911 caller in Gates' arrest says she never referred to race

I believe Obama is pretty determined in his efforts toward health care reform. I doubt his calculus is that he needs to deflect attention away from perceived defeat and relegate it to a fourth page news item.

His efforts would likely be to direct everyone's attention toward the discussion.

Doing the reverse would be like Bush and Cheney steering our attention to everything but 9/11 because national will may not be where they were on invading Iraq.

Doesn't add up with my number cruncher.

Yes I agree. I don't think either party had a hand in creating this story. Mr. Gates has appeared on TV enough that the story would have had legs by itself. The President made it worse by allowing that reporter to suck him into it, thus prolonging and expanding coverage. If the GOP were smart, they'd stay out of it and divert attention back to the problems with the healthcare bill.
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I didn't read the story, but what is the big deal here? so what if someone mentions race... when you are phoning in a police report isn't it standard procedure to describe the person you are dealing with?

"Put out an APB on...a person."

"Dispatcher, could you be more specific?"

"This is the 21st century, officer. I thought we looked past those things. Didn't you take the sensitivity training?"


Ok, so I just read the article... I still don't see what the controversy is.

I guess the moral of the story is that police should never arrest any rich or important people, no matter what.

You're absolutely correct. Opportunists and racists have made it into a big deal, hell the media is avoiding it because it would kill the story.
If the GOP were smart, they'd stay out of it and divert attention back to the problems with the healthcare bill.

The problem is, all the GOP does is point out problems and offer no solutions on that issue.

If the Demos were smart they'd call GOPers to the carpet for all the time they spent between when they defeated Hillary's version in the early 90s and took control of Congress to when they ceded control back and didn't solve a worsening problem.

Now here we are some years later after their political win with still no practical solution being offered by them. Instead all we get is the exact same rhetoric that was used (verbatim) in the early 90s in order to score politically.

They should have to face the music for that as being mere obstructionists.

The fact of the matter is all they can be is obstructionists because the don't believe in the concept to begin with unless it comes from a Fairy.

The first day Demos begin to start pointing out those realities, all of the rhetoric will be seen for what it actually is...mere obstructionism.

Demos need to make the American people aware of the fact that the GOP is against this in any eventuality while the American people favor it. Then it can be shown that for all of what they say...it's just talk and politics.


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
Just a quick point here anyone from Massachusetts or anyone who has been to Cambridge will tell you, it is more diverse of a city then any I have seen.
This was overblown, the right in Mass call it the Peoples Republic of Cambridge because of the so called extreme left leanings of the people that live there, the arresting officer was appointed to be the trainer on racial sensitivity. By a black superior officer.
This is Gates and the media trying to spin something out of nothing.
Walk through Cambridge and you will see, gays, straights, blacks, whites, hispanics etc.. living a peaceful existence.
Its not Biloxi circa 1960.


Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL.
What? Expect Congress (either party) to come up with something concrete in rebuttal or to actually discuss the points they disagree one and come up with a compromise? hell no, not in this day and age. Meanwhile, our troops are suffering their largest number of casualties in Afghanistan. I bet there are 10% of the House members that couldn't find Afghanistan on a map
The problem is, all the GOP does is point out problems and offer no solutions on that issue.

If the Demos were smart they'd call GOPers to the carpet for all the time they spent between when they defeated Hillary's version in the early 90s and took control of Congress to when they ceded control back and didn't solve a worsening problem.

Now here we are some years later after their political win with still no practical solution being offered by them. Instead all we get is the exact same rhetoric that was used (verbatim) in the early 90s in order to score politically.

They should have to face the music for that as being mere obstructionists.

The fact of the matter is all they can be is obstructionists because the don't believe in the concept to begin with unless it comes from a Fairy.

The first day Demos begin to start pointing out those realities, all of the rhetoric will be seen for what it actually is...mere obstructionism.

Demos need to make the American people aware of the fact that the GOP is against this in any eventuality while the American people favor it. Then it can be shown that for all of what they say...it's just talk and politics.

