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A question to those that have/had girlfriends

Ask her if she is really happy with her boyfriend, because you are very interested? If you really are not, dont mess! If she stumbles a bit, you know you have a chance. Lay off for awhile. A few weeks later just ask her straight out, you really like her and you would love to go out sometime. If she says yes or no, that is your final answer....
Ask her if she is really happy with her boyfriend, because you are interested? If she stumbles a bit, you know you have a chance. Lay off for awhile. A few weeks later just ask her straight out, you really like her and you would love to go out sometime. If she says yes or no, that is your final answer....

I've already asked her out (straight out) numerous times. She's always said no.
dont you people know the rule??


any compliment a girl gives you, is 100% negated by the fact she has a boyfriend. don't be a sucker.


Postal Paranoiac
Women love playing games. Flirting is one of their favorites. Having a boyfriend and still flirting is like some kind of insurance policy for them. Don't take her words too seriously. If she thought you were such a sweetie-pie, her current boyfriend--and I say "current" in the strictest sense--wouldn't look so appealing. Like somebody earlier said: there're other fish in the sea. Don't make the biggest mistakes I've ever made--passing on a girl who would be great for you just because you're hung up on a no show. You know where this girl will be in twenty years? Divorced with kids and thinking about guys like you. So don't waste your time. Look for a winner. If she means even a morsel of what she says about you then it's a fair bet other girls do too. Good luck...but luck ain't what it's all about.
All i can say is that you should just support her and hope she comes round, its hard to talk a girl round to dating you and leaving her boyfriend all at the same time.

If i were you, and she talks about how crappy her boyfriend is, support her and talk her round to leaving him, take it one obstacle at a time. She'll eventually come round to realising what you have or could have.
Alright, so today she was saying how much she hated her boyfriend, that he wasn't worth shit, and how there are no good guys left in the world. I told her straight out that her boyfriend isn't worth shit, treats her like shit, and that I wanted to go out with her and that I would treat her with respect. She, of course, refused, stating she loves her boyfriend.

I swear to my Holy God in heaven that I'm sick of this shit. There was another girl at work today that said I was a nice, good, and respectful young man who would make a great husband, yet she stays with her deadbeat, abusive boyfriend. I seriously feel like going Taxi Driver on every woman I've ever encountered.

That's what I don't understand about some women as well. Maybe I don't understand it because I'm a lesbian :dunno: Some women really have shit for brains. They want a dangerous guy or some deadbeat thinking they can change him and they never look at the good guys. And when they're a single mom in their mid 30's they start complaining about how their boyfriends have treated them like shit and that all the good guys have been taken.

One of my girlfriends is the same way. She lives in an appartment complex and there's this guy in the same building, he has a good job, treats women with respect and he's a really nice guy but she always goes for the wrong guy and then she complains that men treat her like shit. The guy in her appartment complex asked her out on a date and she turned him down just so she can go out with the next guy that's going to treat her like shit. I really don't understand it.
well, reading all of this...dude...if she said no, it's really time to move on and dont dwell on it...ohh, yea...she might be gorgeous and cute...but there are plenty of good looking chicks out there that are single and they are looking for a nice guy, just because this one didnt workout doesnt mean the next one isnt...keep your head above water...and keep looking...maybe when she finally realizes that her boyfriend is a fool, she'll finally turn around and ask you out, but look out for the "rebound"...that's something you dont wanna be...women complain about there boyfriends just to vent and rant but in the end, that's all they do...they just want someone to listen to their problems and guess what? your that guy...prove that your a strong independent guy that doesnt need to dependent on a chick...that's the road you need to go, right now...dont sweat it, you'll be fine


Closed Account
i have herd that a few times and for me it means your a great firend someone i can always come and talk too but i dont see you as ever being my boyfirend in this lifetime sorry. also everytime i thought this after a girl said it i have always been right.


Closed Account
I've never had a girlfriend in my entire life and I've been rejected by every girl I've ever asked out. However, today, at work, things went a bit differently. A co-worker of mine who I hit on everday and have asked out too many times to count said to me today "You are incredibly nice. I would so date you if I didn't have a boyfriend. I was just telling Cathy (another co-worker) this the other day. I swear to God would. IF I DIDN'T have a boyfriend." She then proceeded to wish me a good weekend and went home.

Did she say that just to be nice and to build my self-esteem (after all, she DOES have a boyfriend so why even say it), or did she truly mean it and for whatever reason wanted to inform me? Any clue? I'm currently on cloud 9 right now and need a does of reality. It's a weird thing to say considering I've asked her out like 50 times and each time she's said no.

