*2020 US Presidential Elections* - Candidates, Statistics, Campaign Timelines, Debates

Let's get this party started!!!:D:clap::nanner:

Donald Trump:

Bernie Sanders:

Joe Biden:

Elizabeth Warren:

Tulsi Gabbard:

Corey Booker:

Pete Buttigieg:

Kirsten Gillibrand:

Kamala Harris:

Several others I didn't bother to get the websites for.

This promises to be a fascinating election.


Hiliary 2020
What happened to our expert analysts who assured us Hillary was going to run again?

I'm an expert!
Yes given that the official fairytale was that although Hiliary lost the election , she actually had 51% of the vote.
This was at a time when TRUMPAMANIA was runnin wild brother. While at the same time Anti- Hiliary sentiments were at an all time high.

At this point a few years later after massive fake "media against Trump" fake bullshit from every angle his popularity has decreased immensely.
People who didn't hate him now hate him and people who liked him don't anymore. Add to that the huge percent of people now who just don't give a fuck.

So if the elections were real she would be a sure thing in 2020. Everybody hates Trump now (which was the plan all along). Why would she give up now when the Iron Throne is just sitting there waiting for her? Surely she could gain at least 10% more votes than Trump now.
The answer is that its not part of the show. And it is all a show.
The elections are fake. Your vote doesn't count. And Presidents are not chosen by The People and are probably planned years in advance case in point Barry Soetoro and his fake wife and fake children.
The script writers have a different thing in mind for 2020.


Staff member
Bernie Sanders unveils plan to cancel all $1.6 trillion of student loan debt

I'll say it now and I'm going to keep saying it. Bernie is one of the few candidates running who actually give a shit about working people in this country

Income of more than a million two of the last three years (more than half a million, last year), while his idiot wife bankrupted a school and took a near quarter million dollar severance to GTFO.

Yeah, real man of the people :rofl2:, everyman!


Staff member
Bernie Sanders unveils plan to cancel all $1.6 trillion of student loan debt

I'll say it now and I'm going to keep saying it. Bernie is one of the few candidates running who actually give a shit about working people in this country

Bernie cares about unwilling to work people, leech offs, leftists and illegals. Sorry but the majority of Americans don't give a shit about those. Wherever it was and is , socialism always failed and fails.

Home Depot Co-Founder Unloads on ‘Enemy of Every Entrepreneur’ Bernie Sanders

Democrats Risked Everything to Support Illegal Immigrants… Now It’s Dividing the Party in a Big Way
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Democratic debate, part 1

Losers : Tim Ryan, John Delaney, Amy Klobuchar, Beto O'Rourke
Winners : Tulsi Gabbard, Cory Booker, Bill de Blasio, Elisabeth Warren


Staff member
"Holy fuckin' DERP, Batman! Look at all these Democrats! No chance they fuck this up, right?!?!"


“You know, we prepared for everything,” Maddow said, laughing. “We didn’t prepare for this.”

:confused: :crybaby: :confused:

Losers: Democratic debate, part 1


Julián Castro the Metro Wows In First Debate As Democrats Fight To Out Liberal Each Other

Mike Pence Wastes No Time, Blasts ‘Far-Left Agenda’ of Democratic Debate

Trump Weighs In On Democratic Debate with Savage First Comment
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Staff member
The man-child who can't go through a 4 pages briefing without pictures found the democratic debate was boring, how surprising...

All the democraps in this debate belong to the trash heap, they all have zero concrete economic program and want to turn USA into another european form of leftist socialist failed up country like Sweden or France filled with illegal and criminals and also they want open borders.The president in question has embettered the economy and has created 6 million new jobs, brought back coal and manufacturing industries, how many Obama muppets can claim to have done that? None. Aside taxes hikes and allowing leech off by illegals that they love so much, Democraps are not good at all in terms of economics.
Democratic debate, part 2

Losers : Pete Buttigieg, Joe Biden
Winners : Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris