

A broken clock is right twice a day and if manipulate the hands you can prove it will be right beyond that. But still broken.

Don't get me wrong there certainly food for thought. You just never prove until happens or close enough to what happens and you act like you a Nostradamus and foreknowledge about it. No. You just hit close. You're no different than the cold reader psychics that toss shit out until connect and pretend it was all about the "spiritual" ride. Not the provable.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
I bet he tries to sniff other dogs butts! He is obviously a predator.

And after he gives them a sniff, they're never seen again. I'm not sayin' that he kills them. I'm just sayin' that you won't see them walking around again. ;)

Well, I guess the "The Goodest Boy 2019" contest is closed, right there and then.

If I was the new ISIS leader, I'd carry some Scooby snacks in my pocket everywhere I went.
ISIS says it has a new leader less than a week after US raid that left Baghdadi dead

ISIS on Thursday confirmed the death of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and announced his successor: Ibrahim al-Hashemi al-Qurayshi.
A top researcher on ISIS at Swansea University, Aymenn al-Tamimi, said this name is unknown but could refer to a senior ISIS leader named Amir Muhammad Sa'id Abdal Rahman al-Mawla who has gone under various aliases.
ISIS also confirmed that its spokesperson, Abu al-Hassan al-Muhajir, was killed in a separate, subsequent US strike that was conducted after the Baghdadi raid.
A man identified as Abu Hamza al-Qurayshi is ISIS's new spokesperson, according to Thursday's announcement.
Though ISIS no longer has a so-called caliphate, analysts have warned the terror group is far from defeated and still poses a threat.

ISIS on Thursday announced it has a new leader as it confirmed the death of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, who blew himself up amid a US-led raid on a compound in Syria's Idlib province over the weekend.
Baghdadi's successor is Ibrahim al-Hashemi al-Qurayshi, according to Site Intel Group, which tracks the online activities of extremist groups like ISIS. This is a nom de guerre, according to top analysts, and signals that the new leader is indicating he's descended from the Qurayshi tribe of the Prophet Muhammad.
Baghdadi also claimed to be descended from this tribe in order to establish his legitimacy as "caliph" or leader of the Islamic world
. ISIS is referring to Baghdadi's successor as the "caliph" as well.

The name Ibrahim al-Hashemi al-Qurayshi is largely unknown but a top researcher on ISIS at Swansea University, Aymenn al-Tamimi, suggested to Reuters it could be Amir Muhammad Sa'id Abdal Rahman al-Mawla.

Al-Mawla, who has also been linked to the aliases "Hajj Abdullah" and "Abdullah Qardash," has been named by the State Department as a "potential successor" to Baghdadi. According to a notice from the State Department's Rewards for Justice Program, al-Mawla was a "religious scholar" in the extremist group ISIS grew out of — Al Qaeda in Iraq — and "steadily rose through the ranks to assume a senior leadership role for ISIS."
The notice also states that al-Mawla "helped drive and justify the abduction, slaughter, and trafficking of the Yazidi religious minority in northwest Iraq and is believed to oversee some of the group's global terrorist operations."

ISIS on Thursday also confirmed that its spokesperson, Abu al-Hassan al-Muhajir, was killed in a separate, subsequent US strike that was conducted after the Baghdadi raid. A man identified as Abu Hamza al-Qurayshi is ISIS's new spokesperson, according to Thursday's announcement, which came via an audiotape that was released online.
This announcement came several days after President Donald Trump on Sunday spent nearly an hour speaking about the Baghdadi operation in a celebratory and self-congratulatory fashion.
Trump's remarks on the Baghdadi raid have sparked criticism, as the vivid details he provided seemingly revealed classified information. The president also appeared to have made false claims about the operation, including that the ISIS leader was "whimpering," that's left US officials scratching their heads as to where he got such info.

