*2020 US Presidential Elections* - Candidates, Statistics, Campaign Timelines, Debates

Yeah, I don't have much hope for Status Quo Jo, especially since even before Trump the status quo was slowly stangling most of the people in this country. His best attribute is he isn't trump. It is a big upgrade considering he's replacing a profoundtly stupid narcissistic wannabe fascist manchild, but that's not a high bar to reach. I want things like universal healthcare, affordable education, the Earth to remain habitable for humans, and everybody to earning a real living wage. I don't give a shit about platitudes or cliche feel good statements. Meeting the republicans 80% of the way in what they want, which he's probably going to end up doing, in an effort to reach across the aisle or because except for some liberal social issues he's basically republican-lite already doesn't inspire hope in me.
Yeah, I don't have much hope for Status Quo Jo, especially since even before Trump the status quo was slowly stangling most of the people in this country. His best attribute is he isn't trump. It is a big upgrade considering he's replacing a profoundtly stupid narcissistic wannabe fascist manchild, but that's not a high bar to reach. I want things like universal healthcare, affordable education, the Earth to remain habitable for humans, and everybody to earning a real living wage. I don't give a shit about platitudes or cliche feel good statements. Meeting the republicans 80% of the way in what they want, which he's probably going to end up doing, in an effort to reach across the aisle or because except for some liberal social issues he's basically republican-lite already doesn't inspire hope in me.

It seems like these things are being talked about a lot more now than they have ever been in my experience. Covid and the BLM movement have really shone a light on how much the government and the system are working against the average person, and people are starting to wake up to it.
I honestly believe that what at times has felt like total domination by the regressive factions of society is actually their death throes. There's no room for their bigotry or greed anymore, the world is too small and it keeps getting smaller. Younger generations can't even fathom the racism and intolerance that were normal during my childhood not all that long ago. And if anyone thinks that the extreme right is the way to govern, all they have to do is compare the performance of the US this year to other western democratic nations.

I know I won't see the kind of society I want in my lifetime, but I'm a little optimistic that we might be on the verge of some major dissent that kicks off the journey.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
I started the election season being ambivalent about Biden, but he wasn't Trump or Hillary (please refer to the 2016 results). As the campaign matured, he grew on me. The fact that he is republican- or democrat-lite is a plus. It was a draw for many Republicans (current and former) who see Trump as a failure. Biden may not inspire confidence, but he is picking people to run the government agencies in a more competent manner than Trump. We do not need a celebrity president. We need a competent president.

Universal healthcare, affordable education, quality education, and climate awareness are all admirable goals. They have my support. Everyone earning a living wage is a great one as well. It’s not practical. Having a reasonable and compassionate support system for those falling through the cracks would be ideal.

If anything is to get done both parties will need to move from opening proposals toward practical solutions. Neither party will get everything they want (nor should they), but workable agreements are out there if both sides are willing to find and support them.

COVID has shown how much some ‘average people’ want the government to work against them. The government says “Wear a mask please.” They respond “Fuck you.” As for the economics of it all? The government needs to act more like an arbiter between labor and capital instead of favoring capital. BLM – as an idea – has shown there is systemic oppression which needs to be addressed. My community supports law enforcement. Why? Because we don't see it very much unless we're speeding past it. I guarantee we would not be supporting law enforcement as much if it behaved in the manner similar to many inner-city neighborhoods. Sitting here and judging how it works in other areas is not reasonable. It is a very local issue.

People have been awake for a long time. Issues pop up every generation (think back to the Gilded Age giving rise to the Progressive Era) in one form or another.

I believe Biden will be a one-term president (mainly a result of his age). Each party has two years to get their shit together. Will we have a repeat of the 1912 election (one party splitting in two (which one this time?), the other one getting an easy win, and the high-tide of Socialism)?
Biden may not inspire confidence, but he is picking people to run the government agencies in a more competent manner than Trump.

That's the angle I took all along with my US friends and family who were of the "I don't really like Biden" mindset. Told them you're not just electing Biden, you're electing all the qualified, professional people he would bring.
And I agree that this election result isn't really a clear swing any which way but against trump. Both sides have 2 years to get their shit together for congress and maybe 3 to find a new leader.
This is possibly one of the worst things about the republican party that doesn't get discussed enough. The sheer insult of having to listen to them worship their idiot god. WE ALL KNOW he's not a genius, he's not a genuinely good person, and he loves firing people and putting them in jail (and executing them too).

We've all seen and heard with our own eyes and ears over the last 4 years and longer. Pull your tongue out of his asshole, nobody is buying it and nobody is interested.

I thought that was funny.


In January 2021, the race for control over the Senate will be decided by 2 run-offs for Georgia's US Senate seats : Kelly Loeffler (R) vs Raphale Warnock (D) and David Perdue (R) vs Jon Osoff (D).



If the 2016 elections had been fair, no gerrymandering and other election fraud by Trump, republicans, and their cronies, Hillary Clinton would have won.

If the 2020 elections had been fair, no gerrymandering and other election fraud by Trump, republicans, and their cronies, Biden would have gotten over 400 electoral votes.

I've noticed over the past 4 elections the crimes that the Republicans are guilty of doing, are what they usually falsely accuse the Democrats of doing.
In other words whatever they falsely accuse the democrats of doing is usually the crimes or corruption the republicans are actually doing.
I've noticed over the past 4 elections the crimes that the Republicans are guilty of doing, are what they usually falsely accuse the Democrats of doing.
In other words whatever they falsely accuse the democrats of doing is usually the crimes or corruption the republicans are actually doing.

It's frustrating, but it works, to a degree. They accuse dems of rigging the election, for example, as they rig the election. Then when dems point out that republicans actually ARE rigging the election it's "nuh-uh, we accused you first!" The old pre-emptive "I know you are, but what am I?" Then you have all those apathetic fence-sitters shaking their heads and saying "see, both sides are exactly the same!" And that's all the republicans need, really, to maintain their minority stranglehold on US politics.

Unrelated to this post, but wanted to share:



Anyone who is in any position of power, corporate or government, should have to wear a shock collar that zaps them every time they lie. :cool: