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A poll on wether Vodka should ban himself since the mods are too weak and feeble.

Should Vodka's Victim be banned?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Hairy? Yes. Saggy? No. That sir, is slanderous and I will see you hanged by your saggy manboobs if it shortdicks every cannibal on the Congo.
Since when are hairy and saggy boobs a bad thing? :confused:

Next you say she wins, because she doesn't have a penis? :facepalm:

Yeah. I'm going to prefer her vagina to any penis. Sorry if that makes you feel gay.

Hairy? Yes. Saggy? No. That sir, is slanderous and I will see you hanged by your saggy manboobs if it shortdicks every cannibal on the Congo.

I have no manboobs, so you'll have to hang my by my horse penis.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
because you're gay.
Fair point.
don't ban VV, we like him!

I like you
You two are crackers
I heard that Vodkaz smells exactly like beef-vegetable soup.
Wanna find out? ;)
Please, try writing in 3 languages with 3 different alphabets.
Indeed, you are a complex man.

And you've demonstrated that, while VV can certainly dish it out, he apparently cannot take it.
A: I can't believe I highlighted that post for nothing.
B: If you say so.
And I told you... err... no, it's gone.

If vodka left the board I don't know what I'd do with myself. My throat isn't going to tickle itself, after all.
Very good... :clap:
I also like VV
You're also crazy.


Lord Dipstick
You should do society a favor and ban yourself right into a fuckin' coffin.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol

The Mandarin writing says "What the fuck is your problem?" And the Cyrillic Russian says "Your wife loves cock." Cheers.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
Indeed, you are a complex man.

And you've demonstrated that, while VV can certainly dish it out, he apparently cannot take it.
You think so? That's actually the thing I find most offensive in this thread.
You should see the way me and BSScot used to go at it. I've tolerated ace and continue to do so. When I say it isn't funny, it's really just a factual statement. Now, when I was bantering with chefs when I used to work in hospitality, they had some good ones. I haven't given ace so much as red rep.
So before you tell me that I can dish it out but can't handle it, try this for size, because, as the late, great TOC recognised, this is me actually bringing the nasty:
I'm not sure, but I don't think VV likes you, Scott ....

Jus saying ....
Dear blood shot scott. You're ancestors wern't good enough for Europe and so left. You're also not good enough for Europe. We Europeans formally disown you and all your ilk. Cease posting about us in an ignorant and arrogant manner (therefore completely) henceforth.

You challenged me on heritage, I take it from your lack of retort that my heritage tops yours. What a surprise, me>you once more :rolleyes:
You seem completely unaware that everybody originates from Africa, yet you talk about desirable genes. You're justifying stereotypes about people who regard certain "origins" as more valuable than others.
Go ahead and hop across to Poland. You couldn't handle a Slavic woman. A Polish woman would take you for all your cash and then dump you.
Just like your last GF dumped you. You're so totally pathetic you couldn't even keep her around and that is probably what drives your angry posting on this forum concerning countries you've never been to and know jack shit about.
You and you're shoddy genes weren't good enough for your ex and they aren't good enough for this forum. Leave and don't return.

You'll never be wealthy from your business; you're a born loser btw.
And finally, another lil gem from elsewhere:
Do you really think anybody gives two flying fucks about your opinion? I mean, seriously you fucking cunt, who in the name of God's holy trousers are you> Just fuck off, die and stop bothering us on this message board so we can pay mind to more important things; ie; everbody and everything else. Ever. In short, fuck you.

YAWN. Shitface sez what? Seriously. Man up. Either be a bad arse cunt and go balls out insulting people and then ban them when they show the stipodoty to retort on this thread, or don't fucking bother. And since I only vaguely remember you from before I was banned because you're so ver, astutely, incredibly boring, I'd say the latter.

You've got some bollocks talking about other people's edge when you've never displayed any yourself, boring little Petra. I say that of course, but last picture I saw might have had some hairy spunk-sacs in, it's just so hard to judge given your immense ugliness. When I always joked that it was hard to tell the difference between your face and your arse it was funny for the same reason every good joke is funny and that is because it's true, you freckle faced fucking freak.
No wonder you're "moderating" (good job btw, how many iterations of Baconsalt have we seen?) on a porn site, it's te only way a woman who's face looks like a sog threw up on a roadkill squirrel can get some male attention.

Of course, I shouldn't judge, maybe it was male attention from daddy that got you your taste for kink, tell me, was the second time you tasted sweetcorn the first time you were sucking and found a bit under daddy's foreskin?

Anyway. I can be bothered to expend bile on you no longer, for you arse simply unworthy of my attention, so allow me to get to the point in a rather more succcint fashion:

Who the fuck are you to mention me? What the fuck is your fucking problem shit for brains? I don't know what it is but I'm sre it's hard to pronounce (Yeah, I came up with that. Fuck you. Cunts.).

