A Legal Question


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
You can frisk all you want.

The real line is for the cavity search job. :D

I got dibs. Count me in for the cavity fuck. whoop! I meant fuck.

I.. aww hell, I wanna FUCK!


Retired Mod
now that i've caught my breath after all that laughing, what the hell is "trolling"

sorry for the stupid question, but i'm really curious now!
that is very interesting...i dont think that can be done.
now that i've caught my breath after all that laughing, what the hell is "trolling"

sorry for the stupid question, but i'm really curious now!

as far as I know, trolling is going on a board and basically starting trouble...going into a thread and disagreeing with everyone or flaming people :dunno:
^yeah, some people consider trolling as someone who is not a 'legitimate' member of the forum; somebody registering on the forum simply to provoke and stir up trouble. but then, one has to define what is, and what is not, deemed as a legitimate member...
Weren't you recently told you didn't post often enough to be deemed a "regular"? Or am I thinking of somebody else?

It was probably me. I'm never on here. :rofl2::laugh::rofl::1orglaugh
Since I've been disbarred, I cannot answer your question.

Watch some daytime TV and call up one of those lawyers that are always advertising themselves. You know the ones.