Though ISIS no longer has a so-called caliphate, or the large swath of territory that was roughly the side of Maryland that it once held across Iraq and Syria, analysts have warned that it is far from defeated and still poses a threat.

ISIS's announcement on Thursday warned the US against rejoicing in Baghdadi's death.
"Beware vengeance (against) their nation and their brethren of infidels and apostates, and carrying out the will of the commander of the faithful in his last audio message, and getting closer to God with the blood of polytheists," an ISIS spokesman said in the tape, according a translation reported by Reuters.


Hiliary 2020
Lol deep down I think you are full of shit and yeah hit it on the head once in a while. But overall you don't prove noyhing until one of your theories hit the mark and you go, see see told ya!

A broken clock is right twice a day and if manipulate the hands you can prove it will be right beyond that. But still broken.

Don't get me wrong there certainly food for thought. You just never prove until happens or close enough to what happens and you act like you a Nostradamus and foreknowledge about it. No. You just hit close. You're no different than the cold reader psychics that toss shit out until connect and pretend it was all about the "spiritual" ride. Not the provable.

I'm seeing a name with the letter B in it.
Bob? Bill? Bobby? Yes? No?
Something about money?
Ok moving on.

So you mean everything I wrote in my posts here was wrong?
Wow, that did not occur to me man. Your government and its news media dont lie?
Wow, boy was I wrong.

See Whims what I do is called rationalizing. Thinking it through.
I take into consideration all the information at hand and I come up with a most likely probability.
And I explain in detail what led me to my conclusion.
In this case the notion that the USA killed the "leader of isis".

I believe the story is just another load of bullshit based on information I have processed in my brain.
You believe the story is true based on nothing more than "the people on the tv said it happened".
Did you ever consider that maybe you are the broken clock?
I take into consideration all the information at hand and I come up with a most likely probability.


Oh boy, mostly MPs posts make me want to stick a fork in my eye, but every now and again he's good for a laugh!


Hiliary 2020

Oh boy, mostly MPs posts make me want to stick a fork in my eye, but every now and again he's good for a laugh!

Oh thanks. I'm quite fond of you as well mong. Can I call you mong or do you prefer the formal way?

As I wrote in posts #'s 17 and 20, these are some of my reasons for believing this story is complete B.S.
Those are the just some of the reasons.
At least pool hustler challenges my reasons with in-for-ma-tion. You guys just tell me I'm definitely wrong and say I'm mentally ill for feeling as I do. Yet never directly address anything I said.
Again I go back to the question why on Gods Good Earth would anybody believe anything the government and its propaganda outlets tell them when they know they lie all the time? (yes there was a reason that freedom of press is part of the 1st amendment)

To me believing known liars over and over again may be a form of mennel illness.

You believe this douchebag?
Just common sense, watch and listen how he talks about it, you can tell he's completely full of shit.

"The world is now a safer place" oooooooh I'm so scared.
let's not forget


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Hiliary 2020
Yeah lets not forget. In fact lets not ever consider it in the 1st place.

Its not a republican/democrat thing.
In fact nothing is. When will you figure out there are no parties, just 1 Big Club.
The 2 party system is an illusion to make you think that you have a choice.
You Don't.

So 20 years now and the Big Bad US Military combined with all the trillions of dollars spent every year on NATIONAL SECURITY and they just can't seem to put a dent in those pesky TERRORISTS.
Not only can they never beat them but they can never even find them.
They just can't do it.
But every once in a while they fake kill one of the fake terrorists , then spend a few weeks sucking their own dicks gloating about how big and bad they are, and you people suck it up as if it was some great thing.
It Isn't, even if it were real.
In fact its pretty fucking pathetic if that's about all they can do to fight TERRORISM.

Yeah georges 20 years of fighting TERRORISM and the only thing they've really manage to do is grope and fondle few hundred million people at the airports.
But I'm willing to stand by and watch some scumbag fondle my child if it helps keep our country safe.
Its the least I can do.