First of all, you have to admit that they have offered solutions, in fact Pelosi has said she would be willing to accept some of them like caps on malpractice awards and reform in malpractice law.

Second of all you have to understand that "solutions" can only be defined by those offering them. If parties don't agree on the problem, then we can't agree on the solution. Not everyone agrees that we should have a government run or public option healthcare system, so the solutions aren't going to be the same. So once you seperate those folks out, the ones you have to work with are offering alternatives.

Lastly you have to remember the role of the opposition party. Pelosi and Reid control what gets voted on, so the GOP isn't going to get a vote on their plan, the most they can do is offer criticism. That was the job of the Democrats when the Republicans controlled both houses. That's your job when you're in the minority.
What? Expect Congress (either party) to come up with something concrete in rebuttal or to actually discuss the points they disagree one and come up with a compromise? hell no, not in this day and age. Meanwhile, our troops are suffering their largest number of casualties in Afghanistan. I bet there are 10% of the House members that couldn't find Afghanistan on a map

Congress shouldn't get involved.


Hiliary 2020
Oh jeez......
So she says she didn't give a description?
" Be on the lookout for a person of some sort wearing clothing.......subject is hatless, I repeat hatless".
Whether she did or not is irrelevant, but it seems likely that she is just covering her ass in case of a lawsuit or other retrobution.

I feel like the country is being held hostage.
Example the firing of the New Jersey Chief of the State troopers some years back.
A man with a perfect clean record but was fired simply because too many blacks were getting busted with drugs.
So they fire the chief? And of course replace him with a black guy.
Thats the answer? That will fix the problem? Ridiculous.

Well it wasn't because after that the troopers simply stopped pulling over anybody.
I suppose partly in protest but more so out of fear of losing their jobs, their homes and their familys future if the person they pulled over was not the correct color.
So anti productive is all of this nonsense.
But the Presidents for it.

Oh so sad to be a white man in the US today.
You gotta watch what you say to women, to "minorities" even to illegal aliens.
Anything can be twisted in racism/sexism and your life will be ruined.
Racist/pervert tattooed on your forehead.
So anti productive.
First of all, you have to admit that they have offered solutions, in fact Pelosi has said she would be willing to accept some of them like caps on malpractice awards and reform in malpractice law.

Second of all you have to understand that "solutions" can only be defined by those offering them. If parties don't agree on the problem, then we can't agree on the solution. Not everyone agrees that we should have a government run or public option healthcare system, so the solutions aren't going to be the same. So once you seperate those folks out, the ones you have to work with are offering alternatives.

Lastly you have to remember the role of the opposition party. Pelosi and Reid control what gets voted on, so the GOP isn't going to get a vote on their plan, the most they can do is offer criticism. That was the job of the Democrats when the Republicans controlled both houses. That's your job when you're in the minority.

If I offer as a solution to a dispute between BDG and HM that you cut your tree down that obstructs my view and I know in no way you will agree to that, have I really offered a solution? Not to say that's a like analogy per se but merely offering something doesn't always mean you're offering something.

I know not everyone agrees we should have a universally public health care system...and the overwhelming majority are in the GOP...that is essentially what I pointed out in my previous post.

But when you say Pelosi and Reid control the agenda..that's only been so for a little over 2 years....The GOP had 12 years and did nothing...that fact ought to make apparent where they stand on the issue. Therefore debating it with them becomes an exercise in futility and battle over for political currency..not a solution.
If I offer as a solution to a dispute between BDG and HM that you cut your tree down that obstructs my view and I know in no way you will agree to that, have I really offered a solution? Not to say that's a like analogy per se but merely offering something doesn't always mean you're offering something.

I know not everyone agrees we should have a universally public health care system...and the overwhelming majority are in the GOP...that is essentially what I pointed out in my previous post.

But when you say Pelosi and Reid control the agenda..that's only been so for a little over 2 years....The GOP had 12 years and did nothing...that fact ought to make apparent where they stand on the issue. Therefore debating it with them becomes an exercise in futility and battle over for political currency..not a solution.

Once again, nothing is in the eye of the beholder. Nearly half of the country (that's more than there are loyal Republicans) has become uneasy with Obama's plan. Some surveys have shown a minority, but the majority of the surveys say they want some sort of plan to pass congress "about healthcare."

That could be one of several things. We can't even be sure if there's a call for a plan to get everyone insured, or if there's a plan to just make it cheaper. Hell after all this wrangling, the plan may be to essentially 'do nothing.' We have 40+ million Americans uninsured. Okay, how many of them are voluntarily uninsured? As in they could afford healthcare but feel they are young and healthy and would rather spend the extra 150 bucks a month on porn and McDonald's? I have a housemate who does that right now. If you examine that 40 million than it suddenly shrinks when you seperate out those who truly can't afford it, those who are denied and those who are under ensured from less urgent cases.
Once again, nothing is in the eye of the beholder. Nearly half of the country (that's more than there are loyal Republicans) has become uneasy with Obama's plan. Some surveys have shown a minority, but the majority of the surveys say they want some sort of plan to pass congress "about healthcare."

That could be one of several things. We can't even be sure if there's a call for a plan to get everyone insured, or if there's a plan to just make it cheaper. Hell after all this wrangling, the plan may be to essentially 'do nothing.' We have 40+ million Americans uninsured. Okay, how many of them are voluntarily uninsured? As in they could afford healthcare but feel they are young and healthy and would rather spend the extra 150 bucks a month on porn and McDonald's? I have a housemate who does that right now. If you examine that 40 million than it suddenly shrinks when you seperate out those who truly can't afford it, those who are denied and those who are under ensured from less urgent cases.

OF COURSE!! Wouldn't that be the effect and purpose of campaigning, sound-biting and advertising against something?

But to cut to the quick...do you believe there needs to be reform?
The police acted pretty STUPID.:thumbsup:

You know he did in a way. Disorderly Conduct is one of the most ambiguous violations we have, probably the most. But then again, if this guy is teaching classes on profiling and how to react in his situation, it could have been a calculated decision once he found out who the Professor was and his intentions.

The guy starts talking about racism and racist cops and says I'm Professor Henry Gates, a Harvard Professor who writes about racism in America~~~I wouldn't DARE leave that house without filing a report and having other people on hand, which is EXACTLY what he did when he called in a bunch of cars.

He wanted everything to be as public as possible so he couldn't be leave him self uncovered later if Gates made it a big deal, as he evidently was planning to until Crowley's background became apparent.

If Crowley goes away like he said and Gates goes on the next night to talk about how the run in he had with a racist cop, suddenly it's Crowley without his ducks in a row.

This could in fact be an example of the law of unintended consequences for African Americans. Because Gates and others have made it a personal crusade to decry racial profiling, particularly of African Americans, Police Officers adapt by being extremely cautious and litigious with African Americans, thus mountains are made out of molehills__as in this case.
OF COURSE!! Wouldn't that be the effect and purpose of campaigning, sound-biting and advertising against something?

But to cut to the quick...do you believe there needs to be reform?

:spin: I brought up the second part about the surveys to be even handed.

Do I believe there needs to be reform?? I don't know yet, which at least puts me on the side of the majority of congress who says we need more time to study it. Remember we're working on different timetables. Obama's and Pelosi's which are close together the public's which is much farther away and conservatives which is somewhere around 2010, both for Blue Dogs and Republicans.

Obama has the watch but Republicans and Blue Dogs have the time. They both would rather stall than pass something which will piss off their constituents. Obama is reaching the end of his Mandate and Pelosi's wing of the party is in agreement to get this done and satisfy their constituents. It may very well pass without them, so Republicans and Blue Dogs are putting in their ideas in order to shape the Bill that may make it to the President's desk. That's their job as the minority, you have to do your best to say to your constituents "I tried."
You know he did in a way. Disorderly Conduct is one of the most ambiguous violations we have, probably the most. But then again, if this guy is teaching classes on profiling and how to react in his situation, it could have been a calculated decision once he found out who the Professor was and his intentions.