Take what she has said at FACE VALUE & move on ,but that doesn't mean you cannot be her friend/shoulder to cry on sometimes if you think she is truly special.
She 'seems' to be maturing & realizing that relationships aren't always about the physical/material & that this guy is not for her emotionally/spiritually. She may be beginning to see something in you so don't continue trying to pressure her into a relationship. Allow her to sort her feelings out.

Become a friend & show her that you really would like a serious relationship 'NOW' & If she thinks you are such a nice guy ask her to introduce you to a compatible friend who is looking for someone also. But stop asking her out as you don't want to become a "Bug -a-Boo" who is always bugging someone who may never ever be interested in you romantically.
Someday she may realize you are better for her 'long term' ,but let her come to this realization herself as she may be too young to understand right now.

How old is she?
Take what she has said at FACE VALUE & move on ,but that doesn't mean you cannot be her friend/shoulder to cry on sometimes if you think she is truly special.
She 'seems' to be maturing & realizing that relationships aren't always about the physical/material & that this guy is not for her emotionally/spiritually. She may be beginning to see something in you so don't continue trying to pressure her into a relationship. Allow her to sort her feelings out.

Become a friend & show her that you really would like a serious relationship 'NOW' & If she thinks you are such a nice guy ask her to introduce you to a compatible friend who is looking for someone also. But stop asking her out as you don't want to become a "Bug -a-Boo" who is always bugging someone who may never ever be interested in you romantically.
Someday she may realize you are better for her 'long term' ,but let her come to this realization herself as she may be too young to understand right now.

How old is she?

She's 29


Closed Account

At 29 hopefully she is beginning to realize that there are few fairy tale relationships/marriages & that all women won't find a guy 6'4, good looking, wealthy, etc......& that there is more to life long companionship than the SUPERFICIAL which is why most women stay in those type of relationships.

Allow her room to sort these feelings out ,but at the same time let her know that you are not 'waiting' on anyone.(That off & on/rocky relationship of hers may go on for years & years & I am certain you aren't willing to wait even if she is truthful)
To let her know you are serious about meeting someone 'now' politely ask her to introduce you to a nice friend of hers who she may think is compatible with you. Or if she or any co worker tell you that they have a friend whom they think would be compatble take them up on the offer to meet them.

But I don't think she's necessarily feeding you bullshit. At different times in my life I have been on BOTH sides of the situation you find yourself in & it is as confusing/painful on either side. Good Luck & keep us up on what happens.
I think she was just trying to be nice. One thing I have realized with girls over the years is that they are ALL flirts at one time or another some more then others but they all are. Her saying that doesnt do anything but hook you that little bit more enough to get you coming back to flatter her some more. Now I could obviously be wrong but what other reason is there to say it if she isnt going to do anything about it
If a Woman tells you that you're "nice" she is not interested...

Translation Women's Language/English: nice=boring
In my opinion, you were too forward. If you keep asking her out, she will think you're too easy and not take you seriously. It's stupid, but dating is a game and you just have to know how play it.

I was in a similar situation, but there was flirting on both ends. She was probably my best friend at work too. Once I made my move, she gave me the hint that she wasn't interested. So, what did I do? I backed off and didn't flirt with her anymore.

Five months later and now she's begging for my attention. Women love attention, but too much. I have a girlfriend now and I remind her every chance I get. It drives her crazy! Just her loss!

Try backing off for a while and see what she does.
In my opinion, you were too forward. If you keep asking her out, she will think you're too easy and not take you seriously. It's stupid, but dating is a game and you just have to know how play it.

I was in a similar situation, but there was flirting on both ends. She was probably my best friend at work too. Once I made my move, she gave me the hint that she wasn't interested. So, what did I do? I backed off and didn't flirt with her anymore.

Five months later and now she's begging for my attention. Women love attention, but not too much. I have a girlfriend now and I remind her every chance I get. It drives her crazy! Just her loss!

Try backing off for a while and see what she does.
I was going to suggest what RWill25 just said. You stated that you have asked her out tons of times and she always says no. Then she wants to bitch to you about her fucked up life and relationship when she knows that you don't want to hear it. It seems she is unwilling to take action and change her current situation. Personally I wouldn't listen to her BS anymore. I would tell her if she is so unhappy with her BF then she should do something about it, otherwise she has no reason to drone on about it. I would totally back off and speak to her as a friend but wouldn't pursue anything because she does have a BF. If she comes around eventually and wants to go out with you, I would go out with her and get to know her a bit and possibly fuck her, but I probably would not be in an exclusive relationship with this woman.
Just my 2 cents.