911 caller in Gates' arrest says she never referred to race

And you don't have to be black to know that "chill(ing)" doesn't necessarily prevent an officer from being a royal prick. And if the officer is about to engage in false arrest, why should anyone, of any color, just "chill"?? Verbal protests strike me as entirely defensible, both morally and legally.

Would you have offered the same advice to Civil Rights protesters during the '50s and '60s, being beaten back by the cops? "Yo, why don't you people just chill, and do what the officers tell you to do?"

"When confronted with a problem with a police officer...chill. That's something that parents teach their children very early on in life."

Such attitudes and home-schooling are always a blessing in a totalitarian regime.
It is rather interesting to see the folks who proclaim to be for small government, for individual responsibility, who are pro 2nd amendment, the ''my home is my castle'' types telling us now instead, to bend over/grab ankles and show deference to the cops. :dunno:
It is rather interesting to see the folks who proclaim to be for small government, for individual responsibility, who are pro 2nd amendment, the ''my home is my castle'' types telling us now instead, to bend over/grab ankles and show deference to the cops. :dunno:

Exactly. If the right-wing's paranoid delusions come true, and Obama sends out the police to collect their hunting rifles and home-protection handguns ( :rolleyes: ) I'm sure these same people who are crying how Gates should have simply COMPLIED with Officer Crowley, will be urging everyone to simply comply with officers performing their duties, and then deal with the results later in a courtroom. Definitely. I'm sure that's what the "Molon Labe"/"from my cold, dead hands" thing is really implying, eh??

Oh shit, I just heard about this obnoxious, racist asshole cop in Boston who referred to Gates as a "banana-eating jungle monkey"!!! - and then of course tried to:

- deny that he actually called Gates that (via his lame lawyer) - he was only describing Gates, not calling him that!

- offer a non-apology apology based on whether it upset anyone or not (in other words, it wasn't wrong behavior, it's only wrong in that some reacted inappropriately to what he said).

You can almost see the b.s. overflowing from the guy's mouth as he speaks.... Nonetheless, I'm sure he'll become an underground hero among the racist right. Maybe he'll end up with a blog or radio show popular enough for him to eke out a modest living.

Oh shit, I just heard about this obnoxious, racist asshole cop in Boston who referred to Gates as a "banana-eating jungle monkey"!!! - and then of course tried to:

- deny that he actually called Gates that (via his lame lawyer) - he was only describing Gates, not calling him that!
- offer a non-apology apology based on whether it upset anyone or not (in other words, it wasn't wrong behavior, it's only wrong in that some reacted inappropriately to what he said).

You can almost see the b.s. overflowing from the guy's mouth as he speaks.... Nonetheless, I'm sure he'll become an underground hero among the racist right. Maybe he'll end up with a blog or radio show popular enough for him to eke out a modest living.
Coulter and Ingraham mention it at the end of this clip.

You'll notice how neither admits it's racist, they just say it's immature. :dunno:
Coulter and Ingraham mention it at the end of this clip.

You'll notice how neither admits it's racist, they just say it's immature. :dunno:

She (Coulter) is such a spin artist and liar,Ingraham too,but its FOX LOL.

She talks about NJ where I live and leaves out the justice dept found they did racially profile and ordered them to stop the practice."Driving while black" its called.But she tries to claim "hey they proved what they were doing was based on sound evidence these people are bad and speed more". Guess she knows more then the justice dept lol.


Hiliary 2020
Given the crime statistics: Blacks are 500+ times more likely to commit a violent crime against whites than vice versa and blacks are 10 times more likely to shoot a cop than whites I am surprised that more cops are not all out racists.
These are numbers, statistics, math.
The FBI has even classified latinos as whites just to even out the numbers, but its still very different.
maybe I'm just being racist too.
I won't even mention rape except to say when was the last time you heard about a white guy raping a black girl?
Duke? Tawana Brawley?