Someone bumped the "What are you drinking right now?" thread and this has brought back memories related to my history with alcohol. In addition to that thread's reappearance, today is an unpleasant alcohol-related anniversary for me.
Ten years ago today, I went into rehab in an effort to avoid jail time after my second DWI. I got two DWIs in the summer of 2014, one in June and the other in August. With the June offense, I was on my way home after seeing a prostitute (she said her name was Heather) and August I was on my way to see a prostitute (she said her name was Pecan which is a silly name for a prostitute). The people in rehab were some of the kindest I have ever met. I drank the first night I got out.
Rehab worked in keeping me out of jail. I have an amazing family who did not give up on me and provided transportation while my license was revoked. I continue to march toward an early death from alcohol during these years. Hospitalized with pancreatitis twice during this time - August of '15 and October of '21.
June 3rd, 2022, eight year anniversary of DWI #1, I am in the ER puking my guts out after a bender and I finally decide that alcohol is no longer working for me. Went through a bad patch with it last year after a layoff but have been generally moving upward. Today, I have not had a drink in more than eight months.
The years when alcohol was an effective antidepressant were the best of my life and I would give anything to go back to those days. It starts out fun, then it's fun with problems, the it is just problems. Sobriety certainly has it's advantages but I miss the good days. Unfortunately, it would just be bad days at this point.
This has been pretty heavy for this thread so I will end this post with a word that always makes me smile: Boobies.