I typically get boxed as a conservative....Conservatives are better at understanding power and how to apply it.
I think that's another term that means a lot of different things to different people. Given the last 4 years, it's tough to see what principles "conservatives" hold dear. I guess maybe the term was co-opted by the far right, whose base might overlap so much that conservatives who are not extreme right are in the minority.
I imagine that early republican conservatives were for small, local governments, with a community focus. Locals supporting each other, fiscal responsibility, moderation in all things, jesus, fierce patriotism, that type of thing. There's plenty of evidence around of old school republicans supporting common sense social programs in a way we all know they wouldn't today. Of course they were racist as fuck too, but it was a different time, and a person could be on board with the platform in general even if they weren't really into the racism stuff.
Along the line somewhere (possibly right around reagan), republicans seemed to pivot from all that god and loving thy neighbor crap, to loving money and power. Why help the working class, when you can help yourselves and the wealthy and just
tell the working class that you're helping them too? That's the kind of thinking that dominated "conservatism" from at least as far back as reagan, right into Obama's term. They spread whatever version of the truth they wanted through willing participants like fox news and right wing radio, while they quietly starved the economy and siphoned off more and more for themselves and their rich mates. We all know how the economy's been trending during that period. So I don't think fiscal conservatism applies anymore, nor does helping out your local communities and small, non-intrusive government. During this period, when you consider what Americans actually get for their tax money, they became probably the highest taxed nation on earth, with almost no domestic programs to show for it.
During this period, "conservative" became all about political control. This is when redmap and similar initiatives happened. Not worrying about ideas or policies or good governance, getting red asses into seats so the dems would be effectively impotent for the rest of time. They might have been able to keep this going if they could hold it together and keep it in their pants. They were still racist as fuck, and fiercely patriotic (nothing more infuriating than a Russian existing!), and slowly choking off the life of the economy, but they could just blame the everyday difficulties of life on those non-republicans and still scrape together enough votes to get by.
Of course, they couldn't hold it together and keep it in their pants. When a black man was elected president in 2008, "conservatives" lost their collective fucking minds. Fuck fiscal conservatism. Deficits don't matter under a republican government, only a democrat one. Fuck knowing what's in the constitution, nobody else does, right? Just make up whatever suits you at the time. Family values? Jesus? Moderation? Public service? None of that shit matters, as long as you're owning libs. Fighting socialism, even if the benefits of that socialism would serve your friends and neighbors.
Seems like all conservatives have left is racism and hatred. If you're for any of those other things, I don't think you're a conservative anymore. Welcome to the dark side.
Edit: Bubb's preceding post kinda contradicts mine a bit. Maybe those "rugged individualism" republicans have always been there, but in times past, there were some compassionate conservatives too. I don't think there are many of those left, if any