Or is a stranded whale? :confused:
G GregCentauro Banned Nov 21, 2009 #1 Or is a stranded whale? Attachments 40.jpg 38.6 KB · Views: 212
F feller469 Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL. Nov 21, 2009 #4 Shadowfax 10 said: How does he...erm...interact with a woman. Click to expand... He was at Microsoft on Day 1, he has what it takes for most of them
Shadowfax 10 said: How does he...erm...interact with a woman. Click to expand... He was at Microsoft on Day 1, he has what it takes for most of them
tittenman Nov 21, 2009 #6 Erm which one are we supposed to be concentrating on him or her? :eek::weeping::moon::throwup:
StanScratch My Penis Is Dancing! Nov 22, 2009 #9 Objects may become bloated if left in the sun for too long.
maildude Postal Paranoiac Nov 23, 2009 #13 Aaaggghhh!!!!...Scarlett Johansson...Scarlett Johansson...Scarlett Johansson... :eek::helpme:
StanScratch My Penis Is Dancing! Nov 23, 2009 #14 "How are we today, sir?' "Better." "Better?" "Better get me a bucket, I'm going to throw up."