The guy starts talking about racism and racist cops and says I'm Professor Henry Gates, a Harvard Professor who writes about racism in America~~~I wouldn't DARE leave that house without filing a report and having other people on hand, which is EXACTLY what he did when he called in a bunch of cars.

He wanted everything to be as public as possible so he couldn't be leave him self uncovered later if Gates made it a big deal, as he evidently was planning to until Crowley's background became apparent.

If Crowley goes away like he said and Gates goes on the next night to talk about how the run in he had with a racist cop, suddenly it's Crowley without his ducks in a row.

This could in fact be an example of the law of unintended consequences for African Americans. Because Gates and others have made it a personal crusade to decry racial profiling, particularly of African Americans, Police Officers adapt by being extremely cautious and litigious with African Americans, thus mountains are made out of molehills__as in this case.

Simply put...I think the guy was already having a bad day...having found locked himself out. (Shit happens right?) Then he's happened upon unexpectedly by cops who may have come of as further antagonizing the guy. He probably blew his stack..(it happens).

The incident is a non issue to me even though it escalated to the level of a press question to the POTUS. He knew the guy...it was a story...can you blame the press for asking...:dunno:
I don't blame them for asking, obviously it's their job to make the President uncomfortable___could they have asked him a question pertinent to the Press Conference?? Hell yeah they could have, perhaps they should have.

I guess if I want to be a real jerk I'd ask about the identity of the reporter, does he/she write for a write for a conservative Mag or is he like Jake Tapper, who has took it upon himself to trip up Gibbs and the President. Whether this was a well calculated gotcha moment by an enemy or just another member of the press---Obama fell right into it.
I don't blame them for asking, obviously it's their job to make the President uncomfortable___could they have asked him a question pertinent to the Press Conference?? Hell yeah they could have, perhaps they should have.

I guess if I want to be a real jerk I'd ask about the identity of the reporter, does he/she write for a write for a conservative Mag or is he like Jake Tapper, who has took it upon himself to trip up Gibbs and the President. Whether this was a well calculated gotcha moment by an enemy or just another member of the press---Obama fell right into it.

It's the job of the press to question news makers with relevant, newsworthy questions...

But you're not doing too well on your Jr. "G-Man" exam tonight. How in the world was Obama tricked into a question?? The question was asked because he knows the guy Obama responded with what he thought.

A far cry from Pulitzer or Nobel worthy journalism irrespective of who asked the question...

But let me get this straight? If a "lib" reporter asked the question..they are to be damned for generating a race baiting story.

If "con" reporter asked it, they are to be commended for stealthy tackle in tripping up Obama.

Is that how it works?
A man with a perfect clean record but was fired simply because too many blacks were getting busted with drugs.
So they fire the chief? And of course replace him with a black guy.

That's a wonderful policy that should be implemented all across the board.
Look at the national crime stats: far too many black guys are getting busted with drugs.

Take this to the top!:thefinger

Fire the Commander in Chief and replace him with a...ugh....hmmm. :dunno:


Hiliary 2020
Simply put...I think the guy was already having a bad day...having found locked himself out. (Shit happens right?) Then he's happened upon unexpectedly by cops who may have come of as further antagonizing the guy. He probably blew his stack..(it happens).

The incident is a non issue to me even though it escalated to the level of a press question to the POTUS. He knew the guy...it was a story...can you blame the press for asking...:dunno:

Yeah it was a non story, but the press had to try to make another "evil whitey keepin the black man down" story out of it.
But thats expected, but sadly accepted and even more sadly believed.

When the President without knowing the facts (even though he did) took the "evil white man" side, that was a story.
It shows once again his mentality. I mean he can't keep up the act at every moment.