*2016 US Presidential Elections* - Candidates, Statistics, Campaign Timelines, Debates


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The current issues seem to mainly be both teams going on about the other candidates' health issues. Would be pretty ironic if both of them were unfit regarding their health situation, too.

But the mishaps of the republican candidate set up the stage in this direction: He is the underdog, again, a card he can really play well, as he was the outsider from the start. Of course, he would never phrase it as "I am the designated loser"

The US election is Clinton's to lose

Both the Democratic Convention and Trump's behaviour since have re-set the dynamics of the US presidential election, with nominee Hillary Clinton climbing in the polls - nationally and in key battleground states. Bruce Wolpe writes.

If only Donald Trump read books. He would be meditating on lessons from the hubris and ultimate failures of his German ancestors, in August 1914, on another battlefield, as captured in Barbara Tuchman's elegiacal history, The Guns of August, as Germany prepared for a 39-day campaign to capture Europe.

"Character is fate, the Greeks believed. A hundred years of German philosophy went into the making of this decision in which the seed of self-destruction lay embedded, waiting for its hour … the hand was the hand of Hegel who saw them leading the world to a glorious destiny of compulsory Kultur, of Nietzsche who told them that Supermen were above ordinary controls, of Treitschke who set the increase of power as the highest moral duty of the state, of the whole German people, who called their temporal ruler the 'All-Highest' … (a) body of accumulated egoism which suckled the German people and created a nation fed on 'the desperate delusion of the will that deems itself absolute'."

Trump believes his blitzkrieg of the Republican Party will be replicated in a hostile takeover of the United States.



It's three weeks to go until we get the first debate, Monday, 26th of September
But it was her attitude while speaking about it years later.
Giddy, laughing and joking about how she got a very light sentence for a man who raped and beat a 12 year old girl into a coma.
I don't think it gets any more repulsive than that.

I find it repulsive that people will use a chopped up audio to smear someone. Did you or did you not hear that her one moment of laughter was in regard to how ridiculous it was that this person actually passed a polygraph test (despite his almost certain guilt in Clinton's opinion), and that that forever made her mistrust polygraph tests?

There was no laughter at the victim, and the plea bargain was an arrangement the victim's mother favored.

What if every American knew about this?

Knew what? The hook, line and sinker youtube version or the real one?


Hiliary 2020
The current issues seem to mainly be both teams going on about the other candidates' health issues. Would be pretty ironic if both of them were unfit regarding their health situation, too.

But the mishaps of the republican candidate set up the stage in this direction: He is the underdog, again, a card he can really play well, as he was the outsider from the start. Of course, he would never phrase it as "I am the designated loser"


It's three weeks to go until we get the first debate, Monday, 26th of September

Not trying to be sarcastic or demeaning Sup, actually been trying to rep you but I have no where to throw other rep around.
I was gonna say did you post that article as a joke. Now I've kind of ruined it so I won't say it.
You gotta see where it's coming from.
First they say how HC is "climbing in the polls" which we all know ain't true.
Then he goes on to start speaking about Trump is German and WWI, and inaccurately at that.
Last I read about WWI it was Germany that was attacked after Serbia and Austria went to war.
Regardless of historical truth he even uses the word Blitzkreig..........OH C'MON!
We know exactly what Bruce Wolpe was trying to do there.

Ive been hearing some news about the debates. One thing is HC might be wearing an ear mic telling her what to say.
Not confirmed but how could it be if it were true.
But talk about the debates being very short, one hour each and possibly not even debates but candidates being asked questions on seperate stages or locations. I gotta find out more however.
But that article sucks. I did like your post about the German political party. Very logical.

I find it repulsive that people will use a chopped up audio to smear someone. Did you or did you not hear that her one moment of laughter was in regard to how ridiculous it was that this person actually passed a polygraph test (despite his almost certain guilt in Clinton's opinion), and that that forever made her mistrust polygraph tests?

There was no laughter at the victim, and the plea bargain was an arrangement the victim's mother favored.

What if every American knew about this?

Knew what? The hook, line and sinker youtube version or the real one?

Well Pool I'll give you this, I wish they didn't speed up the audio also.
But I have heard the recording. She did laugh about the guy passing the polygraph indicating clearly she knew he was guilty.
That was her point and reason to believe laughter was appropriate.
But it wasn't. There is nothing funny about what happened or any part of it. We all know that.
So lets forget about the laughing part and consider how would the people of the world feel about a person running for PREZ who
defended a child rapist , violent rapist, who she knew was guilty?
Forget the lawyer thing and think what kind of person could do that, lawyer or not.
She knew what he did to the child.