Well if you can't beat them, join them. Right?
But then, when was the last time you pulled your finger out when insultnig somebody. I believe it was when you posted an A-Ry thread. Apart from that you've posted only boring, dull predictable shit.
That makes you a boring dull, predictable person. I'd rape you to teach you a lesson but I'd probably fall asleep from boredom during. How much of a pathetic arsehole you are can be judged from the fact that few, if an are able to determine wether you're a slavish follower of that cunt-faced twat-shit known as Blueballs or simply one of his alter egos on the forum under another name.
When the fuck are you gonna grow up and think for yourself. Or even just think for that matter? You're so hypocritically and pathetically dissapointing and full of shit that you even earned a post from Petra lamenting your wussiness. She wasn't brave enough to mention you by name the same way she wasn't brave enough to write in her diary as a child that all those experiences with other girls (she grew up near a home for the visually and olfactoally impaired... Well, I say grew up, grew wider would probably be a more accurate term, but whatever) were just her way of making up for the fact that no man could get hard looking into those woefully poorly shaped eyes or feeling the brush of that moustache on his cock.

Hey, OCSM, is that the best you got? 'Cos it's fucking pathetic :facepalm:
Seriously, like you've never done A2M. I've seen you're pussy and frankly, if it tastes like it looks, it qualifies as an arse.

:facepalm: Listen official content contributor, you can't post shit that's worth shit when you try to be funny, so leave the real posts to those of us with half a brain (less than a fifth of the FO population, yet you're not included in that fraction because somebody pissed in your mother you inbred sack of shit cunt) and spare us all your brainless, banal bullshit, capish?

I hear you were only accepted in order to make the other mods look good you shit-brained, fucktarded arselicking twerp-fuck.

:thumbsup: I'm seeing some good stuff from you. But unfortunately, given the nature of this thread, that's as nice as I can be, so, with all due respect (which is none)

Fuck me raw through seven gates while whistling with a stick of curried rhubarb! That phrase was old when I was young! Not as ol das this phrase tho, so allow me to ask you, you retarded fucking cunt-shit,

Oh yeah, Petra... Fuck off and die, ok?

MY spelling doesn't suck, my keyboard does, so, as an open insult to everybody on Freeones, you can ALL just fuck off and die, OK?


The Mandarin writing says "What the fuck is your problem?" And the Cyrillic Russian says "Your wife loves cock." Cheers.
Congrats on being able to write down what comes from google translate.
Now, here's the deal:
That "What the fuck is your problem", that is actually pretty much the whole WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU? shit that I used to pull, which is why I say you're still my junior; because however much you may think you're innovating (Squally started the whole note thing, remember? No matter your caligraphic skill, it still isn't entirely yours), you're really not. You're copying both myself and Squallumz. Let me know when you can do something of your own.
You never wrote in another language 'til I mentioned it, which makes me suspicious about the claims on the note. ESPECIALLY because you used the formal ваша rather than the either of the informal options available to tell me that my wife loves cock. And while she does love (my) cock it does seem a little suspicious that you would use the respectful ваша rather than more informal language. You cunt.
you're really not that funny and at least I have a wife, where's your love interest? I've never seen you mention one so I'm guessing you're a lonely lil fuck who can't get which is probably why you think that this purile, juvenile shit is funny, whereas, frankly, having been through this whole rigmarole before when working with chefs I've heard so much better. To the extent that I was even driven to have my pound of flesh, which you are very far from.
Now I know for a fact that my wife is faithful, so you can keep trying all you want, but do you really think the same joke 50 times is funny?
Now you just keep trying to bring that whole note writing shit back since the rest of the board has pretty much forgotten it because, apart from a few rare gems most of your posting history is mud.

Now, tell me about this, ace:
дорогая идиот
It's very simple, even you should be able to get it. So there you have it. I'll accept defeat graciously when I'm defeated. Which will be never.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
What is this "goggle translate" and where can I buy it?

I never mention my love life because I don't want to be the butt of terrible jokes. Speaking of butts, the Greek love your wife's.

But I digress. This bull shit about languages was a false flag operation you started to distract the masses from my assertion that you are a terrible person. Your jealousy over my awesome penmanship and humor stylings are transparent and quite possibly the result of your unrequited gay love of m12.

I grew up speaking several languages and learned a few more out o of necessity. So yes, I'm still learning the subtle nuances of mandarin and Russian but at least I'm trying to better myself. Much like your wife is trying to find better cock.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
What is this "goggle translate" and where can I buy it?

I never mention my love life because I don't want to be the butt of terrible jokes. Speaking of butts, the Greek love your wife's.

But I digress. This bull shit about languages was a false flag operation you started to distract the masses from my assertion that you are a terrible person. Your jealousy over my awesome penmanship and humor stylings are transparent and quite possibly the result of your unrequited gay love of m12.

I grew up speaking several languages and learned a few more out o of necessity. So yes, I'm still learning the subtle nuances of mandarin and Russian but at least I'm trying to better myself. Much like your wife is trying to find better cock.
Good job I checked this thread before going to the gym.
Ah, more wife jokes, how phresh and inspired! I'll take my victory sip to go with a slice of scrubs reference.
That's right; you're such a piss poor excuse for an opponent that I replied to you spelling phresh with a "ph" and dropped a scrubs reference in there for good measure.

And as for the rest of you... I'll be very angry if nobody picks up the reference in my post above ace's! :mad:
so you're staying huh, nice nice

Briana Lee

Official Checked Star Member
I vote yes. I like Vodka and if that's what he wants then why not give it to him. I'll still see him at the card games.

I thought we weren't inviting him anymore after 'the incident'?! :dunno:

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol


I wrote that while taking a dump. I hope you all feel just a little bit dirtier for knowing that.