PS I find it hard to believe the mother of a 12 year old violent rape victim would favor the person who did it to be punished with time served. But that's not really the point.
Forget the lawyer thing and think what kind of person could do that, lawyer or not.

How can I forget it? You yourself stated above "I know it is a defense lawyers job to help their client regardless of guilt or innocence".
Clinton, due to the accused's desire for a female attorney, was assigned the case by a county judge, despite (as I recall) having never tried a criminal case.
She requested twice to be released from that assignment, but her requests were denied.

I find it hard to believe the mother of a 12 year old violent rape victim would favor the person who did it to be punished with time served. But that's not really the point

Her stated preference was, if I recall correctly, based on not wanting to subject her daughter to the trauma and circumspection of a trial procedure.
I understand your sentiment Dino, but we are gonna need you on election day.

Trump won't start a war. He won't fuck with your weed or porn and he likes Dave Mustaine.

Of course you are in California so the vote doesn't matter anyway.

I guess Johnson will make a good showing there.
Of course you are in California so the vote doesn't matter anyway.

I've said that all along. My vote doesn't matter in California. California is basically an unbalanced one-party state and our local and state elections are a choice between left vs further left.

I can't stand Hillary or Trump and feel they are the worst candidates I've seen to choose from in my lifetime so, if I do vote on Election Day, I'll vote for a decent person like Gary Johnson. This is the perfect time and opportunity to vote and show support for an alternative candidate. Between Hillary being a crook as well as a pathological liar and Trump making promises to gullible supporters that he won't keep and sticking his foot in his mouth making unforced errors, no matter who wins it'll be a disaster.



The Dallas Morning News has a pretty consistent record of backing Republicans for president. In fact it's been 75 years since they selected a Democrat. But unlike Joe DiMaggio's hitting streak, not every record stands forever.

This morning, the Texas newspaper picked Hillary Clinton in her run for the White House.

We don't come to this decision easily. This newspaper has not recommended a Democrat for the nation's highest office since before World War II — if you're counting, that's more than 75 years and nearly 20 elections. The party's over-reliance on government and regulation to remedy the country's ills is at odds with our belief in private-sector ingenuity and innovation. Our values are more about individual liberty, free markets and a strong national defense.

We've been critical of Clinton's handling of certain issues in the past. But unlike Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton has experience in actual governance, a record of service and a willingness to delve into real policy.

The Dallas Morning News has a pretty consistent record of backing Republicans for president. In fact it's been 75 years since they selected a Democrat. But unlike Joe DiMaggio's hitting streak, not every record stands forever.

This morning, the Texas newspaper picked Hillary Clinton in her run for the White House.

We don't come to this decision easily. This newspaper has not recommended a Democrat for the nation's highest office since before World War II — if you're counting, that's more than 75 years and nearly 20 elections. The party's over-reliance on government and regulation to remedy the country's ills is at odds with our belief in private-sector ingenuity and innovation. Our values are more about individual liberty, free markets and a strong national defense.

We've been critical of Clinton's handling of certain issues in the past. But unlike Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton has experience in actual governance, a record of service and a willingness to delve into real policy.

The Dallas Morning News also hired Mike Wilson as managing editor in 2014 who previously worked for the Boston Globe ( a conservative mouthpiece) and the first editor hired outside of the DMN family in 35 years.

This is truly ground shaking.
I still prefer Gary Johnson to either Hillary or Trump.

Do you want the SC to be culturally marxist shitheads for your children's children, that is the question.

Personally I will do anything in my power to get everyone on board within my family to vote for Mr. Trump.

There is no greater issue at all in this election.
Dino is in California, a republican vote is truly a wasted vote in that state. A vote for Trump is a vote for Hillary. Weird huh?
Dino is in California, a republican vote is truly a wasted vote in that state. A vote for Trump is a vote for Hillary. Weird huh?

Voting for a Republican in California is a wasted chance to stay home in your pajamas and sleep in the whole day. Two Democrats, Kamala Harris and Loretta Sanchez are running against each other to fill Barbara Boxer's seat. As I mentioned our local and state governments here are a one-party rule with no balance. Hillary will win the state even if she were to speak to us streaming through a jail cell while drinking blood out of the headless stump of Ivanka's baby's neck. The closest California is to being a swing state is that some people go both ways.


Republican ex-defense secretary Cohen backs Hillary Clinton


Former Republican U.S. Defense Secretary William Cohen on Wednesday said he will likely vote for U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton in the Nov. 8 U.S. presidential election, citing her experience as secretary of state and former first lady.

"In all likelihood, I would say yes," Cohen who served as defense secretary under former U.S. President Bill Clinton, a Democrat, told MSNBC in an interview when asked if she had earned his vote. "I would not feel comfortable," with Donald Trump, Clinton's Republican rival and a political novice, having access to the nation's nuclear codes, Cohen said.

"I'd feel more comfortable with Hillary Clinton, certainly," Cohen told MSNBC.
Voting for a Republican in California is a wasted chance to stay home in your pajamas and sleep in the whole day. Two Democrats, Kamala Harris and Loretta Sanchez are running against each other to fill Barbara Boxer's seat. As I mentioned our local and state governments here are a one-party rule with no balance. Hillary will win the state even if she were to speak to us streaming through a jail cell while drinking blood out of the headless stump of Ivanka's baby's neck. The closest California is to being a swing state is that some people go both ways.

Oh yes please tell all your Republican friends in California that! We still have a few Republican Congressional districts, flipping a couple more would go a long way to swinging the whole US House back from the dark side. ;)


Well no shit fat boy!

He was Sec. Of Defense under her husband.
He has always been RINO-licious.

We need to give you a cookie with all the earth shattering news you have been breaking lately. *pats mayhem on the head*

First of all Cletus, every time you call me fat, an angel gets its wings. But you just keep flailing because that's not pathetic at all.

I suggest you compile a list of all the Repubs that aren't just not voting for your twin brother, but are proactively voting against him. And it's because of shit-kicking morons like you. And if he gets in, your own Party is going to obstruct every move he makes to the point that your own Party will start wishing for the good old days that it was that "easy-to-get-along-with Obammer that they had to fight against. Inbreds like you aren't "Making America Great", you're "Keeping America Stoopid."

*Pats BC on the head...and then wipes his hand on the nearest homeless person to lose the scent of failure*


Hiliary 2020
More Fakery from the fakers. More lies from the liars.
Why do they lie to us? Do they really think we are that stupid?


The US Secretary of "Defense" , no pun intended, has publically WARNED Russia to
"Stay out of our elections". Repeating the Russia is hacking our elections bulloney that's all the rage these days
(Well actually since The Creatures health has become a concern to anybody who can think).

This is propaganda at it's finest. Propaganda from an appointed puppet appointed by a puppet.
(and people wonder why Barry was snubbed in China the other day).
Crap like this is why.
There is no proof at all that Russia hacked anything, especially the Democratic primaries which if they did sure didn't hurt HC.
Maybe they are referring to the Wikileaks emails. No proof of that either. If there was I'm sure they'd tell us.
(And the hacks very likely came from Seth Rich who was shot dead in DC right after they came out. If not him any other hacker in the world.
And if they don't want to get hacked then don't use an unsecured server to manipilate your election results).
Not only that but I thought Barry said the electronic voting machines are problem free and that election rigging doesn't exist.
I believe he said something about "Conspiracy Theorists". So which is it Barry?
So how do you think Russia feels about this being blamed for hacking stuff? Being accused of rigging our elections?
They're laughing at us.
But it's really a very serious accusation.
This is where the bullshit really hits the fan.
The voting machines are not connected to the internet. They can't be hacked.
They can only be tampered with by the people handling them and the people handling the voting results.

So unless the Russians have spies planted in all our election precincts who have authority to handle the machines or the votes anyone who
takes about 2 minutes to think about this can easliy see through the BS and about another 10 seconds to figure out why they are lying to us , again.

That's about it.
But not for long!
Mr Carter then goes even further and says Russia is "Sowing Seeds of Global Instability".
Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Lets see....... I found:
Afghanistan 2003 for 9/11
Yemen in 2002
Phillipines in 2002
Iraq in 2003 for 9/11
Liberia 2003 for regime change
Haiti 2004 for regime change
Pakistan 2005
Somolia 2006 for regime change
Syria 2008
Yemen 2009 again
Libya 2011 for regime change
Iraq 2014 again
Syria 2014 again
And their still trying for Syria and Iran.
And if you count the stuff isis has done as our proxys , well forget it. Too much to list.
But the Russians are destabilizing the world.
Why do they lie?
It's a bunch of lies to distract The People from all the criminal activities being proven against HC, and her obvious health problems.

Ever wonder why all the "Powers that Be" are afraid of Trump and doing all they can to hurt him while covering for and ignoring all HC's crimes,corruption, scandals and health issues?
Why is it really so important to them that she become PREZ and not him?